Trump polling terrible with young

Of course, it isn't. If you paid attention to who pays for the polls and what polls they pick to poll you would know the companies serve their clients. You can slant the questions. You can pick who you ask to respond. You might be aware that polling companies get reliable just before the election when they try to project how fair their polls are. Even them many miss. They are political companies serving political parties. Are you saying you do not even know that ?

why are bad polls worth conducting?
why are bad polls worth conducting?

They serve the parties you idiot, How many ways do I have to educate you? The Reds are bragging about polls that show Trump leading. the Dems are bragging about polls that show Biden leading. The parties pay for the polls. How do they pick which polling company to give their millions to? They are paying for political ammunition.
They serve the parties you idiot, How many ways do I have to educate you? The Reds are bragging about polls that show Trump leading. the Dems are bragging about polls that show Biden leading. The parties pay for the polls. How do they pick which polling company to give their millions to? They are paying for political ammunition.

so you believe in conducting inaccurate polls for propaganda purposes.


you're a liar and a wastrel.
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That meme is crap. We have an extremely good election system. We have numerous safeguards. Every election gets checked and we have very few cheaters. we catch them and prosecute them.

Well, we try. I want to know just how can calling the guy in charge of the election in Georgia and saying find me 12,000 votes after 2 recounts not be breaking the law? Just where the fuck is he going to come up with 12,000 votes legally? If that isn't the clearest evidence of election fraud I don't know what is. It is like saying a guy who robs a bank and gets caught in the act can't be charged with robbing a bank because he didn't get away with it? That was 4 fucking years ago and the asshole has not been held to account yet? I'm sure the asshole also called the other close swing states and asked them for the same thing, they just didn't record the calls like Raffensberger did.
There is a reason Trump rallies look like a gathering of our right wing magats here.

That generation is one of the last ones to grow up with a more pure hate and bigotry in their hearts, with many of them being able to grow up in a time when White men, alone held almost 100% of the power in society, had no competition for the top jobs from Women or PoC and as they would say things were just MAGA.

Archie Bunker was a caricature of the nicer side of that bigotry and hate meant to gently shame them all for their backward views, and it largely worked with many of the hateful going into the closets where they belong.

Young people today have not grown up with that bubble of hate. They have had more exposure not just thru tv and movies, to 'others' but in their communities than generations prior. And when you do not have the IGNORANCE of 'others' to fuel hate, because they actually growing knowing and liking 'others' you simply will not see the hate persevere.

That is what todays Maga push is all about. They know it is NOW OR NEVER to try and reset the clock as they no longer have the voting numbers to win, and each year it gets worse. So they need to put everything into stealing power and making this a Dictatorship where the ruler can put aside the Will of the People and return to society to MAGA. A place where white males again get almost ALL of the advantages and 'others' fall back in line.

The republican party is dying and the only reason they are still around is their gerrymandering of voting districts. That white bigot about which you speak will soon be the minority in this country and republicans winning any national elections will come to a close. McCain said it best when he said if the Republican can't appeal to the minorities like the black and hispanic their days are numbered.
It is amazing, isn't it? They're trying desperately to cancel Taylor Swift now because she advocates for young people to vote. Good luck with that shit.

It's obvious to even the republican that without even saying who she supports or who to vote for she obviously does not support that fat shithead. How come the right isn't cheering her on and saying "Yes, listen to her, vote"? Do they for some reason know that she could not possibly be saying vote for the guy who brags about assaulting women, is guilty of raping one, and fraud and looking at nearly 100 felony charges? I think the right knows the only ones ignorant enough to do that is them.
I think I am right that Obama was at war every single day of his two terms...which if so Almost Never Right WALT knows it.......he/she/whatever spews constant lies.
11. Barrack Obama

14. Bill Clinton

19. Joe Biden

There is a reason why the shithead you support is at the bottom of the barrel and these guys are near the top.
The republican party is dying and the only reason they are still around is their gerrymandering of voting districts. That white bigot about which you speak will soon be the minority in this country and republicans winning any national elections will come to a close. McCain said it best when he said if the Republican can't appeal to the minorities like the black and hispanic their days are numbered.

Democrats could make sizeable gains in Pennsylvania legislature under proposed new maps

Adam Podowitz-Thomas, a senior legal analyst for the nonpartisan Princeton Gerrymandering Project, said the new map creates about 102 districts that lean Democratic.

“We anticipate that the new map would give Democrats a real chance of taking the majority in the House of Representatives,” Podowitz-Thomas said. “There are seventeen districts we would consider competitive, meaning that the final outcome will very much come down to candidates and turnout.”

And that's just here in PA.

So, you want a complete dictatorship, guided by the hypocritical leftists in your party? This country would implode.
It's obvious to even the republican that without even saying who she supports or who to vote for she obviously does not support that fat shithead. How come the right isn't cheering her on and saying "Yes, listen to her, vote"? Do they for some reason know that she could not possibly be saying vote for the guy who brags about assaulting women, is guilty of raping one, and fraud and looking at nearly 100 felony charges? I think the right knows the only ones ignorant enough to do that is them.

Good point. I suppose even the terminally ignorant occasionally get a glimmer of reality.

Personally I love that they're all beating up on Taylor now. She wasn't even on my radar till they chose her as their latest would-be sacrifice to the Altar of the Mango God. The more the media focuses on her because of this, the more her messages will be heard. An lovely example of the law of unintended consequences. lol
Good point. I suppose even the terminally ignorant occasionally get a glimmer of reality.

Personally I love that they're all beating up on Taylor now. She wasn't even on my radar till they chose her as their latest would-be sacrifice to the Altar of the Mango God. The more the media focuses on her because of this, the more her messages will be heard. An lovely example of the law of unintended consequences. lol

but joe biden finger raped tara reade in a hallway.

According to the alleged victim, Biden forcibly penetrated her against her will with his fingers in Washington, D.C. in 1993. "I remember the assault itself, and then the aftermath, and the reverberating effects of that,"
but joe biden finger raped tara reade in a hallway.

According to the alleged victim, Biden forcibly penetrated her against her will with his fingers in Washington, D.C. in 1993. "I remember the assault itself, and then the aftermath, and the reverberating effects of that,"

Did Reade take Biden to court? What was the verdict? She deserves her day in court. If she didn't take Biden to court, why not?
Did Reade take Biden to court? What was the verdict? She deserves her day in court. If she didn't take Biden to court, why not?

Reade is one of eight women who previously accused Biden of sexual harassment and inappropriate touching in early 2019. Former Nevada State senator Lucy Flores sparked that raft of accusations, but the concerns were largely dismissed.