Trump voters are not American patriots'!

He got more votes. That includes in Florida. The fact the Bush's brother was governor made it clear Gore was not going to be allowed to win. Hunter Thompson said forget it. It is over. The brother will "take care "of the election.

In Florida not even in the most lenient cases of counting hanging chads did Gore win!
We need better mental health systems for those obsessed with the orange man. We need a better educational system to explain what a dictator is and how to evaluate facts and determine what is true and false.

Yeah but would you attend the classes, because you have TDS, and can't see the forest for the trees when it comes to facts, and true and false!
So if you vote for, or support the group that launched and planned the attack on the Capital... You are not an American patriot.

If you believe, without little to no evidence, that there was election fraud that caused your guy to really be the true winner... You are not an American patriot.

You clearly do not believe in Democracy.

we don't believe your lies, that makes us patriots.
Yeah but would you attend the classes, because you have TDS, and can't see the forest for the trees when it comes to facts, and true and false!

Im talking about you, you prefer a personality over the election of the people of your nation.
They do not understand that the rest of us actually love the ideals of America, not a cult of personality. They had weak fathers.

Weak fathers and ineffective teachers. They're willfully stupid. They are the worst kind of person.
Hahahaha, I keep hearing about whats "right around the corner", you folks are funny.

Justice for what?

I can only imagine what type of a father raised you people.

That's how Stone speaks every day. He's never been right about anything he's said since I joined this forum. He's a complete moron.