Trump voters are not American patriots'!

Remember when Trump tried to cancel Kaepernick, and the NFL.

Kaepernick was not "patriotic" but then Trump supported Sam Moore for Senate in Alabama who twice took an oath to uphold the Constitution and twice betrayed that oath and was kicked out of office twice.
It wasn't treason unless you have proof. It wasn't even an insurrection as the dimwit leftists would have you believe.

Like!Duh!The video of Trump committing treason,the video of his supporters invading the US Capital
The five dead adds manslaughter to the charges
I guess that goes the same for all the people that thought Gore won?

He got more votes. That includes in Florida. The fact the Bush's brother was governor made it clear Gore was not going to be allowed to win. Hunter Thompson said forget it. It is over. The brother will "take care "of the election.
Where did I say it was acceptable? This is the problem with you people you hear things that were never said. I said if skill and ability is used to select a football it should used to select students. One standard applied to everyone. But you seem to like standards for some people but not all people. That's actual racism.

I agree with your sentiment, however, universities have always used criteria other than just SAT/GPA to diversify their student body. This does not necessarily have anything to do with race, but some chose some students from the South and Midwest that might not have had the top scores.

Also, universities chose students based on their ability in art, music, dance, drama. They may be very talented but not do as well on SAT/GPA. If for nothing else, the art, music, and dance professors need students to keep their jobs.
to a right winger extremism = patriotism

for them true patriots are those that prostrate themselves to any authoritarian figure presented to them by their masters - the elite class who don't pay taxes and choose to remain anonymous
to a right winger extremism = patriotism

for them true patriots are those that prostrate themselves to any authoritarian figure presented to them by their masters - the elite class who don't pay taxes and choose to remain anonymous

it's got to be genetic, no rational explanation for these people
Trump voters are not American patriots'!

So if you vote for, or support the group that launched and planned the attack on the Capital... You are not an American patriot.

If you believe, without little to no evidence, that there was election fraud that caused your guy to really be the true winner... You are not an American patriot.

You clearly do not believe in Democracy.

So, let's see...

The only group that launched a "planned attack on the Capitol" would be the British in the War of 1812. I'd say you're correct on that. You'd be an Anglophile and British patriot...

So, if I believe "without little to no evidence," that means I believe with substantial and considerable evidence. Your use of a double negative doesn't make it a positive. What you believe or don't believe about an election outcome is your business. That's one of the things that defines an American. It's other nations where those in power tell you to STFU and accept how things are.

What does "Democracy" have to do with any of that? What does any of that have to do with Trump voters?

The premise given here is a complete logical fallacy--even without the glaring grammatical error in the second statement.
He was the one who was more likely to protect Democracy, as proven by Trump trying to stay in power even though he lost the election.

Trump didn't lose the election. There was no election in 2020. You can't lose what never took place. The election faulted due to election fraud by Democrats.
You don't want democracy. You support The Oligarchy. Trump should not support a democracy, and he doesn't. Democracies have no constitutions and no representatives.
It does not, but the right to make your own medical decisions comes from the basic human right to freedom expressed in the Constitution. The Supreme Court concluded that in the first trimester it is not "killing" to have an abortion, they ruled that your right to freedom supersedes the Governments right to protect potential life up until the moment of viability.

It is killing to have an abortion.