Trump tells the truth

I don't excuse anything. You just have your partisan fantasies, because your entire m.o. on the board is the whole "call out" thing.

I don't care about explaining myself to you. I didn't vote for Obama in '12, I didn't vote for Hillary. I don't consider myself a Democrat.

Trump is a pathological liar, and Obama isn't. Period.

You know, you're funny.

I didn't vote for Obama, didn't vote for Hillary, yet you defend them at each and every turn.

You claim I am tepid, tepid this hack:

Trump is a pathological liar.

I've said it before, and I say it again.

Pound sand, massive hack.
What did President Obama ever lie about - or are we into the usual unfacts? If he lied, it has been kept from the rest of us - some private American family scandal, perhaps, that has been kept from the rest of us? He struck most sensible persons as the first honest President since Carter.
What did President Obama ever lie about - or are we into the usual unfacts? If he lied, it has been kept from the rest of us - some private American family scandal, perhaps, that has been kept from the rest of us? He struck most sensible persons as the first honest President since Carter.

Are you trying to be funny lol?

Carter was an honest man for sure. So was Bush I, by political standards. Bill Clinton, not so much lol. Bush II gets an about a 7 on the honesty scale [again, for a politician].

Obama told a bunch of whoppers that I've already listed. And the left would be apoplectic if the shoe was on the other foot. They would ABSOLUTELY try and impeach Trump if Trump used the IRS as a political weapon, for example.

Step away from the crack pipe.
I'm pretty sure there is going to be a decent wall.
I hate having to need one -but with POTUS like Obama -what choice do we have?

It's not just Obama's fault.

Republicans dragged their feet on immigration for over a decade. Together, they set the stage for someone who was serious about the issue. Here's the deal though: as time goes on it's going to become a bigger issue. In MD for example, there's a huge controversy over sanctuary cities after a 15 year old girl was raped by a Mexican immigrant.

And the influx of Muslim immigrants is a time bomb that will go off sooner or later. The left is oblivious to the political calculus, as are the establishment generally.

For all his warts, Trump knows his political calculus. He's going to at least make the attempt to build it. If congress shuts it down they will pay a steep price.
I'm glad you asked that actually.

There's a difference between Trump's lying and Obama's and liberals more generally. Trump exaggerates, mistates facts, bloviates and etc.

But Obama's lies [and the lies he's responsible for] were more insidious. Where Trump might lie about building a wall---or being wiretapped or whatever, Obama would lie about keeping your doctor, knowing full well you won't be able to. I don't see Trump blaming a terrorist attack on a video---when he knew full well that it was a terrorist attack. I don't see Trump putting up with a Jonathan Gruber or a Ben Rhodes and their deceptions.

I don't see Trump doing any of that. If I'm wrong, I'll call him on it.

Obama's lies span eight years and don't even come close to trump's lies, that span a much shorter period. Obama has almost four times as many "true to half-true" comments as trump.

The PolitiFact scorecard - Obama

True 123 (21%)
Mostly True 164 (27%)
Half True 160 (27%)
Mostly False 70 (12%)
False 71 (12%)
Pants on Fire 9 (2%)

The PolitiFact scorecard - trump
True 16 (4%)
Mostly True 48 (13%)
Half True 54 (14%)
Mostly False 76 (20%)
False 126 (33%)
Pants on Fire 63 (16%)
Reuters says it can cost up to $21.6 BILLION to build a wall, on a cost-benefit basis that's absurd.


It is going to be a testament to him, a worthless eye sore w/ his name on it forever, or till it falls down... & the sad thing is we are now going to have to pay for it...

Like the others, someone else builds & pays for it & he puts his name on it.:palm:

Unbelievable that his fans say nothing about this bait & switch...
Reuters says it can cost up to $21.6 BILLION to build a wall, on a cost-benefit basis that's absurd.
curious as to what price you put on repeated deportees who return and commit rape and murder?
why is this happening if not for lack of border controls?
I'm glad you asked that actually.

