Trump Supporter Disrespects American Flag

How so? Who did Obama promote of the hate groups? Who was he trying to divide?

Obama chose racial sides as demonstrated in his involvement from things as minor as "the Beer Summit" to taking sides in the Zimmerman-Martin and Wilson-Brown. That split the country more than united it. A President reaching down and interfering in a local investigation and court case is biased all by itself.

Trump is doing the same thing except Trump is biased to Euro-Americans versus Obama's bias for African-Americans. Either way, it's divisive.
Hello Dutch Uncle,

Not true. We had a swing toward integrity with President Obama.

You're kidding right? The "beer summit" was integrity? And when he fucked Israel on his way out the door that was integrity? Go fuck yourself you moron.
Hello Dutch Uncle,

No. Not at all.

President Obama never said there were 'very fine people' on both sides of the racial issue. Or anything like that.

He never acknowledged any credibility of groups like PB.

Hatred is hatred. Obama never condoned hatred.

He married 'When they go low we go high' Michelle.

Please cite where Obama condemned racial hate groups like the New Black Panther Party, Black Hebrew Israelites and other African-American separatist groups prejudicial to Euro-Americans.
Disagreed but I'd love to see your evidence.


That was good.

You want evidence of integrity?

Integrity is something that evidence might show a lack of. Such as promising to release one's taxes, and then refusing to do so.

What. You want me to say something like Obama campaigned on health care reform and then delivered on it, this fulfilling his campaign promise?

It's a very strange request. 'Evidence of integrity,' as if it has to be proven.
Hello Dutch Uncle,

Obama chose racial sides as demonstrated in his involvement from things as minor as "the Beer Summit" to taking sides in the Zimmerman-Martin and Wilson-Brown. That split the country more than united it. A President reaching down and interfering in a local investigation and court case is biased all by itself.

Trump is doing the same thing except Trump is biased to Euro-Americans versus Obama's bias for African-Americans. Either way, it's divisive.

Good one. (in a sarcastic way)

So correctly pointing out that when police arrest a black man who is outside his own home, and refusing to believe that a black man might own a nice home, is 'acting stupidly,' is black bias?

I don't *think* so.
Hello Dutch Uncle,

Please cite where Obama condemned racial hate groups like the New Black Panther Party, Black Hebrew Israelites and other African-American separatist groups prejudicial to Euro-Americans.

Please cite the point in time, the event after which it would have been appropriate for him to specify which of the hundreds of hate groups identified by the SPLC required condemnation.

Or should he have simply done that every day so that somebody in a chat room years later would not be able to call him out for not doing so...
Hello Dutch Uncle,

Please cite the point in time, the event after which it would have been appropriate for him to specify which of the hundreds of hate groups identified by the SPLC required condemnation.

Or should he have simply done that every day so that somebody in a chat room years later would not be able to call him out for not doing so...

Why? I'm not trying to convince you, I'm simply disagreeing with you. Did you read TOW's link?
This is an interesting read. It discusses presidential responses to racial violence over a long span of time, including Obama's.
Hello Dutch Uncle,

Good one. (in a sarcastic way)

So correctly pointing out that when police arrest a black man who is outside his own home, and refusing to believe that a black man might own a nice home, is 'acting stupidly,' is black bias?

I don't *think* so.

Sarcasm noted.

No, but thanks for trying to put words in my mouth. Now you are using the same tactics as the other nutjobs.

You are free to believe Obama was the Messiah, the Great Uniter or whatever pleases the cockles of your heart.
Hello Dutch Uncle,

Why? I'm not trying to convince you, I'm simply disagreeing with you. Did you read TOW's link?

Not earlier, but just did. It was a good read.

I count on you to disagree. I want your perspective.

And hey. If we agreed on everything we wouldn't be having these intriguing discussions.