Trump voters are not American patriots'!

Hello gemini104104,

Absolutely not but worthless parasites living off government money, while engaging in treason and other atrocities that are conducive to being barbaric and incapable of co-existing in a civilized society. The shame of America but fortunately who are of the minority and at being anti vax and anti mask at getting brainwashed with fake news and tRump's big lies are dying off in record numbers.

Actually not. Most who get 'rona, be they Trump party or real caring people, survive.

More importantly, the numbers are not significant enough to swing an election.

It is imperative that we, the caring, go out and get as many minds as possible to realize the importance of getting informed and voting for the goodness in America.

Because all that is required for the dastardly to prevail is for good people to do nothing.
If I had to guess, I would bet a chunk of change that Into the Night has some sort of developmental disability. Look at his posting behavior in this thread. That's how he always behaves. Repetitive, mindlessly reactionary, and thoroughly deranged.

That being said, I wish I had been kinder to him. Ill try.
Absolutely not but worthless parasites living off government money, while engaging in treason and other atrocities that are conducive to being barbaric and incapable of co-existing in a civilized society. The shame of America but fortunately who are of the minority and at being anti vax and anti mask at getting brainwashed with fake news and tRump's big lies are dying off in record numbers.

Its mostly Trumppers living off government money, the uneducated.
So if you vote for, or support the group that launched and planned the attack on the Capital... You are not an American patriot.

If you believe, without little to no evidence, that there was election fraud that caused your guy to really be the true winner... You are not an American patriot.

You clearly do not believe in Democracy.

someone who claims to be proud to pay taxes has no business trying to define who isn't a patriot
Keep talking. You'll see. 22 is right around the corner. Thats where it all begins. Justice is coming. ;)

LMAO. Are you predicting something again? Hey fatso, how many times will "it" all begin?

We own the country. You rent, sharecropper. :cool:
Keep talking. You'll see. 22 is right around the corner. Thats where it all begins. Justice is coming. ;)

never under estimate the power of the stupidity in the woke left to come out in droves at the mere mention that a republican might win............they are hook, line, and sinker on the propaganda that their handlers tell them.