Trump tells the truth

That's it? Can you name an actual lie? I kept my doctor, and so did millions of other people. Meanwhile, that wall will never be less with Mexican money.

There's a difference between a lie, and an honest effort to come through on your vision, despite RECORD obstructionism.

Isn't it ironic how the GOP want to hold Obama responsible for "If you like your Doctor, you can keep him", but they immediately excuse Trump for claiming he would "make Mexico pay for the wall".

What's it called when you have a problem and get all bent out of shape when the other side does something, but not when the side you support does the same thing?
Isn't it ironic how the GOP want to hold Obama responsible for "If you like your Doctor, you can keep him", but they immediately excuse Trump for claiming he would "make Mexico pay for the wall".

What's it called when you have a problem and get all bent out of shape when the other side does something, but not when the side you support does the same thing?

I admit to being skeptical about the claim. But can we at least wait till the thing is built before we declare Trump a liar lol?
Well I don't recall Trump being specific about how they would pay but having to take back their criminals and saving vast sums on welfare is surely paying. I would be far more impressed Bill, if you just came right out and said you just hate and loath Trump and there is nothing he can do you'd support. Pretty much everything I've seen on here is no more than sour grapes, in my opinion.

Sent from Lenovo K6 Note

Illegals can't get welfare or food stamps. They can get emergency medical care and schooling only. Plus, they pay billions in state and local taxes, and also payroll taxes for benefits they'll never be able to get.
Are you trying to be funny lol?

Carter was an honest man for sure. So was Bush I, by political standards. Bill Clinton, not so much lol. Bush II gets an about a 7 on the honesty scale [again, for a politician].

Obama told a bunch of whoppers that I've already listed. And the left would be apoplectic if the shoe was on the other foot. They would ABSOLUTELY try and impeach Trump if Trump used the IRS as a political weapon, for example.

Step away from the crack pipe.

Remind me about a few of these alleged lies, please. Life is a bit short to follow your historical postings. At one point, as I recall, you did say that Trump hadn't done two things I'd never heard of, it being implied, I think, that somebody else had, but that was hardly a list.
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Illegals can't get welfare or food stamps. They can get emergency medical care and schooling only. Plus, they pay billions in state and local taxes, and also payroll taxes for benefits they'll never be able to get.
Their children are automatically US citizens and therefore entitled to benefits. The argument that they pay taxes is also used in the UK but neglects to include the extra costs incurred for social, educational, medical and general infrastructure such as water, sewage, roads and transport.

Much as some may like to portray otherwise, there are fair number that criminals and they cause even more misery and mayhem.
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Their children are automatically US citizens and therefore entitled to benefits. The argument that they pay taxes is also used in the UK but neglects to include the extra costs incurred for social, educational, medical and general infrastructure such as water, sewage, roads and transport.

Much as some may like to portray otherwise, there are fair number that criminals and they cause even more misery and mayhem.
Does the UK have a payroll tax for a program similar to Social Security?
I admit to being skeptical about the claim. But can we at least wait till the thing is built before we declare Trump a liar lol?

It's not just that.

Hypocritical Republicans would gleefully pounce and shout "LIAR" from the highest peaks whenever they felt Obama had broken a campaign promise, yet now with Trump, they are more than willing to ignore and/or forgive his numerous broken campaign promises.
While the real bad guys will continue to use the tunnel systems and pay off the boarder patrol agents. The wall might slow down decent hard working people looking to feed their families but that's it at best. Better chance of trump making Amerika a place no one wants to live in so they will stop crossing the boarder on their own. The government is going to have to seize miles of land owned by citizens and in order to build the wall roads will need to be built that will make it easier for everyone to travel, including drug cartels.

Yep... There are many, many reason a wall is stupid, but his interest is in his brand... The wall will be a tribute to his brand & him for a long, long time..
Yep... There are many, many reason a wall is stupid, but his interest is in his brand... The wall will be a tribute to his brand & him for a long, long time..

He will build a wall that is his name stacked end to end for hundreds of miles paint it gold and everyone will walk in under the golden arch in the r.
??Because some crack-pot 2nd world tyrant is doing something stupid, we should to??

Maybe he can "negotiate" w/ them & get the branding rights/his name on it & save us tens of billions of our hard earned money..??
Did you even read the article??

"The wall will be backed by a mined area. Government engineers are also digging ditches and erecting fortified fences, along with thermal imaging cameras atop 30-foot-high steel watchtowers to catch anyone trying to cross at night, the Reuters news agency reported. Drones have been deployed to patrol the skies above the border.

Refugee numbers and illegal smuggling have gone down sharply as the wall has gone up, Ankara officials say, and the danger posed by Islamic State terrorist group has eased.

“It looks like the Turks have finally, successfully, closed their last stretch of border with ISIS,” Sam Heller, Beirut-based fellow at The Century Foundation think tank, told the news agency. “They probably could have done it sooner, but this was something that was subject to other political calculations and considerations.”

Sent from Lenovo K6 Note
The NHS and the state pension are paid for by National Insurance contributions. It is deducted directly from salaries. The self employed pay separately.

Sent from Lenovo K6 Note
So do illegals working on the books in the UK pay into NHS? At what age can they start to collect?