Trump Supporter Disrespects American Flag

Hello Dutch Uncle,

That picture is an example of someone who is disrespecting the American flag.

That action is a violation of the US flag code.

She gets a pass in my book.

Same for this young lady:

Strippers = working mothers but not always the other way around.

Most are mothers just by looking at them. They also must be Republicans or religious since they didn’t get an abortion.

You must have gone to the wrong strip joints. The ones I went to, the strippers were mostly college girls. I highly doubt they were concerned with politics or religion.
The supporters of this lawlessly hacked in COVID-45 pestilence on humanity and his criminal family, etc., support for their worthless bodies and souls getting rotted on Earth, and prior to getting rotted in the hell that their souls deserve to be for a eternity. This is what I would call as the type of Justice that is a long time coming.
I saw a guy with a Trump flag on his boat. OK, I have no problem with that. While I strongly disagree with his politics, I strongly support his right to free speech and his right to express himself.

I also noticed he had an American flag on his boat.

The disrespectful thing was that he has his Trump flag flying above his American flag.

I hope you were able to get over this. I know I already have. ;)
Hello Dutch Uncle,

She's beautiful but she doesn't need to trash the USA to be beautiful.

Respect for the American flag is respect for America.
Disagreed she is trashing the USA. She strikes me as an American who is proud of her country......unlike these people who are trashing the USA:



How do you compare the people pictured above with the previous picture of the young lady at Coachella** or these two ladies?


**Extra credit to who first can name the person who once trashed her by calling her a "a rude, thoughtless little pig".
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I hope you were able to get over this. I know I already have. ;)

It's wrong to disrespect the flag, but doing so is protected by the First Amendment and I support the rights of others even when I don't agree with them.

BTW, there's a difference between disrespecting the flag and wearing flag-like clothing....none of which matters when it comes to Freedom of Speech.

Hello Dutch Uncle,

Disagreed she is trashing the USA. She strikes me as an American who is proud of her country......unlike these people who are trashing the USA:



How do you compare the people pictured above with the previous picture of the young lady at Coachella** or these two ladies?


**Extra credit to who first can name the person who once trashed her by calling her a "a rude, thoughtless little pig".

Everyone in those pictures is standing up for what they believe in and exercising their 1st Amendment rights.

None of them are respecting the American flag in accordance with the US flag code.
Hello Dutch Uncle,

Everyone in those pictures is standing up for what they believe in and exercising their 1st Amendment rights.

None of them are respecting the American flag in accordance with the US flag code.
What does it mean /what does one "believe" in...when they choose to burn/deface the flag?
It's wrong to disrespect the flag, but doing so is protected by the First Amendment and I support the rights of others even when I don't agree with them.

BTW, there's a difference between disrespecting the flag and wearing flag-like clothing....none of which matters when it comes to Freedom of Speech.

Where did I say free speech doesn't matter?

You're the fucking Nazis, lol.
Where did I say free speech doesn't matter?

You're the fucking Nazis, lol.

I was agreeing with you. Sensitive much?

Why do you think I'm a fucking Nazi? What evidence do you have that I support, in any way, the fucking Nazis?
Disagreed she is trashing the USA. She strikes me as an American who is proud of her country......unlike these people who are trashing the USA:



How do you compare the people pictured above with the previous picture of the young lady at Coachella** or these two ladies?


**Extra credit to who first can name the person who once trashed her by calling her a "a rude, thoughtless little pig".
Hello Dutch Uncle,

Everyone in those pictures is standing up for what they believe in and exercising their 1st Amendment rights.

None of them are respecting the American flag in accordance with the US flag code.

Disagreed, but it's odd that you think the asshole who flew the Trump flag over the US flag was disrespecting the flag and how you thought the young lady at Coachella was disrespecting the flag but you don't think those burning, stomping or shredding the flag were disrespecting the flag. Can you please explain the incongruities in your positions?
Hello Dutch Uncle,

Disagreed, but it's odd that you think the asshole who flew the Trump flag over the US flag was disrespecting the flag and how you thought the young lady at Coachella was disrespecting the flag but you don't think those burning, stomping or shredding the flag were disrespecting the flag. Can you please explain the incongruities in your positions?

I have failed to effectively communicate my position. I shall try again:

Everyone in those pictures is standing up for what they believe in and exercising their 1st Amendment rights.

Everyone in those pictures, including the people burning the flag, were disrespecting the flag.

Burning the flag as a political statement is legally considered 'exercising 1st Amendment rights.'

I would never do that. I disagree with using that act as a manner of speech, but I understand that is the ruling.

I would also never wear a flag, or part of one, as attire.

I usually comment about it when Olympic winners grab a flag and jump around with it or drape it over them as well. It's wrong. Let the people from other countries, who do not respect their own flag as much as we are to respect ours, do that.

The American Flag deserves more respect than that.

The US Flag Code is quite clear on that.

It is also not binding, not considered law.
Hello Dutch Uncle,

I have failed to effectively communicate my position. I shall try again:

Everyone in those pictures is standing up for what they believe in and exercising their 1st Amendment rights.

Everyone in those pictures, including the people burning the flag, were disrespecting the flag.

Burning the flag as a political statement is legally considered 'exercising 1st Amendment rights.'

I would never do that. I disagree with using that act as a manner of speech, but I understand that is the ruling.

I would also never wear a flag, or part of one, as attire.

I usually comment about it when Olympic winners grab a flag and jump around with it or drape it over them as well. It's wrong. Let the people from other countries, who do not respect their own flag as much as we are to respect ours, do that.

The American Flag deserves more respect than that.

The US Flag Code is quite clear on that.

It is also not binding, not considered law.

