Trump praises 'fantastic guy' Jason Aldean after CMT pulls the country star's 'Try

All you have to do is watch video footage of groups destroying property... that's pretty hard to deny...

Police: Richmond riots instigated by white supremacists disguised as Black Lives Matter
Published: July 27, 2020, 5:48 AM
Updated: July 28, 2020, 9:53 AM
Tags: Politics, Virginia

RICHMOND, Va. – Riots in downtown Richmond over the weekend were instigated by white supremacists under the guise of Black Lives Matter, according to law enforcement officials.
Protesters tore down police tape and pushed forward toward Richmond police headquarters, where they set a city dump truck on fire.
Police declared the event an “unlawful assembly” and ordered people to leave, later deploying tear gas.
Six people were arrested. The mayor of Richmond thanked the Black Lives Matter protesters he said tried to stop the white supremacists from spearheading the violence.
“Their mission is simple, not the Richmond we know,” said Mayor Levar Stoney.
Besides the police department, damage also occurred in and around the VCU campus.
RICHMOND, Va. – Riots in downtown Richmond over the weekend were instigated by white supremacists under the guise of Black Lives Matter, according to law enforcement officials.
Protesters tore down police tape and pushed forward toward Richmond police headquarters, where they set a city dump truck on fire.
Police declared the event an “unlawful assembly” and ordered people to leave, later deploying tear gas.
Six people were arrested. The mayor of Richmond thanked the Black Lives Matter protesters he said tried to stop the white supremacists from spearheading the violence.
“Their mission is simple, not the Richmond we know,” said Mayor Levar Stoney.
Besides the police department, damage also occurred in and around the VCU campus.

Sure they footage...–Saint_Paul's clear who the problem is...just watch the protests and the violence... I can't believe you mentioned the FBI..:rolleyes:

From your link asshole

Assigning who was responsible for the damage became a topic of political debate. Right-wing politicians blamed Antifa and radical leftists. Left-wing politicians blamed white supremacists and drug cartels. An FBI analysis of state and federal criminal charges, however, found that disorganized crowds had no single goal or affiliation, many opportunist crowds amassed spontaneously during periods of lawlessness, and that people causing destruction had contradictory motives for their actions.[16] Of all of those charged for arson-related crimes, only one charging document noted any ties to an extremist organization—the Boogaloo movement.[17]

Police: Richmond riots instigated by white supremacists disguised as Black Lives Matter
Published: July 27, 2020, 5:48 AM
Updated: July 28, 2020, 9:53 AM
Tags: Politics, Virginia

RICHMOND, Va. – Riots in downtown Richmond over the weekend were instigated by white supremacists under the guise of Black Lives Matter, according to law enforcement officials.
Protesters tore down police tape and pushed forward toward Richmond police headquarters, where they set a city dump truck on fire.
Police declared the event an “unlawful assembly” and ordered people to leave, later deploying tear gas.
Six people were arrested. The mayor of Richmond thanked the Black Lives Matter protesters he said tried to stop the white supremacists from spearheading the violence.
“Their mission is simple, not the Richmond we know,” said Mayor Levar Stoney.
Besides the police department, damage also occurred in and around the VCU campus.

Read who said it was racists shit bag
The mayor of Richmond thanked the Black Lives Matter protesters he said tried to stop the white supremacists from spearheading the violence.

Because that is what the police in Richmond found
Back to the thread content... if you don't like the song don't listen to it... don't watch the video... the outrage has made the song even more popular than it might have been... it's just a song people...
Instead of threatening about doing intentional harm to people that are not of your color, or that you don't politically agree with, back in your home town with "Don't try that in my Hometown" using minorities as targets, and guns as an answer to it, and using the backdrop of the front of a Court House where they hung an innocent Black Man as examples....

...Paul and Art had a little different take on their home town- as they said, "Nothing but the dead and dying back in my little town".

And here is Aldean promoting Death and Dying of minorities in his hometown- TOTALLY RACIST, HATEFUL, AND INCENDIARY!

...just fyi...