Trump tells the truth

"time and time again, Americans have said we can deal with the lies that President Obama tells us because we believe in his heart, he has the best interest for the American people." - LZ GRANDERSON, CNN commentator, Dec 1st, 2013

OUCH That said, don't believe for a second lying liberals give a damn about their glaring hypocrisy.
MSNBC's Joy Reid summed it up best when she stated:

“Let’s remember that Republicans said for eight years that there was nothing that President Obama could propose that they would lift one finger to support,” Reid recalled. “Now we suddenly discover that when Republicans are in total control of the government and can’t get their act together. We need Democrats to discover bipartisanship. Did you ever say one time in eight years, that Republicans should come to the table with Obama. You cannot expect or demand Democrats play ball, they have zero incentive to play ball. Why should they?”

Dear dumbfuck; let's not forget that for eight years you leftist dumbfucks whined and bitched about obstructionism. Now, suddenly, it is vogue to obstruct.

You really are too much of an idiot to comprehend the OBVIOUS.
Yep, I am sure they will do everything they can to destroy it, starve it, regardless of the folks that will suffer & die early as a result... No skin off their nose, they have excellent care thanX to us...

It is an old ploy.... They starve & fight a program, this or that, then turn around & bitch that it didn't accomplish it's goals, this or that:whoa:

Nothing can be more asinine than the arguments suggesting that Americans will be hurt if BIG Government doesn't control our healthcare system and burden the American taxpayers with the costs associated with giving 20 million losers Medicare.

The next asinine argument from the left is the one that suggests that giving losers FREE healthcare on the backs of the American taxpayer will make them "HEALTHIER."

Lets try to pry a modicum of honesty from the idiots who support the Party of the JACKASS; Obamacare isn't about "health", but rather, about buying the votes of the idiots who comprise their constituency and think that they are entitled to something by doing nothing more than vote for the dishonest partisan hacks in the DNC.
curious as to what price you put on repeated deportees who return and commit rape and murder?
why is this happening if not for lack of border controls?

And we have a winner! Lol

Immigrants are frightfully expensive. Refugees, even more so because they consume more entitlements.
Say it right now. Say that you think Obama lied on ANYTHING like the scale of Trump's dishonesty. I'd like to hear that argument. I'd really like to hear that someone thinks they are comparable at all in this regard.

I could list hundreds; but here are the top five lies; and these are REAL lies, not the "imagined" versions you attribute to Trump you dishonest partisan asshat:

1.) If you like your insurance plan, you can keep your insurance plan
Number of mentions:
37 times

2.) With Obamacare we will reduce your insurance premiums by $2,500, per family per year
Number of mentions:
At least 22 times

3.) I cannot pass amnesty through executive action… I am not a dictator
Number of mentions:
At least 22 times

4.) Not one dime of Obamacare will go for abortions
Number of mentions:
At least 12 times

5.) It was not my decision to pull all the troops from Iraq
Number of mentions:
2 times, maybe more

I'll save you some time. Obama has some statements that were questionable - SOME, over an 8 year tenure.

LMAO; yep, in liberal dumbfuck land, his LIES are merely "questionable statements."

You really epitomize the lunatic fringe the party of the Jackass has become. Not to mention you lying fools still believe you are winning. :rofl2:
Trump is a pathological liar. Obama maybe lied a couple of times. And you're trying to compare them.

Irony coming from a lying leftist dunce who voted for a sociopathic lying criminal. You leftists really are too stupid to comprehend the OBVIOUS.
Someone should really start a "permanent Trump apology tour" thread for TD, where he can go on & on w/ his desh-like rants without disrupting actual discussion.
I'm glad you asked that actually.

There's a difference between Trump's lying and Obama's and liberals more generally. Trump exaggerates, mistates facts, bloviates and etc.

But Obama's lies [and the lies he's responsible for] were more insidious. Where Trump might lie about building a wall---or being wiretapped or whatever, Obama would lie about keeping your doctor, knowing full well you won't be able to. I don't see Trump blaming a terrorist attack on a video---when he knew full well that it was a terrorist attack. I don't see Trump putting up with a Jonathan Gruber or a Ben Rhodes and their deceptions.

I don't see Trump doing any of that. If I'm wrong, I'll call him on it.

^Spot on....and GETS it.

I don't excuse anything. You just have your partisan fantasies, because your entire m.o. on the board is the whole "call out" thing.

I am amused that your eruptions on this board could be construed as anything BUT hyper partisan liberal lying and whining at the least. Dunce.

I don't care about explaining myself to you. I didn't vote for Obama in '12, I didn't vote for Hillary. I don't consider myself a Democrat.

