Trump tells the truth

Nothing but crickets from the leftist dolts who claimed Obama didn't lie. :rofl2:


You're deep in the koolaid for Trump. Trump lies like he breathes. Obama over-promised on the ACA - he didn't lie every single day.

Your slavish devotion to Trump is actually pretty revolting. I didn't even vote for Obama in '12 because of some of the promises he didn't keep. But here you are, defending every single Trump lie - and there are many - by essentially saying "well, everyone lies."

I have to remember to threadban you. You are the desh of the right, and do nothing but spam apologist BS.
Yes. Traditional is for government use and Kelo was for a private corporation. Are you telling me cons are in favor of eminent domain?

Uh, yes, it's libertarians who really hate eminent domain. I used to listen to Neal Boortz rail against it on the radio, years before Kelo. Conservatives used to hate how leftists would trample over private property rights using wetland protection ordinances, and declaring people's backyards to be "wetlands," for example. Basically, we hate the abuse of ED, and Kelo is the biggest piece of shit SCOTUS ruling in my lifetime.
I'm glad you asked that actually.

There's a difference between Trump's lying and Obama's and liberals more generally. Trump exaggerates, mistates facts, bloviates and etc.

But Obama's lies [and the lies he's responsible for] were more insidious. Where Trump might lie about building a wall---or being wiretapped or whatever, Obama would lie about keeping your doctor, knowing full well you won't be able to. I don't see Trump blaming a terrorist attack on a video---when he knew full well that it was a terrorist attack. I don't see Trump putting up with a Jonathan Gruber or a Ben Rhodes and their deceptions.

I don't see Trump doing any of that. If I'm wrong, I'll call him on it.


You berate Liberals for trying to differentiate between Obama's lies and Trump's lies...

Then Y-O-U attempt to differentiate between Trump's lies and Obama's lies.

More standard issue GOP hypocrisy.
Dear dumbfuck; let's not forget that for eight years you leftist dumbfucks whined and bitched about obstructionism. Now, suddenly, it is vogue to obstruct.

You really are too much of an idiot to comprehend the OBVIOUS.

Let's not forget that for 8 solid years the GOP felt obstructionism was perfectly acceptable, yet now they whine about it incessantly.

But it's hardly surprising a dim bulb Trumpkin snowflake like Truth Rejector won't acknowledge his own party's abject hypocrisy.
You're deep in the koolaid for Trump. Trump lies like he breathes.

Dear dunce; you're knee deep in Trump Derangement Syndrome and one needs hip waders for the amount of bullshit you spout here.

Obama over-promised on the ACA - he didn't lie every single day.

Wrong again you low information leftist twit; he LIED about it and the architect of Obamacare admitted it on national television. Dunce.

Your slavish devotion to Trump is actually pretty revolting.

Another painfully stupid and ignorant claim; the only slavish devotion I have is for the truth you ignoramus. Which is why I am compelled to respond to your prolific lying on a daily basis. Unfortunately for you, you lack the intelligence to comprehend the obvious.

I find your stupidity and TDS repugnant. Dunce.

I didn't even vote for Obama in '12 because of some of the promises he didn't keep.

Who gives a shit about who you voted for in '12? I could care less. What is pertinent to me is pointing out your prolific lies and glaring hypocrisy.

But here you are, defending every single Trump lie - and there are many - by essentially saying "well, everyone lies."

Dear idiot; I am defending the truth and a clueless leftist retard like you couldn't comprehend what a lie is if we painted it on your forehead. Of course, in dumbfuck land where you wallow, Obama was merely "over-promising" and Trump.....why they are all lies.


I have to remember to threadban you.

Of course you do!!! Because lying leftist assholes like you will always want to quash dissent and those who make you idiots look like the lying fools that you are. No big loss to me; I'll just treat you with the same disgust I do lying assholes like ChristieTard.

But one thing I will NEVER do; ban idiots like you and ChristieTard from my threads. I enjoy pointing out what idiots you two twits are. :rofl2:

You are the desh of the right, and do nothing but spam apologist BS.

Irony coming from an ignorant twit who sounds like her when it comes to Trump and thinks the asinine thread trolling BuckTard and leftist do are coherent debating.

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Did he lie on a constant, daily basis, relentlessly, and without interruption?

Are you stupidly claiming Trump is? Do provide an example of his "daily" lies.

What I am seeing from you is a gullible low information fool who is swallowing the daily diatribe of the FAKE media.
Let's not forget that for 8 solid years the GOP felt obstructionism was perfectly acceptable, yet now they whine about it incessantly.

Dear idiot; Republicans aren't whining about obstructionism. But you are free to provide an example.

For eight years, we watched idiots like you and the FAKE media opine about obstructing Dear Leaders agenda, now these same morons cheer obstructionism. You can't have it BOTH ways asshat.

What we are doing is pointing out the glaring stupidity and hypocrisy of assholes like you who now celebrate it while denigrating it for eight years.

I am convinced you are to stupid to comprehend the OBVIOUS.

But it's hardly surprising a dim bulb Trumpkin snowflake like Truth Rejector won't acknowledge his own party's abject hypocrisy.

You really are too much of an idiot to comprehend the irony of your own bloviating.

Yep, in lying liberal dumbfuck land where you wallow, it is only okay to obstruct when you are a Democrat. It's only okay to prevent confirmations when you are a Democrat. It is only okay to denigrate the office of the President, when you are a Democrat.

