Trump voters are not American patriots'!

Hello Flash,

And one of the things that got Trump barely elected was people responding to hate PR and voting against Hillary Clinton.

Trump would never have been elected without the hate vote, without the racist vote. Either one would have left him with another loss.

Trump never won the popular vote once.

You don't get to speak for everyone. You only get to speak for you. Omniscience fallacy.
Hello Micawber,

His leaders are thoughtful about it. They thoughtfully disassemble definitions and slander the opposition using made up word meanings, or thoughtfully misrepresent what the opposition does and stuff them all in
a one size fits all slander bag. In either case losers like Wolf guzzle it down and think it's true. Informing him that Democrats aren't communist won't sink in.

It would be helpful for a proletariat uprising to kick in his door, slaughter his family and steal all his shit so he would understand what communism was in 1917.

Now communism to them is increased social spending on a Green New deal when the last 50 years saw the richest 1% suck up 95 % of the economic gains over that period. :rolleyes:

When you think about it, it is only right that the super-rich need to pay for climate crisis measures. Look at the period where the climate crisis really accelerated. It matches the period when the super-rich expanded their wealth exponentially.

Even if their own personal investments didn't directly contribute, they should want to because it is their world to and they have the power to do something significant.

It makes no sense to build a giant fortune and then pass it on to heirs who won't be able to enjoy it in a devastated world.

And there will come a point, and it may have already been reached, when doing nothing will be more expensive than taking action.

Storms, fires, heat waves and sea level rise are going to cost more than proactive measures taken now.

And we all pay for that in inflation, the rich included.
Hello Micawber,

When you think about it, it is only right that the super-rich need to pay for climate crisis measures. Look at the period where the climate crisis really accelerated. It matches the period when the super-rich expanded their wealth exponentially.

Even if their own personal investments didn't directly contribute, they should want to because it is their world to and they have the power to do something significant.

It makes no sense to build a giant fortune and then pass it on to heirs who won't be able to enjoy it in a devastated world.

And there will come a point, and it may have already been reached, when doing nothing will be more expensive than taking action.

Storms, fires, heat waves and sea level rise are going to cost more than proactive measures taken now.

And we all pay for that in inflation, the rich included.

Define 'climate crisis'. What 'devastated world'? It is not possible to measure the temperature of the Earth or the global sea level. What does inflation have to do with the Church of Global Warming?
Hello Flash,

And now they are in danger of letting the party slip through their hands and allowing the Trump party back in.

The president's party almost always loses seats in mid-term elections. The average loss is 27 seats and Democrats have a lot less to lose. Plus, you are seeing many Democrats retire; especially committee chairs who know they can't be chair if their party loses the majority.
Patriotism = saying and doing things in the interest of country over self.

It's not what you want. It's what is best for the country.
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Look at the period where the climate crisis really accelerated. It matches the period when the super-rich expanded their wealth exponentially.

When did it accelerate? The six common air pollutants declined by 78% between 1970-2020.

1970 was probably a big improvement over 1900.
Hello Flash,

When did it accelerate? The six common air pollutants declined by 78% between 1970-2020.

1970 was probably a big improvement over 1900.

It's good that we have begun to take action.

But we just have so many more people on the planet now.

That makes it all the more important to change how we do energy and industry.
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Hello Flash,

But we just have so many more people on the planet now.

That makes it all the more important to change how we do energy and industry.

Agreed. I wasn't suggesting that we not work to reduce pollutants, only that we have seen huge improvements. We could all buy hybrid cars (if not electric) and reduce exhaust emissions considerably.

Hertz just bought 100,000 Teslas.
Into the Night = gfm7175

Nope, YOU are the idiot here.

I don't think the ignore feature lets you ignore yourself.

And yet the fucking idiot keeps replying with quote.
Yes, and I will keep replying to whatever comments of yours I feel like replying to whether you like it or not. You have no power over me. You cannot control me. You cannot make me go away.

So long as you continue to participate on this PUBLIC online forum, the PUBLIC (which includes myself) will continue to respond to your posts as they see fit. Maybe a "liberal only" forum would be more up to your speed??

A different level of stupid.
You are describing yourself once again.
Hello Flash,

Agreed. I wasn't suggesting that we not work to reduce pollutants, only that we have seen huge improvements. We could all buy hybrid cars (if not electric) and reduce exhaust emissions considerably.

Hertz just bought 100,000 Teslas.

So glad to hear that.

We need the Post Office to replace it's fleet with rechargeables. That's a no brainer.
Hello Flash,

So are Tesla stockholders.

You do realize that is making people richer, right?

I have no problem with people building basic wealth.

And I also have no problem with the wealthy paying for the needs of society in proportion with their ability to do so.
Agreed. I wasn't suggesting that we not work to reduce pollutants, only that we have seen huge improvements. We could all buy hybrid cars (if not electric) and reduce exhaust emissions considerably.

Hertz just bought 100,000 Teslas.

Define 'pollutant'. Base rate fallacy.