Trump: States rights, except Arizona!

Okay, you threw in the kitchen sink of generalized accusations, but you did NOT address the question: What are the "radical" proposals on abortion that the Democratic Party are proposing? We'll wait.

If you want flip flopping, that's Joke Bribem...

In a 1974 interview with Washingtonian, the former vice president criticized Roe: "I don't like the Supreme Court decision on abortion. I think it went too far. I don't think that a woman has the sole right to say what should happen to her body," Biden said during the interview.

Who are the extremists? Democrats refuse to say if they'd put any limits on abortion.

Overall, the Democrats want abortion on demand to 20 to 24 weeks (up through about the end of the second trimester) into a pregnancy with anything after that up to moments before birth allowed for "health of the mother" to include mental health. Yes, there are variations on that with individual politicians, but that is the gist of the overall Democrat position on this.

You can't scream against a "deep state" or "nanny state" or "big gov't" interfering in any aspect of YOUR life, then turn around and try to justify this draconian BS. That's sheer hypocrisy!

This guy puts it (and folk like you) in the proper perspective:

Where did you pull that out from? That isn't my position on this issue at all. I'm just pointing out the reality of abortion within the state of Arizona as it stands.
It's called HYPOCRISY on the part of your orange god .... and the dullards shooting themselves in the foot who support him.

Get a clue: rich folk like Dump can afford abortions and all the expenses that go with it. Folk like you and I are left to the mercy of local politicians & law enforcement who will determine what's best for the women in your life regarding bringing a pregnancy to term ... what they or their doctors say be damned.
I disagree...Every person, rich or just regular folks like us, have the opportunity to avoid having to make the decision to terminate a child...How are so many hundreds of thousands of women so careless?
Rape and medical/genetic/health issues are completely different scenarios...and should be handled individually...and are...
I disagree...Every person, rich or just regular folks like us, have the opportunity to avoid having to make the decision to terminate a child...How are so many hundreds of thousands of women so careless?
Rape and medical/genetic/health issues are completely different scenarios...and should be handled individually...and are...

Why is rape different? It’s still a life, as you people claim.
Why is rape different? It’s still a life, as you people claim.
It most certainly is still a life... but because it involves a crime, it should be handled as such...thankfully, very few sexual assaults result in pregnancy.... However, a child conceived in rape is blameless and innocent and this, too must be taken into well as the mental and physical health of the mother... Very complicated, wouldn't you agree?
It most certainly is still a life... but because it involves a crime, it should be handled as such...thankfully, very few sexual assaults result in pregnancy.... However, a child conceived in rape is blameless and innocent and this, too must be taken into well as the mental and physical health of the mother... Very complicated, wouldn't you agree?

Ah, so it’s OK to murder an unborn simply because the woman had sex without consent. I understand. I’m sure the unborn does, too.
Where did you pull that out from? That isn't my position on this issue at all. I'm just pointing out the reality of abortion within the state of Arizona as it stands.


Your position that 'it is easy to get an Abortion in-State because people can easily drive out of State'.

That is some real stupidity you tripped over Terry.
Originally Posted by Taichiliberal View Post
Okay, you threw in the kitchen sink of generalized accusations, but you did NOT address the question: What are the "radical" proposals on abortion that the Democratic Party are proposing? We'll wait.

If you want flip flopping, that's Joke Bribem...

In a 1974 interview with Washingtonian, the former vice president criticized Roe: "I don't like the Supreme Court decision on abortion. I think it went too far. I don't think that a woman has the sole right to say what should happen to her body," Biden said during the interview.

Who are the extremists? Democrats refuse to say if they'd put any limits on abortion.

Overall, the Democrats want abortion on demand to 20 to 24 weeks (up through about the end of the second trimester) into a pregnancy with anything after that up to moments before birth allowed for "health of the mother" to include mental health. Yes, there are variations on that with individual politicians, but that is the gist of the overall Democrat position on this.

Got no problem with pointing out extremist or hypocrisy, regardless of party affiliation (note: I'm a registered Independent who DID NOT vote for Uncle Joe or Hillary).

You previously stated that the Dems proposed "radical" rules on abortion. Here's the proposal (thanks for the link), please indicate to the reading audience what you believe is "radical".

Shown Here:
Passed House (07/15/2022)
Women's Health Protection Act of 2022

This bill prohibits governmental restrictions on the provision of, and access to, abortion services.

Specifically, governments may not limit a provider's ability to

- prescribe certain drugs,
- offer abortion services via telemedicine, or
- immediately provide abortion services when the provider determines a delay risks the patient's health.
- Furthermore, governments may not require a provider to

- perform unnecessary medical procedures,
- provide medically inaccurate information,
- comply with credentialing or other conditions that do not apply to providers whose services are medically comparable to abortions, or
carry out all services connected to an abortion.

