Trump praises 'fantastic guy' Jason Aldean after CMT pulls the country star's 'Try

Back to the thread content... if you don't like the song don't listen to it... don't watch the video... the outrage has made the song even more popular than it might have been... it's just a song people...

Then stop complaining that business told him to fuck off
What percent of the time is there violence at a BLM protest?

The BLM insurrection? 100% of the time.

What percentage of the crowd was involved in violence? A far greater percent than was involved in violence at the Reichstag Fire.

Or will you dirt bags just keep repeating lies?

Have you EVER posted anything on ANY message board that was true or accurate?

No - you have not. You're a pathological liar dedicated to the destruction of the United States of America.
You are the Psycho!

Ah yes, the ever popular response among Nazis of

Their report states that more than 2,400 locations reported peaceful protests, while fewer than 220 reported “violent demonstrations.” The authors define violent demonstrations as including “acts targeting other individuals, property, businesses, other rioting groups or armed actors.” Their definition includes anything from “fighting back against police” to vandalism, property destruction looting, road-blocking using barricades, burning tires or other materials. In cities where protests did turn violent—these demonstrations are “largely confined to specific blocks,” the report says.

Nazi to English Dictionary:

Peaceful Protest:


I tell it like it us!

You tell it like you're programmed.

So, yes, when I see racist shit, it does trigger me to at least, speak up tell the truth about things.

Okay, you're back to your big lie shit.

Show us this "racism?"

You are slandering and libeling Jason Aldean because he exposed the pro-violent crime agenda of your Reich.

This is a forum where we post our opinions about things isn't it?

You post what you are programmed by your Reich to post.

You are a drone, an unthinking bot for your fascist party.

Obviously other people have the same opinion as I do about this, as CMT banned the video for the very same reason!

Are you saying they do not know what this is all about?

Your opinion is what the party programs into you. We all know this.
Here is what happens in MACON Georgia, Jason Aldean's HOMETOWN!

Lowndes County, Alabama, March 1965, a car is off the road, it’s black driver is dead. Arrested were three members of the Klan. One was tried, the jury didn’t reach a verdict. Neshoba Co., MS, August 1964, three civil rights workers found dead. Six members of the Klan arrested, none brought to trial. Colbert, GA, July 1964, Reserve Lt. Colonel was killed by a shotgun blast. Members of the Klan were tried and acquitted. Cars shown damaged, off the side of the road, one burned. Richmond Flowers, Attorney General for Alabama speaks (:22-1:45). Members of the KKK kneel. Burn a cross. The Klan march around a burning cross. KKK meeting. Title: Ku Klux Klan: The Invisible Empire. CBS correspondent Charles Kuralt opens the program (1:46-2:59). Ku Klux Klan meeting. A klansman speaks on what he doesn’t like. He is the Grand Dragon, Jay Robert Jones. Matt Murphy, chief counsel for the Klan, speaks (3:00-4:48). A ‘nighthawk’, security for the Klan, he speaks. Grand Dragon Jones speaks on Jewish people and Catholics (4:49-6:28). Grand Dragon Jones speaks. A Klan chaplain speaks in front of a crowd, members of the Klan clap (6:29-8:09). The KKK chaplain gives a hate filled speech. Klansmen watch and listen. The Klan was born in Pulaski, TN as a six member social club (8:10-10:10). Scenes from the landmark, racially incendiary film ‘ The Birth of a Nation ‘ by D.W. Griffith (scenes shown: The Klan intimidate black people. A black man shoots a white man. The killer is captured by the KKK and killed). William Joseph Simmons, former leader of the KKK. A film from 1915 shows the Klan going up Stone Mountain in Georgia. A KKK meeting. A cross is lit on fire. Still photos of lynching victims. 1922, Hiram Wesley Evans was the Imperial Wizard of the KKK, a native of Alabama, Evans was a dentist. In 1923, Evans established headquarters in Washington, D.C. (10:11-12:48). KKK members march. 1924, at the DNC in New York City, 350 delegates were Klansman, they were responsible for the defeat of Gov. Alfred Smith as the Democratic nominee. By 1925 six million Americans belonged to the Klan. August 8, 1925, KKK paraded down Pennsylvania Avenue in Washington, D.C. David C. Stephenson, Imperial Wizard of the KKK in Indiana was found guilty of rape and mayhem (12:49-14:00). 1940 – KKK and Nazis joined in New Jersey. In 1965 – a Klansman was interviewed in Houston, he was paid to do so, when the check was cashed, it had a swastika on it. 1944 – Imperial Wizard of the KKK was given a bill for back taxes, when he couldn’t pay, he disbanded the Klan. 1948 – Klan was reactivated by Dr. Samuel Green, who speaks in Macon, GA. KKK march. KKK paramilitary units (14:01-16:02). KKK softball team. A black man reveals he has KKK carved into his stomach, the result of an assault. Richmond Flowers (AG) for Alabama speaks (16:03-18:29). Secret ceremony for induction. Pledge of Allegiance. New recruits stand. Guards watch the door. The ceremony is underway (18:30-20:59). New men are initiated. (21:00-23:21). A prayer is conducted. Citizenship of the KKK is offered to the men. A cross burns (23:22-25:00). A KKK rally. Children wear robes. A woman reads a poem about interracial romance. Matt Murphy speaks (25:01-26:53). The men charged with killing a black woman are introduced and cheered. The men sign autographs. Money is donated to the KKK. People give their money and some clap (26:54-28:42). People hand over money to the Klan. Torches are given to Klansmen who walk with them. This is the KKK in 1965. A cross burns (28:43-30:36). Klansmen talk and shake hands. Robert Shelton, Imperial Wizard in Alabama, listens to tapes of MLK. He looks over photographs. In Gray, GA, the KKK made a movie theatre close after they allowed blacks to sit in the balcony (30:37-32:07). Bogalusa, LA, called ” Klantown USA “. People march in the town. A radio station was harassed by the Klan for allowing a speaker they didn’t like. Judge Duke has been fighting the KKK for years in Georgia (32:08-34:09). Headlines from the Birmingham Post Herald: the KKK castrated a black man. KKK in St. Augustine, FL. KKK started a race riot after Blacks wanted to integrate the beaches (34:10-36:35). Near Cincinnati, OH, a KKK rally. Members build a cross to burn and raise it (38:18-40:11). Near Cleveland, OH, a KKK rally, police search cars. People protest the KKK. Cross burns. KKK Chaplain speaks on why he quit (41:41-44:55). End credits (45:36-46:40).


