Trump Sexual Assault Allegations!

Trump admitted serial sexual assaults. Bragged about them. Assumed they would continue. What's to discuss?

How much truly consensual sex does anyone think Trump gets? He is huge, old, and orange.
why do you trust trump over the women he bragged about assaulting?

why do you trust the clinton accusers lies even though they said under oath he didnt rape them
Show the forum your proof that Russell Walker is a "Trumpkin", as you claimed on August 24th, Zappacrite.

I've lost count of the times times I've asked you for some proof and E-V-E-R-Y time you've dodged the question!

We all know what that means! got NOTHING!


As I've explained.

You won't answer my questions so I won't answer yours.
As I've explained. You won't answer my questions so I won't answer yours.

So you demanded that Ralph provide evidence but refuse to do so yourself?

Dance, Zappacrite, dance.

why do you trust trump over the women he bragged about assaulting?

I don't recall saying that, skank.

Go and get the quotes of mine that prove what you say.

why do you trust the clinton accusers lies even though they said under oath he didnt rape them

Go and get these alleged statements skank.

Get them all. Every single one.

Get the statements they all supposedly made under oath that he didn't rape them.

Post the proof, skank.
Recalcitrant Republicans Refuse to Respond

When Harvey Weinstein was accused of sexual assault, everyone took the word of his female accusers.

When Donald Trump was accused of the SAME CRIME, he and his followers simply laughed it off and claimed it was "fake news".

Which begs the question: why the double standard?

Trump was never accused of what Democrat and big time Democrat donor Harvey the pervert did you lying hypocritical asshole. What is it with the liberal left and their propensity to just lie about everything?
The affair with Lewinsky was consensual.

Semen on her dress corroborates NOTHING but the claim that they did indeed engage in a consensual sexual relationship.

One could argue that most of Weinstein's trysts were consensual then. Yet Clinton denied it anyway.
That's F-O-U-R times I've asked you for some proof and F-O-U-R times you've dodged the question!

We all know what that means!

Like all the other Trumpkins, you got NOTHING!

Indeed it means you have ignored the links from the NY TIMES and other sources in order to pretend that you don't have to introduce the objective evidence that overrules the prima facie evidence of record. Its the same ole story from a leftist. As pointed out previously, simply because you refuse to accept the prima facie evidence does not indicate that it can be overcome by your personal biased opinion. Again END OF STORY.....unless you present the objective evidence that presents the prima facie evidence of this person's history as an impossibility of logical truth..i.e., A FACTUAL REASON TO DOUBT that history is truthful. And brother.....your personal opinion does not qualify as a fact.

How many posts have you presented demanding that those being accused by you.....prove that your opinion is correct? Laughable in the fact of your ignorance. Saul Alinsky is overcome by the simple truth. Repeating accusations ad nauseam does not make them any more truthful whether its the 2nd accusation or the 100th.

You are using the Alinsky Formula for Radicals. 1. Accuse 2. Attack based upon an undocumented subjective accusation as if it was truth being presented 3. (the stage you are now engaging) DEFLECTION away from having to prove those accusations as truth (the supposed double standard where Trump attackers have no evidence v. the historical evidence of someone engaging in such a perversion with at least 8 historical paid out settlements...there is no comparison and no double standard as to base your false premise).

your next step in the Alinsky formula...rules for radicals number 4. the personal ad hominem attack attempting to make your opponent angry and go off on some tangent. The last? Number 5. Run like hell away from the facts....or a circular repeat with No. 1 starting all over again. But I am sure there is at least one more attempt by you received the proverbial pat on the back.....ACCOLADE...from one of your cohorts...that you were phising for.....please continue, ask us one more time to present evidence.

The problem you are having in presenting objective evidences? None exists or Trump would not be president. Another problem? The truth is not subject to refutation..thus your attempts at deflection....being laughed at expect by others that are more ignorant than you.
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Indeed it means you have ignored the links from the NY TIMES and other sources in order to pretend that you don't have to introduce the objective evidence that overrules the prima facie evidence of record. Its the same ole story from a leftist. As pointed out previously, simply because you refuse to accept the prima facie evidence does not indicate that it can be overcome by your personal biased opinion. Again END OF STORY.....unless you present the objective evidence that presents the prima facie evidence of this person's history as an impossibility of logical truth..i.e., A FACTUAL REASON TO DOUBT that history is truthful. And brother.....your personal opinion does not qualify as a fact.

How many posts have you presented demanding that those being accused by you.....prove that your opinion is correct? Laughable in the fact of your ignorance. Saul Alinsky is overcome by the simple truth. Repeating accusations ad nauseam does not make them any more truthful whether its the 2nd accusation or the 100th.

You are using the Alinsky Formula for Radicals. 1. Accuse 2. Attack based upon an undocumented subjective accusation as if it was truth being presented 3. (the stage you are now engaging) DEFLECTION away from having to prove those accusations as truth (the supposed double standard where Trump attackers have no evidence v. the historical evidence of someone engaging in such a perversion with at least 8 historical paid out settlements...there is no comparison and no double standard as to base your false premise).

your next step in the Alinsky formula...rules for radicals number 4. the personal ad hominem attack attempting to make your opponent angry and go off on some tangent. The last? Number 5. Run like hell away from the facts....or a circular repeat with No. 1 starting all over again. But I am sure there is at least one more attempt by you received the proverbial pat on the back.....ACCOLADE...from one of your cohorts...that you were phising for.....please continue, ask us one more time to present evidence.

The problem you are having in presenting objective evidences? None exists or Trump would not be president. Another problem? The truth is not subject to refutation..thus your attempts at deflection....being laughed at expect by others that are more ignorant than you.
Yep, that's our Zippy alright!

Sent from my Lenovo K8 Note using Tapatalk
Different levels of assault one. 2 Trump's accusers had little evidence, and waited until October of his election year to mention it. Trump had fewer accusers and didn't accuse him of any serious crime, like rape.

So once again a libtard is comparing apples to oranges and trying to make that apple stick.
I don't recall saying that, skank.

Go and get the quotes of mine that prove what you say.

Go and get these alleged statements skank.

Get them all. Every single one.

Get the statements they all supposedly made under oath that he didn't rape them.

Post the proof, skank.


It's always so much fun watching GBA dance along the top of that fence, terrified of coming down on either side cuz then he'd have to take an actual position.

Either he believes the women who accused Trump of sexual which case he's deliberately covering for a serial sexual predator.


He believes Trump over the women who accuse which case he's just another hypocrite who only believes women when they are accusing someone of sexual assault that he doesn't support .

Lets see if he's FINALLY ready to choose a side.