Trump Supporter Disrespects American Flag

Hello iolo eto,

It has always seemed to me that obsessive respect for flags and swearing oaths - the latter the only thing that Jesus expressly forbade his followers to do - were signs of a less-than-fully developed patriotism. I certainly find wearing flags distinctly odd though. Much depends on how you feel about the particular flag, though. I used to burn the Union Jack, as they call it, every Empire Day in school, back in the days they still celebrated that nonsense: we are not represented on it and it stands for some very nasty old history.

How would you feel about someone burning or hanging an effigy of the Queen, or Royals?

We don't have royalty here. We hold our flag kind of like that.
But you support Kneeling during the national anthem or BLM riots desecrating the flag with messages painted on it. Love your double standard!

Do you fly the American flag at your home? BTW I will continue to fly my flag 24/7 until our young warriors are out of harms way. And yes my flag is illuminated at night.

You're getting muddled. It's the swastika you're thinking off.
Hello iolo eto,

How would you feel about someone burning or hanging an effigy of the Queen, or Royals?

We don't have royalty here. We hold our flag kind of like that.

It would seem a bit vulgar. I don't feel strongly about any of 'em, though I've grown to respect the Queen over the years. Implied threats to individuals are rather a different thing from bits of cloth, though I admit that no-one seems inclined to insult our own flag, so I don't know what I'd feel about that.
I saw a guy with a Trump flag on his boat. OK, I have no problem with that. While I strongly disagree with his politics, I strongly support his right to free speech and his right to express himself.

I also noticed he had an American flag on his boat.

The disrespectful thing was that he has his Trump flag flying above his American flag.


He was merely being honest.
Hello Dutch Uncle,

Yeah, it's legal to burn a flag in protest, fly it upside down, drench it with blood, spray paint offensive symbols on one, throw it on the ground, stamp on it, drag it all over the dirt on the back of a pick up truck bed, anything you want. Legal is one thing. Proper is another.

Out of respect for the flag, I tend to side with the US Flag Code when it is a matter of discretion. I can clearly see that most people don't bother, don't even know, don't think it's important, and some just don't care at all. I cannot be like that. I never served, but I am extremely appreciative of those who do and have. I do enjoy my freedom and I clearly understand it is paid for with blood. I just can't take that lightly. The way I see it, the least I can do is show proper respect for the living symbol of our nation. For all those who are buried in Arlington, for anyone who has personally participated in one of those somber ceremonies and seen how the flag is treated there, I continue to disagree with anything that cheapens that level of respect.

I saw another DT supporter with a flag on the bed of his pick up truck recently. HE thinks he's being patriotic. I'm sure he really believes he is doing what is right. He was driving by a Japanese car dealer that had about 50 American flags positioned all around the perimeter of the lot. Clearly those flags, which were interspersed with and flown at the same height as car brand flags, are being flown as advertising. I've got neighbors who fly flags 24-7, with no lights directly on them at night. All of that cheapens the flag, erodes proper respect, violates US Flag Code.

I will never approve of even an image of a flag being worn as clothing. It crosses the line.

It's fine to follow the rules. What is your solution for those who crossed the line? Is it different for people who burn the flag vs. people who fly it or wear it? Is there a difference between those who intentionally disrespect the flag and those who respect it but break the Flag Code?

Hello martin,

He was merely being honest.

And so am I being honest by disapproving of disrespecting the American flag in any way shape of fashion.

I simply cannot let that disrespect go unanswered.

I am putting it out there, sending the message loud and clear: We should be united. We Americans can have differences of opinion about issues. That's fine. That's to be expected. We have to have that to conduct our democracy. But if we are all Americans, and we all have this one homeland in common, we need a place where our differences should be set aside. There is a time for disagreement and there is a time for unity.

Use anything you want to make your political point but do not disrespect the American Flag. That is like trolling America. It's just a cheap way to get attention, and a harmful one that causes more harm than good.

There is a time and place for disagreement, and there needs to be a time and place of unity. The American Flag is the symbol of our unity.

The bitter polarization which has become such a fad is harmful to the United States.

