Trump voters are not American patriots'!

Hello Jarod,

Remember when Trump tried to cancel Kaepernick, and the NFL.

Trump has had a grudge against the NFL ever since he tried to muscle his way into a team ownership and was prevented.

Shallow immature people blame others for their failures and hold grudges.
Hello Flash,

There is no doubt he got more votes (popular and electoral), but the reason was because many people were voting against Trump. Not many were that enthusiastic for Biden. But enthusiasm and big rallies are limited in size and do not necessarily translate into votes. Biden got exactly what the polls reported (52%).

And one of the things that got Trump barely elected was people responding to hate public messaging and voting against Hillary Clinton.

Trump would never have been elected without the hate vote, without the racist vote. Either one would have left him with another loss.

Trump never won the popular vote once.
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Hello Flash,

They wanted Biden over Trump. He was not the first choice of many. Even though they wanted him, there was little enthusiasm. He became the Democratic nominee and Democrats decided they needed to get behind him.

And now they are in danger of letting the party slip through their hands and allowing the Trump party back in.
Hello Jarod,

Trump has had a grudge against the NFL ever since he tried to muscle his way into a team ownership and was prevented.

Shallow immature people blame others for their failures and hold grudges.

Pittaful lil Trumpies.
Hello Flash,

I agree with your sentiment, however, universities have always used criteria other than just SAT/GPA to diversify their student body. This does not necessarily have anything to do with race, but some chose some students from the South and Midwest that might not have had the top scores.

Also, universities chose students based on their ability in art, music, dance, drama. They may be very talented but not do as well on SAT/GPA. If for nothing else, the art, music, and dance professors need students to keep their jobs.

And society needs those things to keep it's mind. Fools under-appreciate the value of art and expression.

I always know somebody has issues if I see the inside of their home and there is no art on the walls. Barren walls = messed up in the head in some way.
His leaders are thoughtful about it. They thoughtfully disassemble definitions and slander the opposition using made up word meanings, or thoughtfully misrepresent what the opposition does and stuff them all in
a one size fits all slander bag. In either case losers like Wolf guzzle it down and think it's true. Informing him that Democrats aren't communist won't sink in.

It would be helpful for a proletariat uprising to kick in his door, slaughter his family and steal all his shit so he would understand what communism was in 1917.

Now communism to them is increased social spending on a Green New deal when the last 50 years saw the richest 1% suck up 95 % of the economic gains over that period. :rolleyes:

They actually believe their hyperbolic paranoid fantasies. They really need some communism to kick them in the teeth until they STFU
and get right. Ignorant fuckwits.

Liberal doesn't work here. You are going to have to learn English.
You rightys brought up gays. I think they are just people going through life as god made them. Why do you care about them so much ,I cannot understand. They do nothing to you. They are not threats to your children. That would be catholic priests.

God is not the author of chaos.