Trump Revealed Highly Classified Secrets to Russia Last Week

Cadillac Man

New member
Remember that meeting where US reporters weren't allowed? Wish I hadn't taken the afternoon off, I'll bet DC's buzzing with impeachment talk.

President Trump revealed highly classified information to the Russian foreign minister and ambassador in a White House meeting last week, according to current and former U.S. officials, who said Trump’s disclosures jeopardized a critical source of intelligence on the Islamic State.

The information the president relayed had been provided by a U.S. partner through an intelligence-sharing arrangement considered so sensitive that details have been withheld from allies and tightly restricted even within the U.S. government, officials said.

The partner had not given the United States permission to share the material with Russia, and officials said Trump’s decision to do so endangers cooperation from an ally that has access to the inner workings of the Islamic State. After Trump’s meeting, senior White House officials took steps to contain the damage, placing calls to the CIA and the National Security Agency.

“This is code-word information,” said a U.S. official familiar with the matter, using terminology that refers to one of the highest classification levels used by American spy agencies. Trump “revealed more information to the Russian ambassador than we have shared with our own allies.”
Trump began describing details about an Islamic State terror threat related to the use of laptop computers on aircraft, according to current and former U.S. officials.
one of the few areas we cooperate on with Russia anymore is threat assessments on terrorism.

As president, Trump has broad authority to declassify government secrets, making it unlikely that his disclosures broke the law.

“The president and the foreign minister reviewed common threats from terrorist organizations to include threats to aviation,” said H.R. McMaster, the national security adviser, who participated in the meeting. “At no time were any intelligence sources or methods discussed, and no military operations were disclosed that were not already known publicly.”

the rest of it is hysteria about how Russian agenda in Syria may get a lift from ID'ng the ISIS stream.
WaPo ?.....more FAKE NEWS.....just like Comey asking for more money for election investigation they put out last week....
Unlike Hillary's email server, this actually seriously hurts America's intel community. This was info that another nation secured and shared that America was not authorized to reveal. That source could be in serious jeopardy depending on what Russia knows, and that source is unlikely to remain an intel source in the future even in the base case scenario. Trump is a fuck-up.
It is not clear whether this was accidental or a deliberate attempt to aid Russia.
WTF? why would he not tell Russia who faces the same threats when it comes to aviation?

However, in one fell swoop he has told allies he is untrustworthy, thereby impairing intelligence-sharing that is critical to our national security. He has also dumped a bucket of fuel on the fire with regard to the Russia investigation, suggesting he has some affinity or at the very least blind spot with regard to Russia.
Of course. Cooperating on terrorism-giving them a heads up- is more "Russian collusion" :rolleyes:

The Russiaphobes won't be happy until we break off relations and expand Cold war 2.0 at an exponential pace. Fuck them.
But officials expressed concern about Trump’s handling of sensitive information as well as his grasp of the potential consequences. Exposure of an intelligence stream that has provided critical insight into the Islamic State, they said, could hinder the United States’ and its allies’ ability to detect future threats.
IC anal retention.
and what is the exposure? MacMaster said "no sources and methods exposed"

at beast this might be a violation of intelligence partnerships; but those are done ad hoc.
It's Trumps call -like it or not.
Apparently Trump was bragging to a Russian spy about how great America's intel was, and in doing so revealed the highest level of classified info to the Russian agent. If this is false, then why did the WH attempt to contain the damage soon after the meeting?
who are the unnamed officials?
WaPo has a hard on for Trump, and leaks from the administration
( or better yet '' former senior U.S. official who is close to current administration official") :whome:
are dubious because of entrenched political opposition..

It's typical WaPo styled sensationalism..a few facts dressed up in rabid language - with little context
other then what WaPo's agenda wnats to shove down your throat
Maybe, just maybe, it wasn't a good idea to elect a narcissistic business failure with no brains, no experience, who habitually lies into the highest most unaccountable office on the planet. It seemed like a good idea at the time, am I right?
who are the unnamed officials? WaPo has a hard on for Trump, and leaks from the administration ( or better yet '' former senior U.S. official who is close to current administration official)" are dubious because of entrenched political opposition..

Do everyone a favor and just accept that this is a legit story, because in a week you'll be apologizing for Trump and giving him a free pass. Like you always do, whoever you are.
Unlike Hillary's email server, this actually seriously hurts America's intel community. This was info that another nation secured and shared that America was not authorized to reveal. That source could be in serious jeopardy depending on what Russia knows, and that source is unlikely to remain an intel source in the future even in the base case scenario. Trump is a fuck-up.

Unnamed sources again, nothing "sensitive" was discussed...fake news.
Do everyone a favor and just accept that this is a legit story, because in a week you'll be apologizing for Trump and giving him a free pass. Like you always do, whoever you are.
I didn't call it full fledged fake news, i called it sensationalsim - typical WaPo distortions backed up by friends of former officials..etc.
I've already dissected as such, it's typical WaPo modus operandi we saw thru the campaign

It's a messageboard, I am anatta. welcome to this virtual place
Apparently Trump was bragging to a Russian spy about how great America's intel was, and in doing so revealed the highest level of classified info to the Russian agent. If this is false, then why did the WH attempt to contain the damage soon after the meeting?

Because the fake "damage" was incoming like a rocket from the snowflake media. :palm: