Trump Sexual Assault Allegations!

Yes, they were acceptable.

NONE of the women who accused Clinton had ANY evidence other than their UNCORROBORATED allegations.

Now I see where you're making the misunderstanding. The allegations against Bill Clinton were corroborated by DNA evidence: his semen on Lewinsky's dress. Then several women came out and accussed him ofrpae and other insidious behavior, all with similar modus operandi, therefore corroborating his behavior. Do you see the difference?
There is just as much evidence to prove Trump did what he's accused of as there is to prove Weinstein did what he's accused of.

Why the double standard?

Um no I already posted the audio tape catching Weinstein sexually harassing a woman and admitting to groping her against her will.
"Forced to come forward by the GOP"??

Finally, in an interview with Dateline NBC that aired on February 24, 1999, Broaddrick told her story in public in full for the first time, this time stating that she had indeed been raped by Clinton.

Get educated:

Road to public disclosure Edit
Though Broaddrick was resistant to talking to the media, rumors about her story began circulating no later than Clinton’s presidential bid in 1992.[7] Broaddrick had confided in Phillip Yoakum, whom she knew from business circles and at the time considered a friend. When Clinton won the Democratic nomination, Yoakum, widely considered to have a Republican agenda,[7] contacted Sheffield Nelson, Clinton’s opponent in the 1990 gubernatorial race. Yoakum arranged a meeting between Nelson and Broaddrick, who resisted Yoakum's and Nelson’s push that she go public.[1] Yoakum secretly taped the conversation and wrote a letter summarizing the allegations, which began to circulate within Republican circles. The story reached the New York Times and the Los Angeles Times in October 1992, but the papers dropped the story after Broaddrick refused to talk to reporters and Yoakum refused to release the recording.[7]

In the fall of 1997, Paula Jones’s private investigators tried to talk to Broaddrick at her home, also secretly taping the conversation.[13] Broaddrick refused to discuss the incident, saying “it was just a horrible horrible thing,” and that she “wouldn’t relive it for anything.”[14] The investigators told her she would likely be subpoenaed if she would not talk to them. Broaddrick said she would deny everything, saying “you can’t get to him, and I’m not going to ruin my good name to do it… there’s just absolutely no way anyone can get to him, he’s just too vicious.”[14] Broaddrick was subpoenaed in the Jones suit soon after and submitted an affidavit denying that Clinton had made “any sexual advances”.[1][2] The recording of Broaddrick’s conversation with the investigators was leaked to the press, but Broaddrick continued to refuse to speak to reporters.[13]

Despite Broaddrick’s denial in her affidavit, Jones’ lawyers included Yoakum’s letter and Broaddrick's name in a 1998 filing.[13] The letter suggested that the Clintons had bought Broaddrick’s silence, describing a phone call where Broaddrick’s husband asked Yoakum to say the incident never happened and said that he intended to ask Clinton “for a couple of big favors.”[15] This, along with the discrepancy between the letter and Broaddrick’s affidavit, attracted the attention of independent counsel Kenneth Starr, who was investigating Clinton for obstruction of justice. After being approached by the FBI, Broaddrick consulted her son, a lawyer, who told her she could not lie to federal investigators.[7] After Starr granted her immunity,[16] thus assuring that she would not be prosecuted for perjury regarding her affidavit in the Jones case, Broaddrick recanted the affidavit. However, she insisted that Clinton had not pressured or bribed her in any way, and so Starr concluded that the story was not relevant to his investigation and his report only mentioned the recanting in a footnote.[1]

If she was raped and had witnesses

Get educated:

By contrast , Juanita Broaddrick’s claim was supported by not one but five witnesses and a host of circumstantial (though no physical) evidence. Broaddrick’s colleague Norma Rogers, who was attending the conference in Little Rock with her, says she found Broaddrick in her hotel room crying and “in a state of shock” on the morning of the alleged assault, her pantyhose torn and her lip swollen. According to Rogers, Broaddrick told her that Bill Clinton had “forced himself on her.”

, then why didn't she follow through with her allegations?

Because unlike the Trump accusers she wasn't seeking $ and 15 minutes of fame.

Your hypocrisy is unbelievable.

Your ignorance is astounding, get fucking educatef before you comment on subjects you obviously know jack and shit about.
And Trump was caught on tape ADMITTING he sexually assaults women, yet you dismiss it as "locker room talk".

Yes he was shooting the shit while Weinstein was literally caught on tape sexually harassing a woman and pressuring her to get into his hotel room, your comparison of the two is laughable.
Recalcitrant Republicans Refuse to Respond

When Harvey Weinstein was accused of sexual assault, everyone took the word of his female accusers.

When Donald Trump was accused of the SAME CRIME, he and his followers simply laughed it off and claimed it was "fake news".

