Trump tells the truth

While the real bad guys will continue to use the tunnel systems and pay off the boarder patrol agents. The wall might slow down decent hard working people looking to feed their families but that's it at best. Better chance of trump making Amerika a place no one wants to live in so they will stop crossing the boarder on their own. The government is going to have to seize miles of land owned by citizens and in order to build the wall roads will need to be built that will make it easier for everyone to travel, including drug cartels.

^ They screamed bloody murder over Kelo but this is okay.
Someone should really start a "permanent Trump apology tour" thread for TD,

Irony coming from someone who spams this forum with his whiney and moronic anti-Trump bullshit. You really are too dense to comprehend the OBVIOUS aren't you.

.... where he can go on & on w/ his desh-like rants without disrupting actual discussion.

This coming from a clueless twit who engages non-stop with Desh-like rants.

Funny how you refuse to respond to post #65.

But I get it; you don’t like being exposed as a lying hypocrite all the time, so you attack the messenger instead of the message.

Cry harder dunce.
I would want to know how many of them do that, first. Are you saying that if a deportee has murdered or raped here, he won't face justice in the US? The only foreigners I know who get away with it are those with diplomatic immunity and I'm 100% against diplomatic immunity.

So you leftist hypocrites are fine with the FACT that Americans are at risk and engage in your predictable lies and claims that these are merely "undocumented" aliens and not criminals breaking our laws.

They shouldn't have been allowed to stay to be prosecuted for crimes in the first place you moron.

Clue for the clueless idiots on the left; they are ALL lawbreakers. They came into the country ILLEGALLY.


I don't think it's a particularly good argument to use deportee crimes as an excuse for throwing away money on a wall.

Yet you were just fine pissing away trillions on green energy fiascos and a healthcare plan built upon a lie because it made you feel good inside? Spare us your asinine hypocrisy.

trump could put some of that money toward fighting crimes by our own citizens rather than focusing on deportees.

I am amused by the farcical strawman that we don't spend enough on fighting crimes while defending a criminal enterprise like illegal immigration.

You liberal really are too stupid for words. Dunce.
They are not exaggerations, they are lies.

Wrong again you clueless idiot; they can only be lies if one ASSumes that Trump knew the facts when he spouted the exaggerations.

Obama claimed that you would be able to keep your doctor with Obamacare; THAT's a lie. Trump saying thousands cheered in the streets after 9-11; an exaggeration with some truth to it.

Me calling you retarded times infinity, when you might only be retarded times a million, would be an exaggeration.

Wrong again shit-for-brains; you calling anyone else retarded would be the pinnacle of irony. Dunce.

There has to be a root of truth for something to be an exaggeration.

Dear dumbass; in order to be a lie, one must assert falsely that the person making the claims actually had the FACTS or that there were FACTS related to the claims.

You really are too stupid to comprehend the OBVIOUS. But I do find it amusing that after eight years of lies, Liberals are suddenly concerned about someone telling them lies.

It's almost as farcical as Liberals, who whined for eight years about Republican obstructionism, suddenly arguing FOR it. Or as stupid as Liberals, who blamed Bush for the last eight years of malaise and failure, now whining when Obama is blamed.

Dunce. I have to laugh that idiots on the left think their whiney stupidity and hypocrisy could be mistaken for intelligence. :rofl2:
I would want to know how many of them do that, first. Are you saying that if a deportee has murdered or raped here, he won't face justice in the US? The only foreigners I know who get away with it are those with diplomatic immunity and I'm 100% against diplomatic immunity.

I don't think it's a particularly good argument to use deportee crimes as an excuse for throwing away money on a wall. trump could put some of that money toward fighting crimes by our own citizens rather than focusing on deportees.

doing a crime here gets them time here like anyone else. Then they are deported back to their contry
( for the most part)
The problem is many just come back, or in the sanctuary cities they do not honor ICE detainers.
Whatever you ( not you personally) think of the wall or immigration reform -sanctuary cities
are disgusting politically motivated "get out of jail free" places.

The classic ex is Kate Steinle:
Francisco Sanchez

Juan Francisco Lopez-Sanchez (or Francisco Sanchez; given name José Inez García Zarate),[12] of Guanajuato, Mexico, had been deported from the U.S. a total of five times, most recently in 2009.[13] He was on probation in Texas at the time of the shooting.[14] He had seven felony convictions. When he was apprehended, Sanchez was listed as 45 years old by police, but as 52 in jail records.[15]

Sanchez arrived to the U.S. sometime before 1991, the year he was convicted of his first drug charge in Arizona. In 1993, he was convicted three times in Washington state for felony heroin possession and manufacturing narcotics. Following another drug conviction and jail term, this time in Oregon, the U.S. Immigration and Naturalization Service (INS) deported Sanchez in June 1994. However, Sanchez returned to the U.S. within two years and was convicted again of heroin possession in Washington state. He was deported for the second time in 1997.[12]

