Trump voters are not American patriots'!

Hello Micawber,
Hello PoliCoward,

When you think about it, it is only right that the super-rich need to pay for climate crisis measures. Look at the period where the climate crisis really accelerated. It matches the period when the super-rich expanded their wealth exponentially.

Even if their own personal investments didn't directly contribute, they should want to because it is their world to and they have the power to do something significant.

It makes no sense to build a giant fortune and then pass it on to heirs who won't be able to enjoy it in a devastated world.

And there will come a point, and it may have already been reached, when doing nothing will be more expensive than taking action.

Storms, fires, heat waves and sea level rise are going to cost more than proactive measures taken now.

And we all pay for that in inflation, the rich included.
The red colored words are undefined meaningless buzzwords. You somehow managed to type out all of those words and yet say literally NOTHING of ANY meaning whatsoever.

I also noticed your usage of the Marxist "we" at the end.

Please define the red colored words before we continue. Oh wait, I am a part of your "longest ignore list on JPP"... I consider myself lucky.

Have a nice day, coward.
Hello Flash,

I have no problem with people building basic wealth.

And I also have no problem with the wealthy paying for the needs of society in proportion with their ability to do so.

Good to hear it. You know the wealthy are the only ones who pay taxes in proportion with their ability to do so (a higher percentage of taxes than their percentage of income).
The president's party almost always loses seats in mid-term elections.
I want EVERYONE to make note of this statement. I also want everyone to think long and hard about it.

I want to make it known right now (please mark my words down and hold me to it), a year in advance, that this very statement will be the Demonkkkrat talking point for a couple of things:

[1] They will use and abuse this particular statement in order to sweep under the rug the upcoming large Republican (especially MAGA-aligned) gain of seats (especially in the House of Representatives). IOW, this statement will be the excuse for the significant loss of seats for Demonkkkrats.

[2] They will use and abuse this particular statement in order to sweep under the rug any remaining "election fraud" chatter. This will be an example of: "Republicans picked up seats... SEE, there's no widespread election fraud!" ...

This "mid-term election" "pattern" is just a "pattern" to hide the fact that we do not have free and fair elections in this country... It provides for the illusion that free and fair elections do exist.

So yes, I do think that Republicans will do quite well in 2022. I think that they will be gaining MANY seats in the House for sure (and probably gain back control in the Senate too). The Uniparty is fine with this. Then, in 2024, they will once again go full bore with their mass election fraud blueprint from 2020 and "continue where they left off at the end of 2022".

I'm also going to predict that DeSantis will be in trouble for his re-election effort. Believe me, from every indicator that I have looked at, the citizens of Florida seem to overwhelmingly LOVE him and want him to be re-elected (same with Trump). However, I suspect that his re-election will be frauded away from him like Trump's 2020 re-election was frauded away from him. The Uniparty can't allow DeSantis to remain as governor and remain as a forceful voice of truth and reason against their agenda.
I want EVERYONE to make note of this statement. I also want everyone to think long and hard about it.

I want to make it known right now (please mark my words down and hold me to it), a year in advance, that this very statement will be the Demonkkkrat talking point for a couple of things:

[1] They will use and abuse this particular statement in order to sweep under the rug the upcoming large Republican (especially MAGA-aligned) gain of seats (especially in the House of Representatives). IOW, this statement will be the excuse for the significant loss of seats for Demonkkkrats.

[2] They will use and abuse this particular statement in order to sweep under the rug any remaining "election fraud" chatter. This will be an example of: "Republicans picked up seats... SEE, there's no widespread election fraud!" ...

Nobody needs to prove there was no election fraud since nobody has any evidence it existed.

Do you think the Democrats will lose as many seats as the 40 lost in 2018 mid-term?
Hello Flash,

Good to hear it. You know the wealthy are the only ones who pay taxes in proportion with their ability to do so (a higher percentage of taxes than their percentage of income).

Well that's a flip of the old conservative/liberal coin there, then, isn't it?

If it is calculated as a percentage of their own income and indirect taxing is included such as increased rent due to landlord property and personal taxes, then it's the poor who are paying more in taxes. And so much of their income goes to purchasing things, most of which is subject to sales tax and highway fuel tax. And they are often forced to drive more miles because they are working several jobs.

Regardless of how it is calculated, society is badly lacking and the wealthy have the means to address the situation; but the poor haven't.
Nobody needs to prove there was no election fraud since nobody has any evidence it existed.
Ignoring the evidence presented to you does not make it go away.

Do you think the Democrats will lose as many seats as the 40 lost in 2018 mid-term?
I don't know how many seats they will lose. I just know that it will be a lot of seats.

Depending on how our redistricting battle turns out (it will eventually go to the court system for resolution), our WI-3 district either should or will definitely be one of those seats... R's should've won it the past cycle or two but stupidly didn't put any real effort into supporting their candidate there. Van Orden (R), who almost won last time against Ron Kind (D), is running again, and Ron Kind is retiring, so the D's can't benefit from his name recognition. If Stevens Point gets moved out of WI-3, then WI-3 will definitely flip red. If not, then it should still barely flip to red.
Hello Flash,

Well that's a flip of the old conservative/liberal coin there, then, isn't it?

If it is calculated as a percentage of their own income and indirect taxing is included such as increased rent due to landlord property and personal taxes, then it's the poor who are paying more in taxes. And so much of their income goes to purchasing things, most of which is subject to sales tax and highway fuel tax. And they are often forced to drive more miles because they are working several jobs.

Regardless of how it is calculated, society is badly lacking and the wealthy have the means to address the situation; but the poor haven't.

The poor pay virtually no federal income taxes and get back as much as $5,000-$6,000 in Earned Income Tax Credits not including the current child tax credits of $250-300 per child.
So you do not know any gays. That was obvious. They think everyone hates them. People like you make that clear. Trumpys and rightys do.

I don't think all gay people think that everyone hates them, but most of them do clearly and rightfully know that if the cult is allowed, it will terminate their civil rights and then slaughter them. Fuck every MAGA on the planet.
Nope I never mentioned anyone's sexual choice! Someone did bring family into it! God did not create them to be gay, and I am not Catholic so who cares!

You sure as hell did. You lost your nonexistent mind over a comment that someone else made about your family and your reaction was to go full psycho homophobe on me. Your head ain't right, boo.
I think above poster truly believe the above… treat him accordingly…

If I had to guess, I would bet a chunk of change that Into the Night has some sort of developmental disability. Look at his posting behavior in this thread. That's how he always behaves. Repetitive, mindlessly reactionary, and thoroughly deranged.
So if you vote for, or support the group that launched and planned the attack on the Capital... You are not an American patriot.

If you believe, without little to no evidence, that there was election fraud that caused your guy to really be the true winner... You are not an American patriot.

You clearly do not believe in Democracy.

Absolutely not but worthless parasites living off government money, while engaging in treason and other atrocities that are conducive to being barbaric and incapable of co-existing in a civilized society. The shame of America but fortunately who are of the minority and at being anti vax and anti mask at getting brainwashed with fake news and tRump's big lies are dying off in record numbers.
Hello Flash,

The poor pay virtually no federal income taxes and get back as much as $5,000-$6,000 in Earned Income Tax Credits not including the current child tax credits of $250-300 per child.

That's if they have children and are not paying child support.

Bottom line: The rich have the money to fix this country up. The poor don't.

We need to get it from the rich and fix the country up.