Which begs the question: why the double standard?

Link us to the credible allegations you lying leftist asshat.
Still waiting for you to cite the evidence you keep talking about...

When do you think you might get around to doing that?

As the prima facie evidence has been presented I have a suggestion, Shit in one hand and wait in the other and see which one gets full fastest. :) Your ignorance in comprehension skills is not my concern, My duty is to simply present the truth, and leave any liberal feigning ignorance flapping their gums pretending to be smart. ;) Its much like a child holding their breath waiting for some adult to show some concern.....I simply allow them to pass out, they'll come around soon enough and move on to the next lie.

In reality.....your next move, should you wish to prevail in this line of horseshit pretension would be to present any OBJECTIVE EVIDENCE that makes the prosecuted prima facie evidence of record null and void. Your record of suggesting that you don't accept the evidence simply fries any defense that is possible void of the required Objective and Testable evidence that can offset the prima facie record already in evidence. Feigning ignorance is not an excuse, as ignorance of the law has never been an excuse until the Comey theory of law excused queen of lies (Clinton) due to her supposed ignorance of the law, a law that has been executed against 10s of thousands of other civil servants that have violated the trust of this Nation.

The funny thing? It is very possible, as pointed out by Comey that Hillary's unprotected and private server most certainly was the transmission source of the supposed RUSSIAN hack job during the election, making it more than likely those on the hill are going after the wrong criminal if they truly want to prosecute the root of the Russian supposed interference.
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Get educated:

Road to public disclosure Edit
Though Broaddrick was resistant to talking to the media, rumors about her story began circulating no later than Clinton’s presidential bid in 1992.[7] Broaddrick had confided in Phillip Yoakum, whom she knew from business circles and at the time considered a friend. When Clinton won the Democratic nomination, Yoakum, widely considered to have a Republican agenda,[7] contacted Sheffield Nelson, Clinton’s opponent in the 1990 gubernatorial race. Yoakum arranged a meeting between Nelson and Broaddrick, who resisted Yoakum's and Nelson’s push that she go public.[1] Yoakum secretly taped the conversation and wrote a letter summarizing the allegations, which began to circulate within Republican circles. The story reached the New York Times and the Los Angeles Times in October 1992, but the papers dropped the story after Broaddrick refused to talk to reporters and Yoakum refused to release the recording.[7]

In the fall of 1997, Paula Jones’s private investigators tried to talk to Broaddrick at her home, also secretly taping the conversation.[13] Broaddrick refused to discuss the incident, saying “it was just a horrible horrible thing,” and that she “wouldn’t relive it for anything.”[14] The investigators told her she would likely be subpoenaed if she would not talk to them. Broaddrick said she would deny everything, saying “you can’t get to him, and I’m not going to ruin my good name to do it… there’s just absolutely no way anyone can get to him, he’s just too vicious.”[14] Broaddrick was subpoenaed in the Jones suit soon after and submitted an affidavit denying that Clinton had made “any sexual advances”.[1][2] The recording of Broaddrick’s conversation with the investigators was leaked to the press, but Broaddrick continued to refuse to speak to reporters.[13]

Despite Broaddrick’s denial in her affidavit, Jones’ lawyers included Yoakum’s letter and Broaddrick's name in a 1998 filing.[13] The letter suggested that the Clintons had bought Broaddrick’s silence, describing a phone call where Broaddrick’s husband asked Yoakum to say the incident never happened and said that he intended to ask Clinton “for a couple of big favors.”[15] This, along with the discrepancy between the letter and Broaddrick’s affidavit, attracted the attention of independent counsel Kenneth Starr, who was investigating Clinton for obstruction of justice. After being approached by the FBI, Broaddrick consulted her son, a lawyer, who told her she could not lie to federal investigators.[7] After Starr granted her immunity,[16] thus assuring that she would not be prosecuted for perjury regarding her affidavit in the Jones case, Broaddrick recanted the affidavit. However, she insisted that Clinton had not pressured or bribed her in any way, and so Starr concluded that the story was not relevant to his investigation and his report only mentioned the recanting in a footnote.[1]

Get educated:

By contrast , Juanita Broaddrick’s claim was supported by not one but five witnesses and a host of circumstantial (though no physical) evidence. Broaddrick’s colleague Norma Rogers, who was attending the conference in Little Rock with her, says she found Broaddrick in her hotel room crying and “in a state of shock” on the morning of the alleged assault, her pantyhose torn and her lip swollen. According to Rogers, Broaddrick told her that Bill Clinton had “forced himself on her.”

Because unlike the Trump accusers she wasn't seeking $ and 15 minutes of fame.

Your ignorance is astounding, get fucking educatef before you comment on subjects you obviously know jack and shit about.