On February 2, 1998, Sanchez was deported for the third time, after reentering the U.S. through Arizona. United States Border Patrol caught him six days later at a border crossing, and a federal court sentenced Sanchez to five years and three months in federal prison for unauthorized reentry. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE), formerly INS, deported Sanchez in 2003 for his fourth deportation. However, he reentered the U.S. through the Texas border and got another federal prison sentence for reentry before being deported for the fifth time in June 2009.[12]

Less than three months after his fifth deportation,
Sanchez was caught attempting to cross the border in Eagle Pass, Texas. He pleaded guilty to felony reentry; upon sentencing, a federal court recommended Sanchez be placed in "a federal medical facility as soon as possible".[12]

On March 26, 2015, at the request of the San Francisco Sheriff's Department, United States Bureau of Prisons (BOP) had turned Sanchez over to San Francisco authorities for an outstanding drug warrant.[16] U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) had issued a detainer for Sanchez requesting that he be kept in custody until immigration authorities could pick him up. As a sanctuary city, however, which limits cooperation with ICE only to cases where active charges against the immigrant are identified, San Francisco did not honor the detainer and released him, since they found no active warrant for his arrest.[17] San Francisco officials transported Sanchez to San Francisco County Jail on March 26, 2015, to face a 20-year-old felony charge of selling and possessing marijuana after Sanchez completed his latest prison term in San Bernardino County for entering in the country without the proper documents.[18] He was released from San Francisco County Jail on April 15, and had no outstanding warrants or judicial warrants, as confirmed by the San Francisco Sheriff's Department.[14]

Still avoiding post #65 I see.....and yes, Obamacare is going to cost trillions more than the liars in the Party of the Jackass claimed.

The problem for low information idiots like you is that the FAKE media refuses to do an accounting of what the costs are associated with giving 20 million losers FREE Medicare and the budget busting burden on the States that embraced it.

But alas, I am arguing with a dishonest moron who has no concerns about FACTS and merely wants to bloviate stupidly about Trump.
My, my, how many twists & turns can they find in the English language for pay??? Now getting some of their own citizens=pay..:rofl2:

Well I don't recall Trump being specific about how they would pay but having to take back their criminals and saving vast sums on welfare is surely paying. I would be far more impressed Bill, if you just came right out and said you just hate and loath Trump and there is nothing he can do you'd support. Pretty much everything I've seen on here is no more than sour grapes, in my opinion.

Sent from Lenovo K6 Note
Best not to compare Trump to Obama, actually.

Say it right now. Say that you think Obama lied on ANYTHING like the scale of Trump's dishonesty. I'd like to hear that argument. I'd really like to hear that someone thinks they are comparable at all in this regard.

I'll save you some time. Obama has some statements that were questionable - SOME, over an 8 year tenure. Trump has a long list of outright lies, and his lying is a pathology.

And that's the end of that story.
Man you are just truly so full of shit.

Sent from Lenovo K6 Note
You're really a horrible poster, Tom. Nothing intelligent to say. Just shilling for the oil industry & doling out lame insults.
Well I think the same about you to be honest. As for shilling, I think that is the height of intellectual laziness, must be nice to be on the same level as Rune and Nostradumbarse. You are truly incapable of holding your own in a debate with me about climate change, so you resort to cheap insults instead.

Sent from Lenovo K6 Note
You're nothing more than a troll now.

Irony coming from a dolt who starts a thread devoted to nothing else BUT trolling. You really are too stupid and pathetic for words.

Still avoiding post #65; I cannot say I am surprised. Cry harder! :rofl2:
You're really a horrible poster, Tom. Nothing intelligent to say. Just shilling for the oil industry & doling out lame insults.

I am amused that you think your whiney fact challenged bloviating about Trump should be considered as anything BUT unintelligent and an effort to troll. :rofl2:

Yep, in ThingTard land, Buck's posts are filled with intelligence and not remotely connected to trolling.

You're a dunce and a hypocrite; not to mention dishonest and prone to spouting outright lies.
I could list hundreds; but here are the top five lies; and these are REAL lies, not the "imagined" versions you attribute to Trump you dishonest partisan asshat:

1.) If you like your insurance plan, you can keep your insurance plan
Number of mentions:
37 times

2.) With Obamacare we will reduce your insurance premiums by $2,500, per family per year
Number of mentions:
At least 22 times

3.) I cannot pass amnesty through executive action… I am not a dictator
Number of mentions:
At least 22 times

4.) Not one dime of Obamacare will go for abortions
Number of mentions:
At least 12 times

5.) It was not my decision to pull all the troops from Iraq
Number of mentions:
2 times, maybe more

LMAO; yep, in liberal dumbfuck land, his LIES are merely "questionable statements."

You really epitomize the lunatic fringe the party of the Jackass has become. Not to mention you lying fools still believe you are winning. :rofl2:

Nothing but crickets from the leftist dolts who claimed Obama didn't lie. :rofl2:
