trump: oblivious moron or psychotically narcissistic oblivious moron?

The nation’s mayors sent a strong message to the Trump administration: If the federal government won’t take the lead on fighting climate change, they will.

At their annual summit that concluded Monday, the bipartisan U.S. Conference of Mayors, which represents more than 1,400 mayors nationwide, passed several resolutions pushing back against President Donald Trump’s policies on climate change. It included a call to Congress and the president to commit to environmental initiatives such as the Paris climate agreement and the Clean Power Plan. The country’s largest coalition of cities also passed a landmark resolution supporting cities’ transitions to 100 percent renewable energy by 2035. The resolution was passed unanimously, the Guardian reported.

“If the federal government doesn’t act, it doesn’t mean we don’t have a national policy;the federal government doesn’t occupy the only place on this,” conference president and New Orleans Mayor Mitch Landrieu told The New York Times on Monday. “Mayors have to respond to circumstances. We have to keep moving no matter what.”

I think that's wonderful news......the residents of 1400 lib'rul cities paying the toll so the rest of us can use the fast lane.......
[h=1]Trump Lawyer Siphoned Millions From Poor Donors to his ‘Christian’ Non-profit[/h]

from the above......thanks for the update.....
“The financial arrangements between the ACLJ, Case and all related entities are regularly reviewed by outside independent compensation experts and have been determined to be reasonable. In addition, each entity has annual independent outside audits performed by certified public accounting firms. Further, the IRS has previously conducted audits of the ACLJ and Case and found them to be in full compliance of all applicable tax laws.”
WTF? Seriously?

[FONT=&quot]National Park Service (NPS) officials didn't alter estimates of the crowd size at President Trump's inauguration, according to the results of a months-long investigation.[/FONT]
[FONT=&quot]The report, released Monday by the Inspector General for the Department of the Interior, addressed the controversy that consumed the early days of Trump's presidency.[/FONT]
[FONT=&quot]The investigation began in February, when the Inspector General received a complaint alleging that a National Mall and Memorial Parks official had instructed NPS employees to alter records of crowd-size estimates. The agency also investigated claims that NPS public affairs employees had released unauthorized information to the press about a phone call between Trump and Acting NPS Director Michael Reynolds.[/FONT]
[FONT=&quot]"We did not find evidence to substantiate any of these allegations," the report said. "All of the witnesses we interviewed denied that the NAMA official instructed staff to alter records for the inauguration or to remove crowd size information. We also found no evidence that the public affairs employees released any information to the media about the President’s phone call."[/FONT]
WTF? Seriously?

[FONT="]National Park Service (NPS) officials didn't alter estimates of the [URL=""]crowd size[/URL] at President Trump's inauguration, according to the results of a months-long investigation.[/FONT]
[FONT="]The [URL=""]report[/URL], released Monday by the Inspector General for the Department of the Interior, addressed the controversy that consumed the early days of Trump's presidency.[/FONT]
[COLOR=#202020][FONT="]The investigation began in February, when the Inspector General received a complaint alleging that a National Mall and Memorial Parks official had instructed NPS employees to alter records of crowd-size estimates. The agency also investigated claims that NPS public affairs employees had released unauthorized information to the press about a phone call between Trump and Acting NPS Director Michael Reynolds.[/FONT]

[FONT="]"We did not find evidence to substantiate any of these allegations," the report said. "All of the witnesses we interviewed denied that the NAMA official instructed staff to alter records for the inauguration or to remove crowd size information. We also found no evidence that the public affairs employees released any information to the media about the President’s phone call."[/FONT]

Bill him back for the cost..
Its in the constitution and it works.....the interests of 3 million people in two counties of southern California conflicted with the interests of those voters who acted in accordance with the laws of the United States of America.......those laws protected the voters in all fifty states from the will of 3 million people in two counties in southern California........isn't the constitution awesome?, about that "barbaric relic" argument......

So your argument in favor boils down to "It's in the Constitution" .....duh! It must remain because it is there.

The second leg is nothing more than "it's good...because it effected an outcome which made me happy"........which I seriously doubt played ANY part in the deliberations over it.....

I would note that the Founding Fathers could not POSSIBLY have engineered that bit of silliness with 2 California counties in mind.
from the above......thanks for the update.....

So in the future, there may be another inarticulate, stumbling and stammering response from Sekulow. And hopefully his contributors will hear these reports loud and clear.

You however, are free to approve as his spokesman suggests.
So in the future, there may be another inarticulate, stumbling and stammering response from Sekulow. And hopefully his contributors will hear these reports loud and clear.

You however, are free to approve as his spokesman suggests.

PMP is the Poster Child of the Sekulow Ovine Brigades....
ohoh......we know about Ohio folks around here.......common thread you know Dolly too?......

There are some truly evil people in Ohio.


Sent from my iPhone 25S with cherries on top
[FONT=&quot]Insurance premiums would shoot up 74 percent for the average customer under the Republican Senate health care bill, according to a new report, with older customers having to pay more than twice as much for comparable plans.[/FONT]
[FONT=&quot]The study by the nonpartisan Kaiser Family Foundation looked at the average cost for an individual market plan that covers about 70 percent of medical costs, which is the benchmark plan under Obamacare, and factored in both the price of insurance and the amount of subsidies people would receive.[/FONT]
I've been wondering how the Republicans are going to sell, "You will pay more for less." I've asked 'elsewhere' but the only answer I got was, "Obama lied."