If all Broaddrick wanted was justice, then why wasn't there a trial?

If there were so many "witnesses", then why wasn't there a trial?

It's one excuse after another for ignorant Trumpkin's hypocritical double standard when it comes to sexual assault allegations.
Now I see where you're making the misunderstanding. The allegations against Bill Clinton were corroborated by DNA evidence: his semen on Lewinsky's dress. Then several women came out and accussed him ofrpae and other insidious behavior, all with similar modus operandi, therefore corroborating his behavior. Do you see the difference?

The affair with Lewinsky was consensual.

Semen on her dress corroborates NOTHING but the claim that they did indeed engage in a consensual sexual relationship.

Broaddrick/Willey/Flowers...NO EVIDENCE.

NOTHING but their uncorroborated account of what occurred.

Each woman was so unconcerned with what supposedly occurred that NONE of them bothered to go to the authorities immediately following the incident.

No, each of them waited till Clinton was running for President before they came forward.
As the prima facie evidence has been presented I have a suggestion, Shit in one hand and wait in the other and see which one gets full fastest. :) Your ignorance in comprehension skills is not my concern, My duty is to simply present the truth, and leave any liberal feigning ignorance flapping their gums pretending to be smart. ;) Its much like a child holding their breath waiting for some adult to show some concern.....I simply allow them to pass out, they'll come around soon enough and move on to the next lie.

In reality.....your next move, should you wish to prevail in this line of horseshit pretension would be to present any OBJECTIVE EVIDENCE that makes the prosecuted prima facie evidence of record null and void. Your record of suggesting that you don't accept the evidence simply fries any defense that is possible void of the required Objective and Testable evidence that can offset the prima facie record already in evidence. Feigning ignorance is not an excuse, as ignorance of the law has never been an excuse until the Comey theory of law excused queen of lies (Clinton) due to her supposed ignorance of the law, a law that has been executed against 10s of thousands of other civil servants that have violated the trust of this Nation.

The funny thing? It is very possible, as pointed out by Comey that Hillary's unprotected and private server most certainly was the transmission source of the supposed RUSSIAN hack job during the election, making it more than likely those on the hill are going after the wrong criminal if they truly want to prosecute the root of the Russian supposed interference.

Yeah, I didn't expect you to actually follow through with this "evidence" you keep whining about.

In reality it was all just another gigantic diversion by a hypocritical Trumpkin who refuses to discuss his double standard.
Yeah, I didn't expect you to actually follow through with this "evidence" you keep whining about.

In reality it was all just another gigantic diversion by a hypocritical Trumpkin who refuses to discuss his double standard.

So you are saying no objective evidence exists that can overturn the prima facie evidence found in the employment contract and 8 other settlements objectively paid out to the other victims of record? As expected. ;) Why? You would not be attempting to deflect away from your own ignorance with nothing but subjective ad hominem BS. Alinsky 101.

As my Big Sis, an:) ole time country attorney says, "If it looks like a duck, talks like a duck and walks like a duck.....the evidence proves one thing, ITS A DAMN DUCK. The only 'standard" demonstrated on this thread that proves anything,is your lack thereof, the left continues to defend child molestation, perversion, rape and their source of campaign funds, i.e., the source of the enabled cancer now consuming this nation. If you have no moral compass to calibrate immorality there are no standards possible. Its the reason BJ BILL was impeached, the fact that he attempted to defend his perversion by lying under oath knowing that Hillary could give a rats ass about the adultery, it was her source of political power that was being threatened....that she would never tolerate.
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So you are saying no objective evidence exists that can overturn the prima facie evidence found in the employment contract and 8 other settlements objectively paid out to the other victims of record? As expected. ;) Why? You would not be attempting to deflect away from your own ignorance with nothing but subjective ad hominem BS. Alinsky 101.

As my Big Sis, an:) ole time country attorney says, "If it looks like a duck, talks like a duck and walks like a duck.....the evidence proves one thing, ITS A DAMN DUCK. The only 'standard" demonstrated on this that thread proves anything, it is your lack thereof, the left continues to defend child molestation, perversion, rape and their source of campaign funds, i.e., the source of enabled cancer now consuming this nation. If you have no moral compass to calibrate immorality there are no standards possible.

I am saying that until you actually CITE this "evidence" you keep referring to, your comments are just another ridiculous diversion designed to keep you from having to acknowledge your double standard.
That's F-O-U-R times I've asked you for some proof and F-O-U-R times you've dodged the question! We all know what that means! Like all the other Trumpkins, you got NOTHING!

Show the forum your proof that Russell Walker is a "Trumpkin", as you claimed on August 24th, Zappacrite.

I've lost count of the times times I've asked you for some proof and E-V-E-R-Y time you've dodged the question!

We all know what that means! got NOTHING!
