Trump Sexual Assault Allegations!

If you have information that convict The President of sexual misconduct.....USE IT and stop with the subjective BS. Why don't you use it? Because none exists.

Told ya what you were going to do before you did it....the CIRCLE right back to point number one of the Alinsky formula Rules for Radicals. After you had your ass kicked once by the evidence of record, you started all over again. 1. False accusation 2. attack based upon that already debunked false claim of a double standard with the false accusation as if it were true this time around. 3. Deflect when the evidence proves there is no comparison between someone that lied and committed adultery and used the white house as a whore house, or someone else who settled 8 previous charges...and the one you are attempting to judge void of any such evidence...all you have are accusations based upon a negative....those accusations have no valid standing as evidence because they can't be proven when they exist only between the ears of the accuser.

Why attempt the same tied antiquated tactics THE NEXT day by simply using a different pervert to defend and feign some double standard....AGAIN. Its Alinsky 101. You run one day only to circle back around with the same debunked BS. And its becoming entertaining as hell.......;)

Little difficult when Mr Trumps seems to deny the basic legislative and political principle of rule of law. It does exist and has been proven to exist, denying it does not make such happening disappear. It just so happens when someone of his status and ranking gets accessed a blind eye gets turned and denying starts. If this was a middle class citizen on the street who had a normal day job and was accused and thus valid witnesses were available with extensive evidence was supplied (as it could be with Trump) they would be charged.

Between the ears of many people, not just those who experienced it. The whole legal system is based off witnesses and evidence which can be proven in many of these cases. Deny this, lets deny the whole legal system.
You miss the point obviously,a moderator ,claim women want to be sexually assaulted by Trump?

they are not sexually assaulted, because they want it and enjoy it, and welcome the advances of a stud like trump. The women of JPP are all talk. They would melt if trump grabbed their pussies
Русский агент;2065685 said:
Sure, I can, Zappacrite.

The charges against Weinstein are current. They are news-worthy. It's a huge scandal which is all over the news. They link sexual assault with your fellow DEMOCRATS like his good friends Hillary and the Obamas - who let their young daughter intern under him despite knowing him well.

The allegations against Trump are old, and likely wouldn't even be discussed right now - unless you needed a shiny object to distract the forum from your fellow DEMOCRAT.

Does that about cover it?

Nope, you're just trying to distract from your god, Trump.
This was a particularly worthless topic. The only benefit has been confirming a couple more slobs for my ignore list. Other than that, the usual worship of the compulsive liar in the White House and the expected confirmation that the only time the right cares about women is when they can use them as fuel for another attack.