Trump praises 'fantastic guy' Jason Aldean after CMT pulls the country star's 'Try

Trouble with your analogy is the "torn down" statues and monuments were tributes to a civic order that embraced legal slavery which in no way implies approval of protestors who break the law. Even a fake social critic ought to see that.

It's history you fucking moron. You can't erase history. Suck it up, Karen.
Just watched the video. Didnt see a damn thing wrong with it. Just more crying and whining from the most easily offended people on Earth, Leftists. ......Im tellin ya,...these pussies would CRY about ANYTHING! No doubt about it,...lefties grew up being the last ones picked to play ball in the school yard and getting sand kicked in their face at the beach. Scarred them for life. Pathetic.
Sounds like you do not know much about music or your stars!

Sounds like you're bullshitting to promote a political position.

Since Party is the ONLY thing you care about, this isn't a surprise. You'll tell any lie you think will further the agenda of Marxism and fascism.
While people on the right may be railing about Aldean being “cancelled”, the sad truth is that this will probably help his career. He’ll go on Fox News and yell about wokeness. He’ll wallow in his imagined victimhood. His song will probably be played in rallies for the next Republican nominee for president. Aldean hasn’t been cancelled or silenced – his message has been amplified.
I am huge fan of Paul Simon and Art Garfunkle. I may be a little biased as my lovely and talented Niece, Edie Brickell, married Paul Simon back in 1992, and he became part of the family.

But, I am also proud that Paul and Art already has an ANSWER song to the redneck Jason Aldean's racist and redneck song of his career, and it will be remembered by more people and still be around 100 years from now!

Just watched the video. Didnt see a damn thing wrong with it. Just more crying and whining from the most easily offended people on Earth, Leftists. ......Im tellin ya,...these pussies would CRY about ANYTHING! No doubt about it,...lefties grew up being the last ones picked to play ball in the school yard and getting sand kicked in their face at the beach. Scarred them for life. Pathetic.

They are "offended" that they don't have absolute power to do anything they please, including genocide. "Offense" is just a ruse to manipulate their victims. Those like Hamas terrorist Guano want to kill billions of people. They aren't offended by a Country song. But they will use ANYTHING that they think will weaken their enemy - and their enemy is America.
I am huge fan of Paul Simon and Art Garfunkle. I may be a little biased as my lovely and talented Niece, Edie Brickell, married Paul Simon back in 1992, and he became part of the family.

But, I am also proud that Paul and Art already has an ANSWER song to the redneck Jason Aldean's racist and redneck song of his career, and it will be remembered by more people and still be around 100 years from now!

What the fuck are you yapping about? That is a song from 1975, shit fer brains. It's not an "answer" to anything out of 2023m nearly 50 years in the future.

You Nazis have no grip on reality. You think people time travel to promote your Reich.

BTW, Art Garfunkel became a born again, evangelical Christian. Must make you seethe with even more hate than you usually boil in...
What the fuck are you yapping about? That is a song from 1975, shit fer brains. It's not an "answer" to anything out of 2023m nearly 50 years in the future.

You Nazis have no grip on reality. You think people time travel to promote your Reich.

BTW, Art Garfunkel became a born again, evangelical Christian. Must make you seethe with even more hate than you usually boil in...

I am embarrassed for your total ignorance of good music and lack of true Music Appreciation!
I am embarrassed for your total ignorance of good music and lack of true Music Appreciation!

I'm embarrassed by your break with reality.

The song has utterly nothing to do with Jason Aldean.

You are suffering a schizophrenic break.

Your love of your Reich has replaced your ability to discern reality.

You are quite simply mad as a hatter.
[h=2]Jason Aldean is a devolved mutant. And so is Donald Trump.[/h]
One has to be a deficient shitkicker to like deficient shitkicker music.

It's really not that complicated.
I am huge fan of Paul Simon and Art Garfunkle. I may be a little biased as my lovely and talented Niece, Edie Brickell, married Paul Simon back in 1992, and he became part of the family.

But, I am also proud that Paul and Art already has an ANSWER song to the redneck Jason Aldean's racist and redneck song of his career, and it will be remembered by more people and still be around 100 years from now! What is this answer you speak of? You are familiar with the lyrics correct?
Jason Aldean is a devolved mutant. And so is Donald Trump.

One has to be a deficient shitkicker to like deficient shitkicker music.

It's really not that complicated.

Here is a No. 1 hit from America's favorite Small Town guy- who is not in it for the Hatred he can stir up for a CHEAP BUCK!

But, it is a truer perspective of what it's like to grow up in SMALL TOWN AMERICA.

Here is a No. 1 hit from America's favorite Small Town guy- who is not in it for the Hatred he can stir up for a CHEAP BUCK!

But, it is a truer perspective of what it's like to grow up in SMALL TOWN AMERICA.

More utterly unrelated blather.

You should call 911 - you may be having a stroke brought on by your hate and inability to intimidate Aldean into submission.
Here are some of the lyrics

Sucker punch somebody on a sidewalk
Carjack an old lady at a red light
Pull a gun on the owner of a liquor store
Ya think it's cool, well, act a fool if ya like

Cuss out a cop, spit in his face
Stomp on the flag and light it up
Yeah, ya think you're tough

Well, try that in a small town
See how far ya make it down the road
Around here, we take care of our own
You cross that line, it won't take long
For you to find out, I recommend you don't
Try that in a small town

We all know how much you people love violence and carjacking and wonder you're offended

You ignore all the lyrics and the images he CHOOSE to accompany his words
I don't get the conflict.

I think this was Geeko's point.

The song relates how living in a little town really sucks.

We already know that.
And you don't think people in any little town would have protected their town ...their familt...their neighbors...with their life? Little towns were their life ... whether they suck your opinion or not...;) I live in a little town it doesn't suck...;) and we protect each other... trust me on that... There's nothing wrong with either song....
I don't get the conflict.

I think this was Geeko's point.

The song relates how living in a little town really sucks.

We already know that.

If so, he just undercut that point with the Johnny Cougar song...

Geek has no idea what he's blathering about - he's just in a rage over Jason Aldean not bending the knee when threatened by the Reich.

This is just as related to the thread, I mean it has the word "rage" in it...