In addition, governments may not (1) require patients to make medically unnecessary in-person visits before receiving abortion services or disclose their reasons for obtaining such services, or (2) prohibit abortion services before fetal viability or after fetal viability when a provider determines the pregnancy risks the patient's life or health.

The bill also prohibits other governmental measures that are similar to the bill's specified restrictions or that otherwise single out and impede access to abortion services, unless a government demonstrates that the measure significantly advances the safety of abortion services or health of patients and cannot be achieved through less restrictive means.

The Department of Justice, individuals, or providers may bring a lawsuit to enforce this bill, and states are not immune from suits for violations.

The bill applies to restrictions imposed both prior and subsequent to the bill's enactment.
Last edited:
Originally Posted by Taichiliberal View Post
It's called HYPOCRISY on the part of your orange god .... and the dullards shooting themselves in the foot who support him.

Get a clue: rich folk like Dump can afford abortions and all the expenses that go with it. Folk like you and I are left to the mercy of local politicians & law enforcement who will determine what's best for the women in your life regarding bringing a pregnancy to term ... what they or their doctors say be damned.

I disagree...Every person, rich or just regular folks like us, have the opportunity to avoid having to make the decision to terminate a child...How are so many hundreds of thousands of women so careless?
Rape and medical/genetic/health issues are completely different scenarios...and should be handled individually...and are...

My man, you need to start accessing news sources outside the MAGA media stream...either that or get the crack out of the pipe!

Here are the FACTS that make the majority of your response a LIE:
Where did you pull that out from? That isn't my position on this issue at all. I'm just pointing out the reality of abortion within the state of Arizona as it stands.

Bull-fucking-shit! You demonstrate sheer intellectual cowardice by trying to take a stance without being identified by the ramifications of that stance. The whole point of this thread is to show the MAGA/GOPers are doing the exact same thing as you. That is sheer hypocrisy, as the video I posted demonstrates this in no uncertain terms.

Bottom line: The MAGA/christo-fascist GOP finally got what they wished for ... and it's going to cost them dearly in near future elections.
It most certainly is still a life... but because it involves a crime, it should be handled as such...thankfully, very few sexual assaults result in pregnancy.... However, a child conceived in rape is blameless and innocent and this, too must be taken into well as the mental and physical health of the mother... Very complicated, wouldn't you agree?

So what is your position on the issue, can a 'baby' be murdered because his father committed a crime?
It directly answered it. If a doctor found she needed an abortion, and was worried about Arizona's laws on the subject, he could refer her to a doctor in (variously) California, Colorado, or New Mexico, and likely she would be, at most, a few hours drive from that office.

Hell, because of Obamacare, there are people in Arizona now that have to drive two hours one way to a doctor's appointment for a routine check up. Again, given the geographical nature of Arizona, the abortion law, as it stands right now, is no major impediment to a woman getting one compared to if abortions were legal and available in the state.

^ How cavalier of you. "Let them eat cake."
So many abortion experts here...fascinating... Everyone keeps mentioning how many abortions trump has paid for... Where's this list?
But, this is what's important... When all is said and done... View attachment 26141

Why did trump use weasel words when asked if he was ever involved in an abortion?

"Given his draconian comment, sending women back to back alleys, I had to ask: When he was a swinging bachelor in Manhattan, was he ever involved with anyone who had an abortion?

“Such an interesting question,” he said. “So what’s your next question?”
I agree, but Trump supports it, using your words. AND YOU SUPPORT TRUMP.

I've never used the word murder.I've never seen Trump.Use the word murder i've only seen you use the word murder .. No one supports the murder of a baby ever...
We should ask that question of everyone in a discussion about abortion...including Kamala, after her historic visit.... and the experts here... I wonder what kind of answer we'd get...
We should ask that question of everyone in a discussion about abortion...including Kamala, after her historic visit.... and the experts here... I wonder what kind of answer we'd get...

Why bother? No matter what she says, you of the christo-fascist/maga mindset will accept nothing less that complete capitulation to your mindset.

Here's a question to YOU, Toppy: what is your visual/medical image of the "unborn babies" that you swear are being killed by abortion? I'll wait.
How cavalier of YOU to demand something that, per person, is a rarity and demand it be available on every street corner least someone be in the slightest inconvenienced.

Well, folk of your mindset don't mind guns or viagra to be in that capacity....but you do bitch about universal health care and comprehensive sex education in schools (both of which would contribute to less abortions). So I'm not sure what point you're trying to make.