Trump Revealed Highly Classified Secrets to Russia Last Week

Perhaps, you're not the first to say that, but I did work in Intel and I know you didn't.

There is no such thing as an anonymous source with multiple codeword clearance. Your journalists are lying to you.

Yes I did, and my clearances exceed yours. Nato top secret. I'm on a mission right now. It's called, operation out the internet liar, Oil.
Disagree that that is the sole consideration. Discretion. Reputation. Conflicting interests, some diametrically opposition, some not. Valuation of the intel. Value variance depending on the party. Quid pro quo. Win-win. It's much more complicated a calculus than just that slogan.

Once again, a lot of words that mean nothing. You are the master of mediocrity.
Perhaps, you're not the first to say that, but I did work in Intel and I know you didn't.

There is no such thing as an anonymous source with multiple codeword clearance. Your journalists are lying to you.

The only intel work you have ever done is, I spy with my little eye.
Remember that meeting where US reporters weren't allowed? Wish I hadn't taken the afternoon off, I'll bet DC's buzzing with impeachment talk.

Fake news. Check out Ann Coulter's comments:

Every time I try to be mad at Trump, the media reel me back in by launching some ridiculous, unprovoked attack. This time, it's the fake news story about Trump "leaking" classified information to the Russkies.

The president can't "leak" classified information: It's his to declassify.

The big secret Trump allegedly revealed is that Muslims might try to blow up a plane with laptops. I already knew that. I read it in The New York Times.

The New York Times, March 22, 2017:

Devices Banned on Some Planes Over ISIS Fears

"Intelligence showing that the Islamic State is developing a bomb hidden in portable electronics spurred the United States and Britain on Tuesday to bar passengers from airports in a total of 10 Muslim-majority countries from carrying laptop computers ... two senior American counterterrorism officials said. ..."

This totally secret, Deep Throat-level information has been widely published in thousands of news outlets throughout the civilized world. There was yet another round of stories last week with the update that the U.S. is considering a laptop ban on flights from Europe as well.

Read more by clicking the link
Fake news. Check out Ann Coulter's comments:

Every time I try to be mad at Trump, the media reel me back in by launching some ridiculous, unprovoked attack. This time, it's the fake news story about Trump "leaking" classified information to the Russkies.

The president can't "leak" classified information: It's his to declassify.

The big secret Trump allegedly revealed is that Muslims might try to blow up a plane with laptops. I already knew that. I read it in The New York Times.

The New York Times, March 22, 2017:

Devices Banned on Some Planes Over ISIS Fears

"Intelligence showing that the Islamic State is developing a bomb hidden in portable electronics spurred the United States and Britain on Tuesday to bar passengers from airports in a total of 10 Muslim-majority countries from carrying laptop computers ... two senior American counterterrorism officials said. ..."

This totally secret, Deep Throat-level information has been widely published in thousands of news outlets throughout the civilized world. There was yet another round of stories last week with the update that the U.S. is considering a laptop ban on flights from Europe as well.

Read more by clicking the link

Try to stick with the truth for once. What Orangetweet told the Russians was the city in Syria and the bomb plot itself. Enough info for them to determine the source of the information.

He's a clueless, incompetent fucking moron. And you'll defend that kind of idiot every time.
Try to stick with the truth for once. What Orangetweet told the Russians was the city in Syria and the bomb plot itself. Enough info for them to determine the source of the information.

He's a clueless, incompetent fucking moron. And you'll defend that kind of idiot every time.

How do you know it was enough info? You didn't figure it out until you were told

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