Trump Revealed Highly Classified Secrets to Russia Last Week

Kathy Ferguson

CNN is reporting that Rep. Cummings said that the GOP would have already impeached Clinton at this point.

Really, is there any doubt about that?
Wrong. Intelligence officials who were there...the SoS and the head of the NSA...say it's not true.

WAPO says someone else told them it was true. Do you think it was the WAPO janitor?

You have no idea because WAPO's so-called source is anonymous.
Suuuure. That's why the intel agencies had an emergency meeting to see how to deal with it.
Funny to think Trump's diurea of the mouth is equivalent to a well considered strategic declassification as far as the law is concerned. That idiot can just declassify shit on the fly because he feels he needs to prove his hands aren't tiny.

I think something short of specific intent should fly. Basically we are in the position where this poutus should not be briefed because you can't trust him with the information that cost millions to develop. It's like taking above top secret code level Intel and shoving it in hefty bags and throwing them in the dumpster.

The problem is one of trust. Our intelligence community is on actual notice thrice over that Trump cannot be trusted. It has placed them in a dilemma.
Much like the Hillary obsession, the question is about 'intent'.

Now, if we switch trump and Hillary, and poll the trumptards here, I'm guessing the responses would be the same. 'Nothing to see here'.
THe next few weeks should be very interesting, the big question is how far will the Republicans follow the Rumpers down this hole. Will they cut and run, or go down with him...?
They have 1 1/2 years before the mid terms. If it were closer, they'd be jumping ship like rats. For now, they have more than a year to achieve something positive.
How do you know?

Um...because they didn't report it?

There is so much rightie misconception on this board about how WaPo revealed exactly what Trump revealed. They didn't. They just reported that he revealed classified information that may have exposed a source.

You guys need to study up on this one.