Trump voters are not American patriots'!

Many crimes are still crimes without proof. If I murder someone, and there is no proof, I still committed a crime, you just cant convict me in court. You see, I understand Trumpers cant get this, but truth and reality are still truth and reality despite what you can and cant prove.

You have not answered. What treason? What manslaughter?
Not quite. Communism IS a form of socialism. Fascism, however, IS a stepping stone to communism. Fascism is also socialism.

Fascist and Communism fought it out in the streets of Germany in the '30's they are opposites!
Sadly they are just inflammatory words that you don't know what they mean
He got more votes. That includes in Florida. The fact the Bush's brother was governor made it clear Gore was not going to be allowed to win. Hunter Thompson said forget it. It is over. The brother will "take care "of the election.

right crybaby, you motherfuckers carry on about Trump when you acted worse over Gore losing
I don't see how what you wrote is related to what I wrote???
Because you are deliberately trying to evade.
In some circumstances I believe vaccine mandates would be Constitutional, because its a balancing test.
Unconstitutional. Paradox V. Irrational. Paradox between abortion and vaccinations. Irrational. You cannot argue both sides of a paradox, dude.
If you could prove that your right to privacy in medical decisions was more important than the general public's right to life, the court would say that Vax mandates were UnConstitutional.
They are unconstitutional.
If you could prove that your right to life was more important than the publics right to freedom of medical choice vax mandates would be deemed Constitution.
They are unconstitutional.
Do you call the insterstate highway system communism? Do you call Medicare communism? Do you call social security communism?

I call the interstate freeways 'post roads', constitutional.
Medicare is communism, and unconstitutional.
Social Security is communism, and unconstitutional.
There is no compelling reason to force a vaccine on people with a fatality rate of 1%. Especially a vaccine that doesn't prevent you form getting the disease.

It is unconstitutional to do so anyway. People that argue in favor of vaccine mandates are making a paradox. They are irrational. I call it paradox V.
The left doesn't give a shit about freedom. They fucking HATE freedom. That's why they had to rig the election. They think the American people are the great unwashed masses who need to be told what to do. Sadly I think during this plandemic many people have proven them right.

^Facebook Junior High dropout.
A road does not generate a profit, Collecting taxes to pay for public services and welfare programs is not socialist.
Collecting taxes for welfare programs is socialist.
Every modern country has roads, public schools and police officers, that doesn't make them inherently socialist.
Ancient Rome had highways, public bathhouses and aqueducts but this doesn't mean they invented socialism.
Rome fell into dictatorship. They also had slaves, a form of socialism.