It is OK to disagree, but it is not OK to trash or cheapen the American Flag.
Hello Dutch Uncle,

It's fine to follow the rules. What is your solution for those who crossed the line?

Downtalk their actions on a chat board and IRL conversation.

True patriotism cannot be forced. We can't make any of that disrespect illegal. As soon as respect for the flag becomes forced by law then it also becomes meaningless.
But you support Kneeling during the national anthem or BLM riots desecrating the flag with messages painted on it. Love your double standard!

Do you fly the American flag at your home? BTW I will continue to fly my flag 24/7 until our young warriors are out of harms way. And yes my flag is illuminated at night.

Here's a Canadian wrapped in a US flag. I'd salute both Amanda and the flag.

Hello Dutch Uncle,

Agreed. He obviously puts worship of a demagogue over duty to country.

And that is dangerous to the country.

The people who favored President Obama never did that. I never saw an Obama flag flown over the American flag.

Obama supporters had more respect for America than Trump supporters.
Hello Dutch Uncle,

Downtalk their actions on a chat board and IRL conversation.

True patriotism cannot be forced. We can't make any of that disrespect illegal. As soon as respect for the flag becomes forced by law then it also becomes meaningless.
All legitimate forms of protest.

Agreed on true patriotism and making it illegal. This is an example of forced patriotism:

Hello Dutch Uncle,

And that is dangerous to the country.

The people who favored President Obama never did that. I never saw an Obama flag flown over the American flag.

Obama supporters had more respect for America than Trump supporters.

Disagreed on Obama. It just wasn't as prevalent under Obama. Again, Trump isn't anything new, he's just the result of three decades of increasingly polarized American politics.
Hello Dutch Uncle,

Disagreed on Obama. It just wasn't as prevalent under Obama. Again, Trump isn't anything new, he's just the result of three decades of increasingly polarized American politics.

What is new is the tacit approval of hatred and hate groups by a president.
Hello martin,

And so am I being honest by disapproving of disrespecting the American flag in any way shape of fashion.

I simply cannot let that disrespect go unanswered.

I am putting it out there, sending the message loud and clear: We should be united. We Americans can have differences of opinion about issues. That's fine. That's to be expected. We have to have that to conduct our democracy. But if we are all Americans, and we all have this one homeland in common, we need a place where our differences should be set aside. There is a time for disagreement and there is a time for unity.

Use anything you want to make your political point but do not disrespect the American Flag. That is like trolling America. It's just a cheap way to get attention, and a harmful one that causes more harm than good.

There is a time and place for disagreement, and there needs to be a time and place of unity. The American Flag is the symbol of our unity.

The bitter polarization which has become such a fad is harmful to the United States.

It is OK to disagree, but it is not OK to trash or cheapen the American Flag.

I wasn't disagreeing with you, just noting that many Trumpers are so deep in the tank for this asshole they've lost sight of who they are and what the country is.
Hello Dutch Uncle,

Wasn't that also done by Obama, just not as blatantly as by Trump?

No. Not at all.

President Obama never said there were 'very fine people' on both sides of the racial issue. Or anything like that.

He never acknowledged any credibility of groups like PB.

Hatred is hatred. Obama never condoned hatred.

He married 'When they go low we go high' Michelle.
Hello Dutch Uncle,

What is new is the tacit approval of hatred and hate groups by a president.

Not new. Just a higher degree. Our current politics didn't sweep in with Trump's election. It's been trending this way since the end of the Cold War.

The first major instance of deviating from common mores and respect was when the US elected a known liar (e.g. "I didn't inhale") and serial adulterer. Shit rolled downhill until we came to Donald J. Trump in the Swamp.
Hello Dutch Uncle,

Not new. Just a higher degree. Our current politics didn't sweep in with Trump's election. It's been trending this way since the end of the Cold War.

The first major instance of deviating from common mores and respect was when the US elected a known liar (e.g. "I didn't inhale") and serial adulterer. Shit rolled downhill until we came to Donald J. Trump in the Swamp.

Not true. We had a swing toward integrity with President Obama.