Trump says Nancy Pelosi Responsible for J6 Riot

Oh look, Trumpette thinks it's 2002 and leftist fact changers have some sort of credibility.. :lol:


Which source are you referring to, Schultz? Or did you merely pull one out of your dumb fucking asshole?
Trump is a lying son-of-a-BITCH!

Let's look at the facts!

First of all, Trump never signed an order to deploy 20,000 troops on Jan. 6

CLAIM: Former President Donald Trump signed an order to deploy 20,000 National Guard troops before his supporters stormed the U.S. Capitol on Jan. 6, 2021, but was stopped by the House sergeant at arms, at the behest of Speaker Nancy Pelosi.

THE FACTS: While Trump was involved in discussions in the days prior to Jan. 6 about the National Guard response, he issued no such order before or during the rioting. A video, recorded by Pelosi’s daughter, showed the congresswoman negotiating with governors and defense officials in an effort to get Guard troops to the Capitol. Trump was not involved in decision-making related to the National Guard on Jan. 6, and Pelosi did not stand in their way.

When the rioting started, Bower, The DC mayor requested more Guard help, on behalf of the Capitol Police. That request was made to Army Secretary Ryan McCarthy, who then went to then Acting Secretary of Defense Christopher Miller. who approved it. Neither Pelosi nor the House sergeant at arms could have stopped an ordered deployment of National Guard troops because Congress doesn’t control the National Guard. Guard troops are generally controlled by governors, though they can be federalized by the Commander-In-Chief- the president.

The House sergeant at arms of the Capitol Police, he or she is not in the chain of command. Nor is Nancy Pelosi. As released video footage showed, she and Mitch McConnell, then Senate majority leader, called for military assistance, including the National Guard. The House sergeant at arms does sit on the Capitol Police Board, which also includes the Senate sergeant at arms and the architect of the Capitol. That board opted not to request the Guard ahead of the insurrection, but did eventually request assistance after the rioting had already begun. There is no evidence that either Pelosi or McConnell directed the security officials not to call the guard beforehand, and Pelosi was never informed of such a request.

As, I said, Donald Trump is a lying son-of-a-BITCH!

This is just typical Donald Trump always blaming someone else for his failures to do anything, and always finding a woman to blame things on, because he don't have the guts to blame things on men, or accept responsibility for anything he is responsible for.

HE is a PUSSY of a man!
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What did he lie about, Arachnid?

Be specific. Was Pelosi in charge of the security? Did she refuse National Guard when Trump suggested it?

WHO is lying? It's doesn't look like it's Trump.

Nope. Neither, Schultz. Both are RW lies.

You’re stupid. Minus two standard deviations.
"Nancy Pelosi was in charge of security. She turned down 10,000 soldiers. If she didn't turn down the soldiers, you wouldn't have had Jan. 6," Trump told NBC's "Meet the Press" host Kristen Welker.

Not only is Nancy Pelosi responsible for the J6 riot, but Trump had also told those protestors to go to the Capitol both peacefully and patriotically.
Pelosi should be doing hard time in prison for her dereliction of duty.

Trump is an idiot. You are an idiot.
Which source are you referring to, Schultz? Or did you merely pull one out of your dumb fucking asshole?

Any of them.

The leftist fact changers burned any pretense of credibility over a decade ago. They are no different than CNN or MSNBCCP.

Politifraud has repeatedly been busted for outright lying. And Snopes? Well, Mikkleson has paid some hefty fines for criminal libel as well as the leftist sceptic tank repeated defamation lawsuits that they lose. Remember, Snopes are the stupid fucks that "fact check" the Babylon Bee - yeah, they are THAT stupid and petty.

The fact changers were always a fraud, but initially the media pulled it off - during the early 2000's. Past the 2012 election though, no one on any side viewed or views these as anything other than what they are, extremely biased leftist sources attempting to create credibility for the leftist position.

I made the graphic in 2014. Since then they have changed their name (slightly) and dropped the graph because they were so thoroughly exposed as frauds.

I find it amusing that morons like Trumpette actually think posting smears from these clowns somehow improves his nonexistent credibility.
Trump is a lying son-of-a-BITCH!

Let's look at the facts!

First of all, Trump never signed an order to deploy 20,000 troops on Jan. 6

Oh look, a Nazi is lying - another demon got their horns.

No one ever said Trump "signed and order."

The point is that Trump didn't have the authority to deploy troops on US Soil. Pelosi alone had the authority to deploy troops at the Capitol. Bowser could have deployed troops in the city.

Now, try again, but DON'T FUCKING LIE THIS TIME.

I know it's hard for you, you have your party and utterly no integrity - but I have faith you can post at least one sentence honestly...
Nope. Neither, Schultz. Both are RW lies.

You’re stupid. Minus two standard deviations.

So, it is an "American Lie" that Pelosi was in charge of deploying NG troops at the Capitol?

Is that your final answer, dumber?

"The Deployment of National Guard troops at the capitol can only occur by request of the Sargent At Arms of the Capitol Police"

SEEEEEEEE - it wuzunt nazi piglousy. (This is literally the coverup Politifraud attempts to use.)

Except that the Sargent At Arms reports directly to the Speaker of the House of Representatives and serves at their pleasure.


So not a lie at all - Pelosi, concerned with optics refused the troops offered by the president.

Politifraud tries to spin this to blame the Sargent At Arms - but they admit the facts - Pelosi held ultimate responsibility and the SAA was her direct report.