There's a difference between Trump's lying and Obama's and liberals more generally. Trump exaggerates, mistates facts, bloviates and etc.

But Obama's lies [and the lies he's responsible for] were more insidious. Where Trump might lie about building a wall---or being wiretapped or whatever, Obama would lie about keeping your doctor, knowing full well you won't be able to. I don't see Trump blaming a terrorist attack on a video---when he knew full well that it was a terrorist attack. I don't see Trump putting up with a Jonathan Gruber or a Ben Rhodes and their deceptions.

I don't see Trump doing any of that. If I'm wrong, I'll call him on it.

Thousands of Muslims celebrating on 9/11?

Obama committing a felony?

Obama not being a legitimate President?

I've never seen someone in such a heightened state of denial as you. Trump has told much worse, and much more insidious lies - and no, you haven't "called him on it."

What a fool. What a hack.

It is going to be a testament to him, a worthless eye sore w/ his name on it forever, or till it falls down... & the sad thing is we are now going to have to pay for it...

Like the others, someone else builds & pays for it & he puts his name on it.:palm:

Unbelievable that his fans say nothing about this bait & switch...

While the real bad guys will continue to use the tunnel systems and pay off the boarder patrol agents. The wall might slow down decent hard working people looking to feed their families but that's it at best. Better chance of trump making Amerika a place no one wants to live in so they will stop crossing the boarder on their own. The government is going to have to seize miles of land owned by citizens and in order to build the wall roads will need to be built that will make it easier for everyone to travel, including drug cartels.
He said today that he didn't promise to repeal Obamacare in 64 days.

Kudos to Trump - he finally told the truth. He promised to do it on day 1, immediately.

Link us up snowflake. :rofl2:

Obama declared that he would close Gitmo his first term; I didn't see you lying leftist snowflakes crying about it.

If you think Obamacare is going to survive the first four years of the Trump Presidency, you really are a gullible idiot.
We mustn't hold the so call precedent TO his word, literally.... As his fans know, a day one can be a day, or a thousand years.:whome:

Kinda like the wall, Mexico is going to pay for it, just ignore the 30-50 billion of your tax dollars paying for wall materials, labor etc :rofl2:

Did you leftist snowflakes whine when Obama lied about keeping your own doctors, keeping your healthcare plans and that his plan would LOWER healthcare costs? All of which were flat our lies?

Spare me your crocodile tears you bunch of lying leftist hypocrites.
I just saw this clip again - this man is seriously disturbed. They showed a whole montage afterwards of him saying again & again & again that he'd get it done immediately, and how easy it would be.

Any of you Trumpeteers feeling conned yet?

I am amused that lying leftist idiots think "immediate" in political terms means within the first 65 days of a Presidency.

Yet, you whiney snowflakes didn't give a shit about Obama's inability to get much of his agenda passed and even bitched and whined about Republican obstructionism.....and now hypocritically cheer Democratic obstructionism.

Might have helped on day one that he had a plan of some type-HE DIDN'T..

Dear leftist dumbfuck; there was a plan which is why the legislation was created so quickly. I do wish you whiney leftist lying hypocrites had a brain.
I realize that this was the thing for many Trump voters.

But the pathologically lying & incompetent clown is going to define the GOP for years. Ultimately, you may get an extra SCOTUS justice or 2, but the country will veer left overall for a long time.

The next few elections will be a real wake-up call as to exactly how electing Trump has affected voters.

Translation of this massive pile of whiney liberal bile:

Obamacare is already seven years old, then dying anytime soon. That's just type, even though president Rump Will try to force it it.

But even if it did die,
I doubt the Democrats get blamed, we have a Republican Congress and President.

Dear dunce; Obamacare didn't go into FULL implementation until THIS year.

Damn you lying dunces on the left are stupid and ignorant of just about everything.