Trump Sexual Assault Allegations!

Different levels of assault one. 2 Trump's accusers had little evidence, and waited until October of his election year to mention it. Trump had fewer accusers and didn't accuse him of any serious crime, like rape.

So once again a libtard is comparing apples to oranges and trying to make that apple stick.

And Clinton's accusers waited until he was running for President before any of them came forward.

Do you believe Clinton's accusers?

Hypocrisy is an ugly thing.

It's always so much fun watching GBA dance along the top of that fence, terrified of coming down on either side cuz then he'd have to take an actual position.

Either he believes the women who accused Trump of sexual which case he's deliberately covering for a serial sexual predator.


He believes Trump over the women who accuse which case he's just another hypocrite who only believes women when they are accusing someone of sexual assault that he doesn't support .

Lets see if he's FINALLY ready to choose a side. are demanding someone to produce evidence that is "native" in nature? That's something that can't be proven because it exists only in the from of a mental image...i.e., an opinion generated between the ears, unlike the 8 documented and paid out sexual misconduct settlements of record as proven by the times article in questioning the information from the board at Weinstein Production Inc., as they are the one's making the settlement payments previously, the very reason the contract contained language that made it clear that should any future sexual misconduct charges present themselves against Mr. Weinstein, HE WOULD HAVE TO PAY THE SETTLEMENT OUT OF HIS OWN EARNED INCOME.

That's mighty White of you.....the confession that some people have the inherent ability of mental telepathy. :palm: :)
Indeed it means you have ignored the links from the NY TIMES and other sources in order to pretend that you don't have to introduce the objective evidence that overrules the prima facie evidence of record. Its the same ole story from a leftist. As pointed out previously, simply because you refuse to accept the prima facie evidence does not indicate that it can be overcome by your personal biased opinion. Again END OF STORY.....unless you present the objective evidence that presents the prima facie evidence of this person's history as an impossibility of logical truth..i.e., A FACTUAL REASON TO DOUBT that history is truthful. And brother.....your personal opinion does not qualify as a fact.

How many posts have you presented demanding that those being accused by you.....prove that your opinion is correct? Laughable in the fact of your ignorance. Saul Alinsky is overcome by the simple truth. Repeating accusations ad nauseam does not make them any more truthful whether its the 2nd accusation or the 100th.

You are using the Alinsky Formula for Radicals. 1. Accuse 2. Attack based upon an undocumented subjective accusation as if it was truth being presented 3. (the stage you are now engaging) DEFLECTION away from having to prove those accusations as truth (the supposed double standard where Trump attackers have no evidence v. the historical evidence of someone engaging in such a perversion with at least 8 historical paid out settlements...there is no comparison and no double standard as to base your false premise).

your next step in the Alinsky formula...rules for radicals number 4. the personal ad hominem attack attempting to make your opponent angry and go off on some tangent. The last? Number 5. Run like hell away from the facts....or a circular repeat with No. 1 starting all over again. But I am sure there is at least one more attempt by you received the proverbial pat on the back.....ACCOLADE...from one of your cohorts...that you were phising for.....please continue, ask us one more time to present evidence.

The problem you are having in presenting objective evidences? None exists or Trump would not be president. Another problem? The truth is not subject to refutation..thus your attempts at deflection....being laughed at expect by others that are more ignorant than you.

No, it means you made a claim and now refuse to back it up with proof.

Your lengthy diatribe about me following the "Alinsky formula" is just the latest diversion from a liar who realizes he's been cornered and can't get out of the mess he created.
And Clinton's accusers waited until he was running for President before any of them came forward.

Do you believe Clinton's accusers?

Hypocrisy is an ugly thing.

Apparently lying leftist dumbasses think they were all a bunch of sluts.....after all, this was their hero BillyBob!!! And that Monica Lewinsky thing....another useless slut right?

Isn't it fascinating when lying leftist hypocrites feel compelled to denounce women when it comes to their partisan political heroes.


And Clinton's accusers waited until he was running for President before any of them came forward.

Do you believe Clinton's accusers?

Hypocrisy is an ugly thing.

Actually some of his accusers happened WHILE he was president. Still different levels of evidence, and duress.

Again, apples to oranges.
GBA has once again fixated on my jiggling junk! But really, can anyone blame him? Study it! Obsess over it!

More deflection from the deceitful doyen of duplicitous DEMOCRAT double standards, who demands that others show proof but excuses himself from doing likewise.

BTW, that's not you in the gif, Zappacrite.

I saw your pictures, and everything on you that jiggles is above the waist - barely.

No, it means you made a claim and now refuse to back it up with proof.

Your lengthy diatribe about me following the "Alinsky formula" is just the latest diversion from a liar who realizes he's been cornered and can't get out of the mess he created.

Told ya....ya had one more baseless accusation in ya. Alinskites are "circular" in nature repeating the same debunked false premise ad nauseam. Nailed you. :) As the "proof" is documented by the leftest news rag, The NY Times as presented. Post # 140 Clearly confirms the fact that the Board of the Weinstein Production Corporation verified the 8 settlements previously paid out by Weinstein and thus drafted in provisions into the employment contract demanding that Mr. Weinstein pay for any future sexual misconduct settlement from his own pocket.

Even the Huff and Stuff Post verifies the Times Article and the TMZ article stating there was a sexual misconduct wavier in his contract....and EXPERTS (such as you claim to be...DON'T BUY THE SUPPOSED IGNORANCE)
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Now comes the "run like hell" away from the evidence of record, after 250+ posts wasted chasing the proverbial cats tail. Alinsky 101...basic rules for radicals, no matter how outrageous the accusation might be the entire point of the endeavor is the attempt to make anyone that does not conform to the leftest standard of morality (which is individually none...if one desires as its the survival of the strongest mentality with no Golden absolute standards as the strong simply devour the weak)..... Thus they accuse their opponent of not living up to their own standards of morality.

Did anyone take note the first accusation from the head of this leftest was a suggestion that anyone/everyone on the right does not conform to their own standards of morality but have a supposed double standard? Which was proven to be a false premise based accusation as the standards from one (Trump) individual to the other(Weinstein) vary drastically in the fact of evidential findings?

The left has been indoctrinated with this style of politics since the 60s when the social communists launched a political coup d'etat and took control of the DNC leadership.....killing the last true Democrat to hold the office of President of the United States (JFK) who would be labeled an extreme Neo Con by the modern democrat party if he still lived. His first actions as President was to support Military Strength and Reform Welfare Standards. This action kind'a mirrors the deep state activities being engaged today by the same party...even to the point of attempting to kill members of the opposing party and suggesting that someone within their minions take out the President of the United States.
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‘My pain is everyday’: After Weinstein’s fall, Trump accusers wonder: Why not him?

Almost a year after New Yorker Jessica Leeds and other women stepped forward with harrowing accounts of being sexually assaulted by a powerful man, another scandal with similar elements exploded.

Only this time, the punishment was swift and devastating.

“It is hard to reconcile that Harvey Weinstein could be brought down with this, and [President] Trump just continues to be the Teflon Don,” said Leeds, who claims she was groped 30 years ago on a plane by the man whose presence she cannot escape now that he sits in the Oval Office.

In Florida, Melinda McGillivray was having much the same reaction.

“What pisses me off is that the guy is president,” McGillivray, who a year ago went public with allegations that Trump grabbed her at Mar-a-Lago in 2003 when she was 23. “It’s that simple.”

Leeds and McGillivray were among the 11 women who came forward in the 2016 campaign to accuse the then-Republican presidential candidate of unwanted touching or kissing. Trump called the charges “pure fiction” and referred to the women as “horrible, horrible liars.”

Their claims did not stop the celebrity real estate titan on his climb to the most powerful office in the world.

Since then, numerous men in high places have been felled by charges of sexual misconduct. Most notable among them were Bill O’Reilly, the star Fox News anchor who was ousted less than a year after Roger Ailes, the network’s co-founder; and Weinstein, once regarded as one of the most influential figures in the entertainment business.

The Weinstein scandal, which has featured graphic accounts of assault from a string of celebrity accusers, has sparked a national debate about sexual harassment. Many women, inspired by a #MeToo campaign, have taken to social media to tell their own stories, and calls to the National Sexual Assault Hotline have risen sharply.

[#MeToo made the scale of sexual abuse go viral. But is it asking too much of survivors?]

But for Trump’s accusers, the renewed debate offers a reminder that their allegations did not have the same effect.

Trump, unlike Weinstein, was able to deflect their claims — despite the disclosure of a video in which he was heard bragging about the kind of behavior some of the women had alleged. Trump has never followed through with his vow to sue his accusers or produce the “substantial evidence” he said would refute their claims.

‘My pain is everyday’: After Weinstein’s fall, Trump accusers wonder: Why not him?

Almost a year after New Yorker Jessica Leeds and other women stepped forward with harrowing accounts of being sexually assaulted by a powerful man, another scandal with similar elements exploded.

Only this time, the punishment was swift and devastating.

“It is hard to reconcile that Harvey Weinstein could be brought down with this, and [President] Trump just continues to be the Teflon Don,” said Leeds, who claims she was groped 30 years ago on a plane by the man whose presence she cannot escape now that he sits in the Oval Office.

In Florida, Melinda McGillivray was having much the same reaction.

“What pisses me off is that the guy is president,” McGillivray, who a year ago went public with allegations that Trump grabbed her at Mar-a-Lago in 2003 when she was 23. “It’s that simple.”

Leeds and McGillivray were among the 11 women who came forward in the 2016 campaign to accuse the then-Republican presidential candidate of unwanted touching or kissing. Trump called the charges “pure fiction” and referred to the women as “horrible, horrible liars.”

Their claims did not stop the celebrity real estate titan on his climb to the most powerful office in the world.

Since then, numerous men in high places have been felled by charges of sexual misconduct. Most notable among them were Bill O’Reilly, the star Fox News anchor who was ousted less than a year after Roger Ailes, the network’s co-founder; and Weinstein, once regarded as one of the most influential figures in the entertainment business.

The Weinstein scandal, which has featured graphic accounts of assault from a string of celebrity accusers, has sparked a national debate about sexual harassment. Many women, inspired by a #MeToo campaign, have taken to social media to tell their own stories, and calls to the National Sexual Assault Hotline have risen sharply.

[#MeToo made the scale of sexual abuse go viral. But is it asking too much of survivors?]

But for Trump’s accusers, the renewed debate offers a reminder that their allegations did not have the same effect.

Trump, unlike Weinstein, was able to deflect their claims — despite the disclosure of a video in which he was heard bragging about the kind of behavior some of the women had alleged. Trump has never followed through with his vow to sue his accusers or produce the “substantial evidence” he said would refute their claims.


He said she says? Really? If there was any kind of evidence, prima facie or objectively factual......Mr. Trump would have paid out settlements, but He has not because there is no evidence unlike the Weinstein Scandal were there is documented evidence of a plethora of settlements paid out. Simply show us the documented settlements of sexual misconduct where the victim had enough evidence to produce a settlement. Some have sued...but can't produce the evidence.

As pointed out come's the circular start over beginning with an unproven accusation and proceeding as if it were based upon evidential findings of fact. Apparently 250+ posts accusing someone void of producing any evidence is not enough for the water heads.
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He said she says? Really? If there was any kind of evidence, prima facie or objectively factual......Mr. Trump would have paid out settlements, but He has not because there is no evidence unlike the Weinstein Scandal were there is documented evidence of a plethora of settlements paid out. Simply show us the documented settlements of sexual misconduct where the victim had enough evidence to produce a settlement. Some have sued...but can't produce the evidence.

As pointed out come's the circular start over beginning with an unproven accusation and proceeding as if it were based upon evidential findings of fact. Apparently 250+ posts accusing someone void of producing any evidence is not enough for the water heads.

His own X-wife accused him, as did others, nothing happened............ That does not mean he didn't do it, no more than it meant harv didn't do it because he wasn't convicted of something...........Trump hit with subpoena over groping allegations from former Apprentice contestant
His own X-wife accused him, as did others, nothing happened............ That does not mean he didn't do it, no more than it meant harv didn't do it because he wasn't convicted of something...........Trump hit with subpoena over groping allegations from former Apprentice contestant

She said that he raped her but it wasn't real rape. It you can work that one out then you're a better man than me, Gunga Din. If you were being truthful Bill, you'd admit that you don't really care if the charges are 'trumped up'. You just want some mud to stick so that your daily pain and suffering can finally be ended!!

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Recalcitrant Republicans Refuse to Respond

When Harvey Weinstein was accused of sexual assault, everyone took the word of his female accusers.

When Donald Trump was accused of the SAME CRIME, he and his followers simply laughed it off and claimed it was "fake news".

Which begs the question: why the double standard?

Fake or not, they don't care, he is their rapist. Family values potus.
She said that he raped her but it wasn't real rape. It you can work that one out then you're a better man than me, Gunga Din. If you were being truthful Bill, you'd admit that you don't really care if the charges are 'trumped up'. You just want some mud to stick so that your daily pain and suffering can finally be ended!!

Sent from my Lenovo K8 Note using Tapatalk

Lectures on truth from a climate science denier. LMFAO
His own X-wife accused him, as did others, nothing happened............ That does not mean he didn't do it, no more than it meant harv didn't do it because he wasn't convicted of something...........Trump hit with subpoena over groping allegations from former Apprentice contestant

It does not mean he did DO IT! What you have presented is yet another "subjective" opinion that is not evidence but a negative conjecture as it has no method of proving it to be true or false, its not even valid as prima facie evidence because there is much logical doubt as there is no evidence other than conjecture....where are the confirmed payout settlements as we all know there has been no record of investigation, indictment, or convection in any civil or criminal department of US Jurisprudence. Round and Round we go on the Alinsky deflective wheel. :)