Agreed on your points. A few things have changed since 1923(?) when the Flag Code was first written...such as no more prison time for burning the flag. :)

The 4 U.S. Code § 8, in part, states this:
(i)The flag should never be used for advertising purposes in any manner whatsoever. It should not be embroidered on such articles as cushions or handkerchiefs and the like, printed or otherwise impressed on paper napkins or boxes or anything that is designed for temporary use and discard. Advertising signs should not be fastened to a staff or halyard from which the flag is flown.

(j)No part of the flag should ever be used as a costume or athletic uniform. However, a flag patch may be affixed to the uniform of military personnel, firemen, policemen, and members of patriotic organizations. The flag represents a living country and is itself considered a living thing. Therefore, the lapel flag pin being a replica, should be worn on the left lapel near the heart.

There should be a distinction between flag and flag-like despite the Flag Code's definitions. There's a large amount of difference between wearing Red, White and Blue clothing and wearing an actual flag such as Larry Flynt did for his obscenity trials (culminating in a SCOTUS case Hustler Magazine v. Falwell. Screw you, Jerry!)

None of the young ladies in the Coachella pictures wore actual flags even though it's legal to do so. They wore flag-like clothing.

Hello Dutch Uncle,

Agreed on your points. A few things have changed since 1923(?) when the Flag Code was first written...such as no more prison time for burning the flag. :)

The 4 U.S. Code § 8, in part, states this:
(i)The flag should never be used for advertising purposes in any manner whatsoever. It should not be embroidered on such articles as cushions or handkerchiefs and the like, printed or otherwise impressed on paper napkins or boxes or anything that is designed for temporary use and discard. Advertising signs should not be fastened to a staff or halyard from which the flag is flown.

(j)No part of the flag should ever be used as a costume or athletic uniform. However, a flag patch may be affixed to the uniform of military personnel, firemen, policemen, and members of patriotic organizations. The flag represents a living country and is itself considered a living thing. Therefore, the lapel flag pin being a replica, should be worn on the left lapel near the heart.

There should be a distinction between flag and flag-like despite the Flag Code's definitions. There's a large amount of difference between wearing Red, White and Blue clothing and wearing an actual flag such as Larry Flynt did for his obscenity trials (culminating in a SCOTUS case Hustler Magazine v. Falwell. Screw you, Jerry!)

None of the young ladies in the Coachella pictures wore actual flags even though it's legal to do so. They wore flag-like clothing.


Yeah, it's legal to burn a flag in protest, fly it upside down, drench it with blood, spray paint offensive symbols on one, throw it on the ground, stamp on it, drag it all over the dirt on the back of a pick up truck bed, anything you want. Legal is one thing. Proper is another.

Out of respect for the flag, I tend to side with the US Flag Code when it is a matter of discretion. I can clearly see that most people don't bother, don't even know, don't think it's important, and some just don't care at all. I cannot be like that. I never served, but I am extremely appreciative of those who do and have. I do enjoy my freedom and I clearly understand it is paid for with blood. I just can't take that lightly. The way I see it, the least I can do is show proper respect for the living symbol of our nation. For all those who are buried in Arlington, for anyone who has personally participated in one of those somber ceremonies and seen how the flag is treated there, I continue to disagree with anything that cheapens that level of respect.

I saw another DT supporter with a flag on the bed of his pick up truck recently. HE thinks he's being patriotic. I'm sure he really believes he is doing what is right. He was driving by a Japanese car dealer that had about 50 American flags positioned all around the perimeter of the lot. Clearly those flags, which were interspersed with and flown at the same height as car brand flags, are being flown as advertising. I've got neighbors who fly flags 24-7, with no lights directly on them at night. All of that cheapens the flag, erodes proper respect, violates US Flag Code.

I will never approve of even an image of a flag being worn as clothing. It crosses the line.
It has always seemed to me that obsessive respect for flags and swearing oaths - the latter the only thing that Jesus expressly forbade his followers to do - were signs of a less-than-fully developed patriotism. I certainly find wearing flags distinctly odd though. Much depends on how you feel about the particular flag. I used to burn the Union Jack, as they call it, every Empire Day in school, back in the days they still celebrated that nonsense: we are not represented on it and it stands for some very nasty old history.
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Hello Dutch Uncle,

Yeah, it's legal to burn a flag in protest, fly it upside down, drench it with blood, spray paint offensive symbols on one, throw it on the ground, stamp on it, drag it all over the dirt on the back of a pick up truck bed, anything you want. Legal is one thing. Proper is another.

Out of respect for the flag, I tend to side with the US Flag Code when it is a matter of discretion. I can clearly see that most people don't bother, don't even know, don't think it's important, and some just don't care at all. I cannot be like that. I never served, but I am extremely appreciative of those who do and have. I do enjoy my freedom and I clearly understand it is paid for with blood. I just can't take that lightly. The way I see it, the least I can do is show proper respect for the living symbol of our nation. For all those who are buried in Arlington, for anyone who has personally participated in one of those somber ceremonies and seen how the flag is treated there, I continue to disagree with anything that cheapens that level of respect.

I saw another DT supporter with a flag on the bed of his pick up truck recently. HE thinks he's being patriotic. I'm sure he really believes he is doing what is right. He was driving by a Japanese car dealer that had about 50 American flags positioned all around the perimeter of the lot. Clearly those flags, which were interspersed with and flown at the same height as car brand flags, are being flown as advertising. I've got neighbors who fly flags 24-7, with no lights directly on them at night. All of that cheapens the flag, erodes proper respect, violates US Flag Code.

I will never approve of even an image of a flag being worn as clothing. It crosses the line.

But you support Kneeling during the national anthem or BLM riots desecrating the flag with messages painted on it. Love your double standard!

Do you fly the American flag at your home? BTW I will continue to fly my flag 24/7 until our young warriors are out of harms way. And yes my flag is illuminated at night.