PolitiFact | No, Capitol security is not only Pelosi’s responsibility, but she bears some
"Nancy Pelosi was in charge of security. She turned down 10,000 soldiers. If she didn't turn down the soldiers, you wouldn't have had Jan. 6," Trump told NBC's "Meet the Press" host Kristen Welker.

Not only is Nancy Pelosi responsible for the J6 riot, but Trump had also told those protestors to go to the Capitol both peacefully and patriotically.
Pelosi should be doing hard time in prison for her dereliction of duty.


Well I guess to some, if Trump said it, despite all reason…it must be true

Well I guess to some, if Trump said it, despite all reason…it must be true

It's either true or it isn't.

Does the Sargent At Arms of the Capitol Police report directly to the Speaker of the House?

Yes, or No?

Did Pelosi's SAA refuse Trump's offer of National Guard Troops?

Yes, or No?
"Nancy Pelosi was in charge of security. She turned down 10,000 soldiers. If she didn't turn down the soldiers, you wouldn't have had Jan. 6," Trump told NBC's "Meet the Press" host Kristen Welker.

Not only is Nancy Pelosi responsible for the J6 riot, but Trump had also told those protestors to go to the Capitol both peacefully and patriotically.
Pelosi should be doing hard time in prison for her dereliction of duty.

Do you believe that Nancy was Commander in Chief?
Any of them.

The leftist fact changers burned any pretense of credibility over a decade ago. They are no different than CNN or MSNBCCP.

Politifraud has repeatedly been busted for outright lying. And Snopes? Well, Mikkleson has paid some hefty fines for criminal libel as well as the leftist sceptic tank repeated defamation lawsuits that they lose. Remember, Snopes are the stupid fucks that "fact check" the Babylon Bee - yeah, they are THAT stupid and petty.

The fact changers were always a fraud, but initially the media pulled it off - during the early 2000's. Past the 2012 election though, no one on any side viewed or views these as anything other than what they are, extremely biased leftist sources attempting to create credibility for the leftist position.

I made the graphic in 2014. Since then they have changed their name (slightly) and dropped the graph because they were so thoroughly exposed as frauds.

I find it amusing that morons like Trumpette actually think posting smears from these clowns somehow improves his nonexistent credibility.

I see. No source except your asshole.

No surprises, Schultz. You’re very predictable.
So, it is an "American Lie" that Pelosi was in charge of deploying NG troops at the Capitol?

Is that your final answer, dumber?

"The Deployment of National Guard troops at the capitol can only occur by request of the Sargent At Arms of the Capitol Police"

SEEEEEEEE - it wuzunt nazi piglousy. (This is literally the coverup Politifraud attempts to use.)

Except that the Sargent At Arms reports directly to the Speaker of the House of Representatives and serves at their pleasure.


So not a lie at all - Pelosi, concerned with optics refused the troops offered by the president.

Politifraud tries to spin this to blame the Sargent At Arms - but they admit the facts - Pelosi held ultimate responsibility and the SAA was her direct report.

PolitiFact | No, Capitol security is not only Pelosi’s responsibility, but she bears some

Yep, total lie that Pelosi failed to deploy troops. Trump offered no Troops.

He fiddled as Rome burned. You’re a liar. And your own citation says you are. And stupid. Illiterate.
Do you believe that Nancy was Commander in Chief?

I know you have never had a law class in your life, but there is an act called "POSSE COMITATUS" that prohibits the CiC from deploying troops domestically.

Do believe that nazi piglousy was speaker of the house?

Because if she was, she alone had the authority and responsibility to deploy troops at the Capitol.
What did he lie about, Arachnid?

Be specific. Was Pelosi in charge of the security? Did she refuse National Guard when Trump suggested it?

WHO is lying? It's doesn't look like it's Trump.

That Pelosi was not responsible for 1/6, as Speaker of the House, Pelosi does not direct the National Guard. In addition, as the Capitol came under attack, she and the Senate Majority leader called for military assistance, including the National Guard.
Yep, total lie that Pelosi failed to deploy troops. Trump offered no Troops.

He fiddled as Rome burned. You’re a liar. And stupid.

So, refuted by a far left source, and your response is to fucking lie.. BWAHAHAHAHA

What a clown you are, dumber.
That Pelosi was not responsible for 1/6, as Speaker of the House, Pelosi does not direct the National Guard. In addition, as the Capitol came under attack, she and the Senate Majority leader called for military assistance, including the National Guard.

Trump had offered Pelosi NG assistance on THREE occasions, and she refused because of "optics."

She could have had a full contingent of Guardsmen and refused. Pelosi, through her Sargent At Arms was the ONLY person who could deploy troops at the Capitol - and she refused them.

Of course had that Guard been there, the brutal assaults on protesters by the Capitol Police in the first hour would have not have gone down, and the objective was to incite violence - so the refusal of the Guard was more than just optics.
Trump had offered Pelosi NG assistance on THREE occasions, and she refused because of "optics."

She could have had a full contingent of Guardsmen and refused. Pelosi, through her Sargent At Arms was the ONLY person who could deploy troops at the Capitol - and she refused them.

Of course had that Guard been there, the brutal assaults on protesters by the Capitol Police in the first hour would have not have gone down, and the objective was to incite violence - so the refusal of the Guard was more than just optics.

I see that you're back and posting your usual foolish nonsense.