It's idiots like you that make the Party of the Jackass the failure that it is. Yay you!
Are you claiming that he is not? I assumed you are an American citizen; are you not?

You presume to know what Donald thinks? Another laughably stupid claim.

Again, you said he was MY president. You never said he was OUR president. Are you a US citizen?

I presume to know what Douchebag Donald says, and he has said in recent speeches that he is most comparable to Andrew the Jackass. He even moved Andy's portrait into the Oral Office and placed it behind his desk. Is that good enough for you?
Are you stupidly claiming Trump is? Do provide an example of his "daily" lies.

What I am seeing from you is a gullible low information fool who is swallowing the daily diatribe of the FAKE media.

The most recent one, that has been getting a lot of press, is the whole, Obama (who was born in Kenya, doncha know?) had him wiretapped, despite not having been able to come-up with the proof, yet. I am also still awaiting the details of what made/makes Lyin' Ted such a pernicious liar that he needs to be called Lyin' Ted, but, anyway...
Dear idiot; Republicans aren't whining about obstructionism. But you are free to provide an example.

Here ya go - Republicans WHINING about obstructionism:

Sen. Tom Cotton (R-Ark.) complained the other day about Dems briefly blocking Mike Pompeo’s CIA nomination “for no good reason,” despite the far-right Arkansan’s indefensible obstructionist tactics during the Obama administration. Sen. Orrin Hatch (R-Utah), who helped block a qualified Supreme Court nominee he personally recommended, added this week, “I worry about what my colleagues on the other side are doing to the Senate.” The Utah Republican, apparently having forgotten 2009 through 2016, added that he’s never seen partisan rancor on nominations comparable to the last few weeks.

For eight years, we watched idiots like you and the FAKE media opine about obstructing Dear Leaders agenda, now these same morons cheer obstructionism. You can't have it BOTH ways asshat.

What we are doing is pointing out the glaring stupidity and hypocrisy of assholes like you who now celebrate it while denigrating it for eight years.

I am convinced you are to stupid to comprehend the OBVIOUS.

Foe EIGHT YEARS we watched Congressional GOP members promise to obstruct ANYTHING Obama attempted to get passed, yet now those same Republicans WHINE about congressional obstructionism.

You can't have it both ways asshat.

You really are too much of an idiot to comprehend the irony of your own bloviating.

Yep, in lying liberal dumbfuck land where you wallow, it is only okay to obstruct when you are a Democrat. It's only okay to prevent confirmations when you are a Democrat. It is only okay to denigrate the office of the President, when you are a Democrat.

It's idiots like you that make the Party of the Jackass the failure that it is. Yay you!

In dim bulb TrumpkinTown, it's perfectly acceptable to obstruct when you are a REPUBLICAN, but if a Democrat should attempt to do the same, oh my HEAVENS NO!!!

Truth Rejector never met a truth he wasn't ready to reject!
I love when people like TD use terms like "fake news" or "fake media". It's as if Trump has his tiny little hands up their butt moving their mouths for them.
It will pay for itself in reduced expenditure on welfare and crime prevention isn't that a good thing?

Sent from Lenovo K6 Note
He's not reducing expenditure on crime prevention. He's increasing spending on the private prison system.
He said the Mexicans would pay and indeed they will by being forced to take back their criminals.

Sent from Lenovo K6 Note
That would only make sense if we were selling them back to them. Otherwise, trump's supporters are paying for the wall.
Yep, I am sure they will do everything they can to destroy it, starve it, regardless of the folks that will suffer & die early as a result... No skin off their nose, they have excellent care thanX to us...

It is an old ploy.... They starve & fight a program, this or that, then turn around & bitch that it didn't accomplish it's goals, this or that:whoa:
Pretty much what they've done with ACA already.
I'm glad you asked that actually.

There's a difference between Trump's lying and Obama's and liberals more generally. Trump exaggerates, mistates facts, bloviates and etc.

But Obama's lies [and the lies he's responsible for] were more insidious. Where Trump might lie about building a wall---or being wiretapped or whatever, Obama would lie about keeping your doctor, knowing full well you won't be able to. I don't see Trump blaming a terrorist attack on a video---when he knew full well that it was a terrorist attack. I don't see Trump putting up with a Jonathan Gruber or a Ben Rhodes and their deceptions.

I don't see Trump doing any of that. If I'm wrong, I'll call him on it.
That's it? Can you name an actual lie? I kept my doctor, and so did millions of other people. Meanwhile, that wall will never be less with Mexican money.

There's a difference between a lie, and an honest effort to come through on your vision, despite RECORD obstructionism.
Are you trying to be funny lol?

Carter was an honest man for sure. So was Bush I, by political standards. Bill Clinton, not so much lol. Bush II gets an about a 7 on the honesty scale [again, for a politician].

Obama told a bunch of whoppers that I've already listed. And the left would be apoplectic if the shoe was on the other foot. They would ABSOLUTELY try and impeach Trump if Trump used the IRS as a political weapon, for example.

Step away from the crack pipe.
Yea...because if Hillary were POTUS, with business ties to Russia/Jina, you wouldn't have any problems with it.
Thousands of Muslims celebrating on 9/11?

Obama committing a felony?

Obama not being a legitimate President?

I've never seen someone in such a heightened state of denial as you. Trump has told much worse, and much more insidious lies - and no, you haven't "called him on it."

What a fool. What a hack.
"An FBI arrest of Hillary is imminent"