You might want to read the moronic DNC propaganda you profligate on this forum then twit. You're in m,any ways far worse than a mere "Democrat."

Trump is a pathological liar, and Obama isn't. Period.

Wrong again dimwitted wonder boy; Trump is an exaggerator and Obama the pathological liar.

If you stupidly think that his claims about Obamacare weren't outright purposeful lies used to get it passed, you really are too gullible and stupid for imagination.
What did President Obama ever lie about - or are we into the usual unfacts? If he lied, it has been kept from the rest of us - some private American family scandal, perhaps, that has been kept from the rest of us? He struck most sensible persons as the first honest President since Carter.

What did President Obama ever lie about - or are we into the usual unfacts? If he lied, it has been kept from the rest of us - some private American family scandal, perhaps, that has been kept from the rest of us? He struck most sensible persons as the first honest President since Carter.

Are you trying to be funny lol?

Nope; he is being his usual moron self. :rofl2:
Obama's lies span eight years and don't even come close to trump's lies, that span a much shorter period. Obama has almost four times as many "true to half-true" comments as trump.

The PolitiFact scorecard - Obama

True 123 (21%)
Mostly True 164 (27%)
Half True 160 (27%)
Mostly False 70 (12%)
False 71 (12%)
Pants on Fire 9 (2%)

The PolitiFact scorecard - trump
True 16 (4%)
Mostly True 48 (13%)
Half True 54 (14%)
Mostly False 76 (20%)
False 126 (33%)
Pants on Fire 63 (16%)


Reuters says it can cost up to $21.6 BILLION to build a wall, on a cost-benefit basis that's absurd.

$21.6 billion is a trivial amount of money when measured against a $4 trillion dollar budget....or the money Obama pissed away on Obamacare and it's implementation.

Thousands of Muslims celebrating on 9/11?

This is called an exaggeration; not a lie moron.

Obama committing a felony?

Now you're making up shit to support your lunatic rants.

Obama not being a legitimate President?

Yet that is what you and your lying leftist buddies in the FAKE media are attempting every day shit-for-brains.

I've never seen someone in such a heightened state of denial as you.

You're really to stupid to comprehend the irony of this statement. Dunce.

Trump has told much worse, and much more insidious lies - and no, you haven't "called him on it."

More emotional hysterics; you really are THAT effing dense. :rofl2:

What a fool. What a hack.

...says a fool and a hyper partisan hack; you really are too stupid to comprehend the OBVIOUS. :rofl2:
While the real bad guys will continue to use the tunnel systems and pay off the boarder patrol agents. The wall might slow down decent hard working people looking to feed their families but that's it at best.

This is too moronic for words; but then, you wouldn't be a hyper partisan lying liberal hypocrite if you didn't fabricate your own version of reality, would you?

Better chance of trump making Amerika a place no one wants to live in so they will stop crossing the boarder on their own.

Will you need help packing your bags? Lord knows we would hate to force you lying leftist snowflakes to live in such a bad country! Dunce.

The FACT is that they are leaving countries that are liberal sewers in droves knowing that their is far more opportunity in this country....despite all the efforts by the Party of the Jackass to turn it into a socialist utopia like Cuba or Venezuela.

The government is going to have to seize miles of land owned by citizens and in order to build the wall roads will need to be built that will make it easier for everyone to travel, including drug cartels.

Another painfully stupid and false statement; you leftists are quite FULL of them. :rofl2:
curious as to what price you put on repeated deportees who return and commit rape and murder?
why is this happening if not for lack of border controls?

I would want to know how many of them do that, first. Are you saying that if a deportee has murdered or raped here, he won't face justice in the US? The only foreigners I know who get away with it are those with diplomatic immunity and I'm 100% against diplomatic immunity.

I don't think it's a particularly good argument to use deportee crimes as an excuse for throwing away money on a wall. trump could put some of that money toward fighting crimes by our own citizens rather than focusing on deportees.
I am amused that your eruptions on this board could be construed as anything BUT hyper partisan liberal lying and whining at the least. Dunce.

You might want to read the moronic DNC propaganda you profligate on this forum then twit. You're in m,any ways far worse than a mere "Democrat."

Wrong again dimwitted wonder boy; Trump is an exaggerator and Obama the pathological liar.

If you stupidly think that his claims about Obamacare weren't outright purposeful lies used to get it passed, you really are too gullible and stupid for imagination.

They are not exaggerations, they are lies. Me calling you retarded times infinity, when you might only be retarded times a million, would be an exaggeration. There has to be a root of truth for something to be an exaggeration.