Trump tells the truth

So now, obamacare dies a lingering but natural death, and the democrats get the blame for giving birth to the monster in the first place. Fine with me.

MSNBC's Joy Reid summed it up best when she stated:

“Let’s remember that Republicans said for eight years that there was nothing that President Obama could propose that they would lift one finger to support,” Reid recalled. “Now we suddenly discover that when Republicans are in total control of the government and can’t get their act together. We need Democrats to discover bipartisanship. Did you ever say one time in eight years, that Republicans should come to the table with Obama. You cannot expect or demand Democrats play ball, they have zero incentive to play ball. Why should they?”
Worth having an orange dick up your ass?

Stupid little Trumptard.

Your homoerotic fantasies aside yes it was worth it

As far as I am concerned the country is headed for the shitter no matter what.

The fact that Hitlery Cuntoon was kept out delays the inevitable.
He said the Mexicans would pay and indeed they will by being forced to take back their criminals.

Sent from Lenovo K6 Note

My, my, how many twists & turns can they find in the English language for pay??? Now getting some of their own citizens=pay..:rofl2:

Obamacare is already seven years old, then dying anytime soon. That's just type, even though president Rump Will try to force it it.

But even if it did die,
I doubt the Democrats get blamed, we have a Republican Congress and President.

Yep, I am sure they will do everything they can to destroy it, starve it, regardless of the folks that will suffer & die early as a result... No skin off their nose, they have excellent care thanX to us...

It is an old ploy.... They starve & fight a program, this or that, then turn around & bitch that it didn't accomplish it's goals, this or that:whoa:
best to ignore these things, i guess?

Best not to compare Trump to Obama, actually.

Say it right now. Say that you think Obama lied on ANYTHING like the scale of Trump's dishonesty. I'd like to hear that argument. I'd really like to hear that someone thinks they are comparable at all in this regard.

I'll save you some time. Obama has some statements that were questionable - SOME, over an 8 year tenure. Trump has a long list of outright lies, and his lying is a pathology.

And that's the end of that story.
Best not to compare Trump to Obama, actually.

Say it right now. Say that you think Obama lied on ANYTHING like the scale of Trump's dishonesty. I'd like to hear that argument. I'd really like to hear that someone thinks they are comparable at all in this regard.

I'll save you some time. Obama has some statements that were questionable - SOME, over an 8 year tenure. Trump has a long list of outright lies, and his lying is a pathology.

And that's the end of that story.

Obama made two HUGE a minimum, but that's not what this is about. the issue is you think presidential candidates/presidents shouldn't lie, but Obama LIED and you accepted it because you knew it was in your own best interests. THAT is the end of that story.
Obama made two HUGE a minimum, but that's not what this is about. the issue is you think presidential candidates/presidents shouldn't lie, but Obama LIED and you accepted it because you knew it was in your own best interests. THAT is the end of that story.

Please. It's an incredibly lame comparison. I didn't say "Presidential candidates shouldn't lie." Of course they shouldn't, but if that was my standard, I'd never vote for anyone.

Trump is a pathological liar. Obama maybe lied a couple of times. And you're trying to compare them.

There is no equivalency here whatsoever. That your first comment on the thread was a post trying to create equivalency, and that you think it's roughly the same, is an embarrassment which I really can't comprehend. All I can do is shake my head. It's a major fail.
Please. It's an incredibly lame comparison. I didn't say "Presidential candidates shouldn't lie." Of course they shouldn't, but if that was my standard, I'd never vote for anyone.

Trump is a pathological liar. Obama maybe lied a couple of times. And you're trying to compare them.

There is no equivalency here whatsoever. That your first comment on the thread was a post trying to create equivalency, and that you think it's roughly the same, is an embarrassment which I really can't comprehend. All I can do is shake my head. It's a major fail.

your major fail is i'm not comparing trump and obama, i'm comparing YOU and THEM (conservatives)

y'all were nearly silent, or at a minimum, disinterested when obama made two HUGE lies, but Trump is the most evilest person to walk the earth because of the lies.

all politicians lie, right? but you still vote for them. so the problem isn't the politicians, it's you who vote for them.
Please. It's an incredibly lame comparison. I didn't say "Presidential candidates shouldn't lie." Of course they shouldn't, but if that was my standard, I'd never vote for anyone.

Trump is a pathological liar. Obama maybe lied a couple of times. And you're trying to compare them.

There is no equivalency here whatsoever. That your first comment on the thread was a post trying to create equivalency, and that you think it's roughly the same, is an embarrassment which I really can't comprehend. All I can do is shake my head. It's a major fail.
You didn't say they shouldn't lie, but then your next sentence is, of course they shouldn't. LOL.

There is no comparison to Trump when it comes to lying. That said, you will accept degrees of lying when it is for your party. You excuse Hillarys lies by saying, well, she lies less than Trump.

You like to imagine you're some independent, but you're not. When it comes down to it, you'll defend your party.
You didn't say they shouldn't lie, but then your next sentence is, of course they shouldn't. LOL.

There is no comparison to Trump when it comes to lying. That said, you will accept degrees of lying when it is for your party. You excuse Hillarys lies by saying, well, she lies less than Trump.

You like to imagine you're some independent, but you're not. When it comes down to it, you'll defend your party.

The left's sudden love of the truth is kind of amusing after the last 8 years lol.

Obama told some whoppers but he left a good bit of the lying to others. My sig is a good example of it.
But Douchebag Donald is eh, okay?

I'm glad you asked that actually.

There's a difference between Trump's lying and Obama's and liberals more generally. Trump exaggerates, mistates facts, bloviates and etc.

But Obama's lies [and the lies he's responsible for] were more insidious. Where Trump might lie about building a wall---or being wiretapped or whatever, Obama would lie about keeping your doctor, knowing full well you won't be able to. I don't see Trump blaming a terrorist attack on a video---when he knew full well that it was a terrorist attack. I don't see Trump putting up with a Jonathan Gruber or a Ben Rhodes and their deceptions.

I don't see Trump doing any of that. If I'm wrong, I'll call him on it.
I'm pretty sure there is going to be a decent wall.
I hate having to need one -but with POTUS like Obama -what choice do we have?
You didn't say they shouldn't lie, but then your next sentence is, of course they shouldn't. LOL.

There is no comparison to Trump when it comes to lying. That said, you will accept degrees of lying when it is for your party. You excuse Hillarys lies by saying, well, she lies less than Trump.

You like to imagine you're some independent, but you're not. When it comes down to it, you'll defend your party.

I don't excuse anything. You just have your partisan fantasies, because your entire m.o. on the board is the whole "call out" thing.

I don't care about explaining myself to you. I didn't vote for Obama in '12, I didn't vote for Hillary. I don't consider myself a Democrat.

Trump is a pathological liar, and Obama isn't. Period.
And even if I did consider myself a Democrat and voted for Hillary enthusiastically, I wouldn't give a flying fuck about your hypocritical, simplistic judgment.