Oh wow, that was last week?

Oh no, that was 60 FUCKING YEARS AGO.

You're just lying for your Reich - that's really all you do...
Are you okay with flag burning even if it is legal? Only one person here talks about killing people more than you do so I'm surprised these lyrics bother you...

Link you lying fuck

Show me talking about me killing someone you lying turd sack
Oh wow, that was last week?

Oh no, that was 60 FUCKING YEARS AGO.

You're just lying for your Reich - that's really all you do...

This is the history of Macon Georgia, a lot that happened centering around that same Court House used as the backdrop of that Aldean Video!

If you do not see how Aldean's video was upsetting to the Black victims of all those White On Black crimes throughout Macon, GA history, then you are nothing short of being a RACIST YOURSELF!
This is the history of Macon Georgia,

It's a straw man fallacy.

It has NO relation to the Jason Aldean song. You just want to smear anyone who exposes your filthy Reich,

a lot that happened centering around that same Court House used as the backdrop of that Aldean Video!

A lot has happened all over.

If you do not see how Aldean's video was upsetting to the Black victims of all those White On Black crimes throughout Macon, GA history, then you are nothing short of being a RACIST YOURSELF!

You're not a black "victim," you're a white Marxist melting down because the club you've relied on to beat your victims into submission, the club of demagoguery, isn't working anymore.

You scream "RACIST" but normals don't bow down to you in fear. How will you control others if they don't fear your slander and your lies?

Fuck you and your white hating party - YOU are the racists - and everybody on every side knows it. We're standing up to you, because you're nothing but toothless bullies.
It's a straw man fallacy.

It has NO relation to the Jason Aldean song. You just want to smear anyone who exposes your filthy Reich,

A lot has happened all over.

You're not a black "victim," you're a white Marxist melting down because the club you've relied on to beat your victims into submission, the club of demagoguery, isn't working anymore.

You scream "RACIST" but normals don't bow down to you in fear. How will you control others if they don't fear your slander and your lies?

Fuck you and your white hating party - YOU are the racists - and everybody on every side knows it. We're standing up to you, because you're nothing but toothless bullies.

Eat a DICK!