Trump then, Trump now ... SOS.

WTF does ANY of your ludicrous babble have to do with the content of the video? Trump is the same lying, denying SOS now as he was then...and Walter's nails him good! He's had a long run, but it's time to pay the piper as the state and federal courts close in. GTFU and deal with it.

Void argument fallacy.
Putin was former KGB....their stock in trade was playing American businessmen of influence towards policies that would disrupt America. Trump was a god send for him. Your last sentence is just stubborn, willfully ignorant blather.

Why would Putin help a conservative? He's a socialist, like DEMOCRATS.
You just can't stand Trump's success, can you?
No, it's because he put his businesses on hold essentially, he didn't have time to actively run them.

He went from about 4.5 billion to about 2.5 billion during his time as president.

He kept them running with his kids taking them over, Trump was not supposed to discuss business with them. Does anyone think he did not? Don't cite Trump numbers. He has lied about them his whole life. He claimed he was worth 10 billion at one rally. The financial publications said he was worth 700,000.
Is it by the producer of 2000 Mules?

No thanks. I will stick with sources like Forbes and many other main stream ones like that, who have done the deep dive work.

The fact is AT BEST he has only maintained his Fathers fortune while putting it at massive risk of failing many times. No one would want to hand off a family fortune to that kid EVER.

Best selling author and tv show means nothing. Manson 'sells' when packaged for media consumption. People like shit shows and failure stories.

I will need you to 'cite' projects coming in 'under budget', and 'ahead of time', not that, that alone means anything. They can still be failures if over priced (or other factors) to begin with.

And yes i can say he does not know how to turn a profit. AGAIN, if your dad gives you a million dollars and at the end of your life, you have added NOTHING to it more than the S&P would have and yet you put it at constant risk of being totally lost, you are a terrible business man.

Let me put it to you this way.

You have a family fortune.
You can pass it on to a kid to manage the family legacy.
You can see a partial glimpse of the future and KNOW this kid will not make any more money than the S&P but will put the empire at risk of banruptcy and complete loss many times.

Therefore you know you gain NOTHING extra by giving it to the kid, but you might lose it all.

Do you give it to the kid anyway?

Without his dad, Donnie is selling watches on the street corner.
Hello Tinkerpeach,

And yet made about three billion in the process.

How do you consider that a failure?

He was a TV personality. Being a worker getting big paychecks does not make one a successful business person.

His business ideas were usually poorly planned and failed as a result. He was always under capitalized and had a bad habit of loading up new projects with debt from old failures, and overspending on purchases and improvements.
Hello Geeko Sportivo,

Yes, what is fascinating is the fact that the Republican Party has accused the Clintons of using the Clinton Foundation to line their own pockets for many years- yet the Clintons Tax records, salaries, have always been transparent to the pubic, and every penny the foundation ever received or paid out were audited by all the legal federal and state authorities and the books always balanced down to 1 red cent. The Clintons never took a dime of that money for themselves.

Yet, Trump was caught red-handed doing all along, what Trump and the Republican Party were accusing the Clintons of doing.

That is a disgrace. And something the Republicans never apologized for.

To know what crimes Republicans are guilty of, one has to look no further than what Republicans are accusing Democrats of.

Usually, what Republicans are accusing Democrats of; is what Republicans are guilty of.
Hello Tinkerpeach,

Trump started out with around a 200 million investment from his father, he built that into a 4.5 (roughly) billion dollar empire so I'm not seeing how you consider that a failure. He only started losing money overall once he became president. Yes he had many failed business experiments but his profits were still on the rise through all that overall.

That is inaccurate. He got a lot more than that through inheritance. His father walked into his failing casino, bought $2 million in chips, and walked out with them. Those chips were never cashed in.

And even that couldn't help the tragically over leveraged Taj from going bankrupt.

Donald was so over leveraged in the 80's he had to get bailed out by the big banks. They chose to do that because foreclosure would have gotten them far less on the dollar. He was completely over extended by about a billion. The banks forced Trump to sell bad investments and put him on an allowance.
Hello Tinkerpeach,

There is a great documentary on discovery channel about Trump, made probably about 10 years ago that goes into depth about how he built his empire.

He's had numerous failures but also numerous successes.

Not only in business but he's also a number one best selling author as well as having the number 1 television show for a time.

He's built many projects that came in under budget and ahead of time.

You really can't say that he doesn't know how to turn a profit when that is what he is focusing on.

There are plenty of reasons to hate him but saying he's a failed business man isn't one of them.

There is no good reason to hate anybody. Hatred hurts the hater more than the hated.
Hello QP!,

Is it by the producer of 2000 Mules?

No thanks. I will stick with sources like Forbes and many other main stream ones like that, who have done the deep dive work.

The fact is AT BEST he has only maintained his Fathers fortune while putting it at massive risk of failing many times. No one would want to hand off a family fortune to that kid EVER.

Best selling author and tv show means nothing. Manson 'sells' when packaged for media consumption. People like shit shows and failure stories.

I will need you to 'cite' projects coming in 'under budget', and 'ahead of time', not that, that alone means anything. They can still be failures if over priced (or other factors) to begin with.

And yes i can say he does not know how to turn a profit. AGAIN, if your dad gives you a million dollars and at the end of your life, you have added NOTHING to it more than the S&P would have and yet you put it at constant risk of being totally lost, you are a terrible business man.

Let me put it to you this way.

You have a family fortune.
You can pass it on to a kid to manage the family legacy.
You can see a partial glimpse of the future and KNOW this kid will not make any more money than the S&P but will put the empire at risk of banruptcy and complete loss many times.

Therefore you know you gain NOTHING extra by giving it to the kid, but you might lose it all.

Do you give it to the kid anyway?

Fred Trump made his money by screwing the government. He was a terrible father. Donald was neglected and became a spoiled bully. None of Fred's children were up to the task of properly continuing his illicit business model. Fred preferred to stay out of the public eye, work the government scam privately. Donald screwed that all up. He went into Manhattan. Square into the limelight. Kinda hard to run a scam in broad daylight. Donald's biggest mistake was getting elected. Talk about being the center of scrutiny. How he thought he could conduct business as usual in the public eye was a mystery. He pulled if off as long as he could. Having a conned following made it possible. But the house of cards is all falling down now.
Hello Tinkerpeach,

Like you said, it's not about personality it's about policy and Trump was a damn fine president. I don't care how much of an ass he is as that has no affect on me, what I do care about is how his policies directly affect me.

I don't give a crap about image.

Many of our best presidents have been asses, Lincoln, FDR, Kennedy, Jefferson.

No, Trump was a terrible president. So glad he is a has-been.
Hello PoliTtalker,

Many are doing what I have been pointing out for years. Trump is being martyred. All of his supporters are feeling abused in a similar fashion. Perhaps it really took of with Hillary labeled as 'Deplorables.'
Hello QP!,

Fred Trump made his money by screwing the government. He was a terrible father. Donald was neglected and became a spoiled bully. None of Fred's children were up to the task of properly continuing his illicit business model. Fred preferred to stay out of the public eye, work the government scam privately. Donald screwed that all up. He went into Manhattan. Square into the limelight. Kinda hard to run a scam in broad daylight. Donald's biggest mistake was getting elected. Talk about being the center of scrutiny. How he thought he could conduct business as usual in the public eye was a mystery. He pulled if off as long as he could. Having a conned following made it possible. But the house of cards is all falling down now.

Ya DJT never expected to win and become POTUS. He thought he could grift more off of a good run and showing.

And then once in the WH, and he realized much of gov't, at that level operates off of norms and not concrete laws, he found a grifter heaven.

Imagine a place that is the seat of power ...that relies on people to follow rules willingly and be ethical and there are few laws forcing it.

Once Trump tasted that, he was like the mad king.
Hello PoliTtalker,

Many are doing what I have been pointing out for years. Trump is being martyred. All of his supporters are feeling abused in a similar fashion. Perhaps it really took of with Hillary labeled as 'Deplorables.'

How in the hell can a con artist who has consistently screwed his supporters be considered a "martyred". I mean, latest example being that not one penny of all "donations" he's garnered in the last 2 years has gone to support the Jan. 6th indicted and convicted. I could give a short list of how he wipes his feet on the suckers, but it's all been done before.
How in the hell can a con artist who has consistently screwed his supporters be considered a "martyred". I mean, latest example being that not one penny of all "donations" he's garnered in the last 2 years has gone to support the Jan. 6th indicted and convicted. I could give a short list of how he wipes his feet on the suckers, but it's all been done before.

Sez the guy voting for the uniparty.
Hello PoliTtalker,

Many are doing what I have been pointing out for years. Trump is being martyred. All of his supporters are feeling abused in a similar fashion. Perhaps it really took of with Hillary labeled as 'Deplorables.'

And they have been acting deplorably ever since. But now they are proud of it.