Trump Sexual Assault Allegations!

Yet another "Alinsky" accusation declaring the right is not living up to their own moral code of you characters have any thing other than the Alinsky playbook from the 60s? You just personified the typical Alinsky leftist as it comes directly from the playbook, RULES FOR RADICALS. Accuse the opposition of being immoral by their own standards.

Your problem is the fact that no one has presented any evidence whatsoever proving that Mr. Trump is what you accuse him of being, a Rapist. If it could have been proven it would have been proven long before now. And the circle continues. :)

Some irony for you. I would not know who the hell Alinsky was if you right wing tards didn't toss his name around. Seriously. I wouldn't know of him at all. The only time I have ever heard his name is when some right wing loser
online invokes whatever the fuck he is, a bomber? propagandist? I don't care. You are a loser. How do I know? You fell into that trope I've heard before from other losers just like you.

Back to the point. Trump admits to felony sexual harassment. You don't give a shit. Anecdote from years of casual observation. I have NEVER heard a Republican online or elsewhere who was not a politician go to bat for women's rights and freedom from pigs like Trump.
Not once, ever. Never. Never have they stood up for their daughters, wives or women female children of others. Never. I've read many many countless times democrats decry, whether dem or repuke, when a scumlicking dickhead like this Hollywood mogul or Trump or Clinton
or Gary Hart, or ...endless list omitted. Why? I don't know. I get the sneaking suspicion you fucks don't care at all. Just like about racist events. It doesn't cut it. You don't care. It's not in the front burner. Those things are on our front burner. It's stuff we bring to the fore when we write,
vote and act. Apology not accepted, loser.
Some irony for you. I would not know who the hell Alinsky was if you right wing tards didn't toss his name around. Seriously. I wouldn't know of him at all. The only time I have ever heard his name is when some right wing loser
online invokes whatever the fuck he is, a bomber? propagandist? I don't care. You are a loser. How do I know? You fell into that trope I've heard before from other losers just like you.

Back to the point. Trump admits to felony sexual harassment. You don't give a shit. Anecdote from years of casual observation. I have NEVER heard a Republican online or elsewhere who was not a politician go to bat for women's rights and freedom from pigs like Trump.
Not once, ever. Never. Never have they stood up for their daughters, wives or women female children of others. Never. I've read many many countless times democrats decry, whether dem or repuke, when a scumlicking dickhead like this Hollywood mogul or Trump or Clinton
or Gary Hart, or ...endless list omitted. Why? I don't know. I get the sneaking suspicion you fucks don't care at all. Just like about racist events. It doesn't cut it. You don't care. It's not in the front burner. Those things are on our front burner. It's stuff we bring to the fore when we write,
vote and act. Apology not accepted, loser.

Its a simple thing....the title of this thread speaks volumes. ALLEGATIONS AGAINST TRUMP. FYI: An allegation is far removed from evidential findings of FACT. LMAO the ignorance of a child is revealed again. The Alinskite proceeds as if an allegation/accusation is all that's required to establish a fact...knowing its a lie. Premeditated lying is a sure indicator of Alinsky indoctrination. The fool is indoctrinated without knowing he is being indoctrinated because he surrounds him/herself with other fools.

Another sure sign? Making lite and attempting to hide/deny the history actual of your own representative party affiliation. A history that demonstrates Jim Crow, Slavery support, anti-civil rights movements, the KKK, anti-women's rights...etc., and most recently the use of Saul Alinsky's book Rules for Radicals as a political bible. As demonstrated by YOU...even if you are nothing but an ignorant gullible pawn of the real power brokers in your are providing the transmission that helps drive social communism.

My advise? GROW THE HELL UP and start thinking and reasoning in a critical independent fashion.
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Allegations of women combined with a perp on tape admitting to the desire and ability to engage in the act. The irony is that the same power and fame that Trump believes enable his sado sexual sociopathy is exactly the only thing standing between him and jail. His denial is not worthy of belief after his declaration against interest made in confidence.

So, why don't Republicans care about women? Chirp. Is the excuse that the Democratic Party is running a plantation to create a dependent class of ignorant female saps and dupes? No, the truth is the Republican Party is the party of old school white men with money who like their position in a white patriarch plutocracy and the only change they are interested in is increasing tax cuts.
Allegations of women combined with a perp on tape admitting to the desire and ability to engage in the act. The irony is that the same power and fame that Trump believes enable his sado sexual sociopathy is exactly the only thing standing between him and jail. His denial is not worthy of belief after his declaration against interest made in confidence.

So, why don't Republicans care about women? Chirp. Is the excuse that the Democratic Party is running a plantation to create a dependent class of ignorant female saps and dupes? No, the truth is the Republican Party is the party of old school white men with money who like their position in a white patriarch plutocracy and the only change they are interested in is increasing tax cuts.

Still engaging Rules for Radicals I see. You accuse Mr. Trump of engaging in sexual sociopathy VOID OF ANY EVIDENCE....prima facie or objective in nature (just conjectural Hear say) 1. You accuse 2. You attack based upon your unproven allegation/accusation by asking "why don't ( republicans care about women (directly from the DNC...your power broker bosses)....the talking point from the soup du jour menu. 3. You are now being ignorantly engaged as the transmission of your power broker criminal bosses. Every point you brought comes directly from Saul Alinsky's Rules for Radicals. You are a robot. You have been programmed.

Every point you brought up comes directly from the DNC and its attempted Coup d'état in their quest to remove a constitutionally elected POTUS as dictated by the voice of THE PEOPLE. You are just as guilty as they. Why? you are a communist radical as the demonstrated facts provided by your own words the attempt to remove a validly elected President of the United States.

You might not care about the nation that protects your freedom to speak ignorantly in promoting communist revolutionary rhetoric but some still remain loyal to the ideas of this nation's founding principles.

Be careful what you wish for.....some day the Brown Shirts might come knocking on your door. It begins by removing your source of self protection (the 2nd amendment), next comes the take over of the economy by the state (banks, healthcare), then comes the removal of your right to own property...lastly your freedom to voice your concerns (1st amendment). Why do you assume the freedom of self protection and the freedom of self expression are No. 1 and 2 in the States(the people's) bill of rights?

The playbook being used by the DNC is historically documented time and time again....and it always ends the same way, total collapse due to violent revolution. As pointed out by Mr. Madison in point number 10 of the federalist papers. That's why this nation is constitutionally guaranteed to be run on a Republican Based Format (as opposed to a pure social democracy format)...and its guaranteed from the local government to the federal government (Article Four, Section Four, Clause One).
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Yet another "Alinsky" accusation declaring the right is not living up to their own moral code of you characters have any thing other than the Alinsky playbook from the 60s? You just personified the typical Alinsky leftist as it comes directly from the playbook, RULES FOR RADICALS. Accuse the opposition of being immoral by their own standards.

Your problem is the fact that no one has presented any evidence whatsoever proving that Mr. Trump is what you accuse him of being, a Rapist. If it could have been proven it would have been proven long before now. And the circle continues. :)


So now, according to Ralph, expecting Republicans to live by the same rules they use to judge Democrats makes one an Alinsky-ite.

The desperate lengths Righties will go to defend their Pussy-Grabber in Chief are astounding.
Allegations of women combined with a perp on tape admitting to the desire and ability to engage in the act. The irony is that the same power and fame that Trump believes enable his sado sexual sociopathy is exactly the only thing standing between him and jail. His denial is not worthy of belief after his declaration against interest made in confidence.

So, why don't Republicans care about women? Chirp. Is the excuse that the Democratic Party is running a plantation to create a dependent class of ignorant female saps and dupes? No, the truth is the Republican Party is the party of old school white men with money who like their position in a white patriarch plutocracy and the only change they are interested in is increasing tax cuts.

I tried to explain to some of the "less intelligent" JPP conservatives that when audio of Trump surfaced admitting he has grabbed women by the pussy, he's admitting he has sexually assaulted women in the past.

Of course not a one of them would acknowledge Trump's own words...
Its a simple thing....the title of this thread speaks volumes. ALLEGATIONS AGAINST TRUMP. FYI: An allegation is far removed from evidential findings of FACT. LMAO the ignorance of a child is revealed again. The Alinskite proceeds as if an allegation/accusation is all that's required to establish a fact...knowing its a lie. Premeditated lying is a sure indicator of Alinsky indoctrination. The fool is indoctrinated without knowing he is being indoctrinated because he surrounds him/herself with other fools.

Another sure sign? Making lite and attempting to hide/deny the history actual of your own representative party affiliation. A history that demonstrates Jim Crow, Slavery support, anti-civil rights movements, the KKK, anti-women's rights...etc., and most recently the use of Saul Alinsky's book Rules for Radicals as a political bible. As demonstrated by YOU...even if you are nothing but an ignorant gullible pawn of the real power brokers in your are providing the transmission that helps drive social communism.

My advise? GROW THE HELL UP and start thinking and reasoning in a critical independent fashion.

All there ever were, were ALLEGATIONS against Clinton, yet you took those women at their word.

What is different this time?

So now, according to Ralph, expecting Republicans to live by the same rules they use to judge Democrats makes one an Alinsky-ite.

The desperate lengths Righties will go to defend their Pussy-Grabber in Chief are astounding. pointed out....YOU LIE. There is no double standard...there simply is no prima facie or objective evidence against Mr. Trump as exists with the Weinstein charges.....there is a documented history of settlement and a contractual wavier that allows for sexual misconduct under the terms of employment. There is no such record of prima facie evidence that exists beyond a "reasonable doubt" of logical reasoning against Mr. Trump there is much to doubt with your subjective and conjectural accusation void of evidence.

Saul Alinsky's rules for radicals. Charge others with the acts that you are now engaging. Like your parties history of endorsing slavery, the KKK, anti-civil rights legislation, anti-women voting acts, while buddying up with historical characters like Stalin, Hitler, and Mussolini. Its documented, its testable. And most recently YOUR PRESIDENT OBAMA buddied up with the very nation that invented and still logistically carries out acts of global terrorism.....IRAN and the MUSLLIM BROTHERHOOD. Its a history that is not subject to refutation. Your party supports and defends EVIL. Why? You have no moral compass being a Darwinian Cultist advocate.
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All there ever were, were ALLEGATIONS against Clinton, yet you took those women at their word.

What is different this time?
Proven allegations. The only accusation supported by myself was the prima facie evidence provided by BJ BILL himself under oath. He had an adulterous affair while in the white house...the only proven one in US History. That is no allegation that is prima facie evidence that supports belief in other affairs. Or are you saying that a Blow Job is not evidence of adultery and sexual misconduct? Really? Bill was found guilty of having an adulterous affair and lying about it. What makes you believe that he is not lying about other acts of sexual misconduct if he will lie under oath, just as Hillary lied to Comey?

You are easy to demonstrate just how ignorant you are. Its simple there is logical prima facie and objective evidence (confessing under oath to the adulterous BJ affair) against your friend and criminal BJ BILL and his enabler Sir Hillary (She lied and said she was named after Sir Edmund Hillary because he conquered Mt. Everest....but she was born before Edmund Hillary even attempted to climb Everest). So, demonstrably what you are supporting is nothing but a family of documented liars and sexual perverts.

Its who you are..... an immoral democrat, you can't help being who you are....just like a snake can't help being what it naturally is a predator that uses venom as a weapon (the FORKED TONGUE...TO SEEK OUT VICTIMS). The forked TONGUE is not literal but exists acronymically in the mind of all who use lies as a means to accomplish a mission. Forked TONGUE is an acronym for DEMOCRAT.......

Just one of many. ALP-Atheist lovers party CARP-cut and run party GAP-gay awareness party The HIP PARTY-Hollywood ideas party The LISP Party-Latino Immigration (illegal) support party The POP Party-The party on (dudes)party RAMP party-Republicans are mean party SCAMP-social conservatives are mean party TARP-Total abortion rights party.

Why not the FT party? FORKED TONGUE PARTY after all its populated by liars and perverts....some even professing to be native American in order to game the system....some claiming to be foreign born Muslims to game the system, and some claiming to be members of a small business (congress) in order to game the system and claim to be insured under Obama Care so they don't have to pay from their own pockets.
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Proven allegations. The only accusation supported by myself was the prima facie evidence provided by BJ BILL himself under oath. He had an adulterous affair while in the white house...the only proven one in US History. That is no allegation that is prima facie evidence that supports belief in other affairs. Or are you saying that a Blow Job is not evidence of adultery and sexual misconduct? Really? Bill was found guilty of having an adulterous affair and lying about it. What makes you believe that he is not lying about other acts of sexual misconduct if he will lie under oath, just as Hillary lied to Comey?

You are easy to demonstrate just how ignorant you are. Its simple there is logical prima facie and objective evidence (confessing under oath to the adulterous BJ affair) against your friend and criminal BJ BILL and his enabler Sir Hillary (She lied and said she was named after Sir Edmund Hillary because he conquered Mt. Everest....but she was born before Edmund Hillary even attempted to climb Everest). So, demonstrably what you are supporting is nothing but a family of documented liars and sexual perverts.

Its who you are..... an immoral democrat, you can't help being who you are....just like a snake can't help being what it naturally is a predator that uses venom as a weapon (the FORKED TONGUE...TO SEEK OUT VICTIMS). The forked TONGUE is not literal but exists acronymically in the mind of all who use lies as a means to accomplish a mission. Forked TONGUE is an acronym for DEMOCRAT.......

Just one of many. ALP-Atheist lovers party CARP-cut and run party GAP-gay awareness party The HIP PARTY-Hollywood ideas party The LISP Party-Latino Immigration (illegal) support party The POP Party-The party on (dudes)party RAMP party-Republicans are mean party SCAMP-social conservatives are mean party TARP-Total abortion rights party.

Why not the FT party? FORKED TONGUE PARTY after all its populated by liars and perverts....some even professing to be native American in order to game the system....some claiming to be foreign born Muslims to game the system, and some claiming to be members of a small business (congress) in order to game the system and claim to be insured under Obama Care so they don't have to pay from their own pockets.

Adultery, although wrong in the eyes of God, is NOT a criminal offense, and Clinton was NOT "found guilty".

He was found guilty of "lying under oath"...nothing more, yet conservatives TO THIS DAY still claim he raped and sexually assaulted several women based on nothing more than the uncorroborated claims of his accusers.

Now, why won't you hold Trump to the same standards you hold Clinton to?