Trump voters are not American patriots'!

I looked at the data and I find it quite remarkable that someone who garnered little to NO excitement, a guy who spent a lot of time hiding from the public, a guy who garbled every speech and bloviates complete fabrications, a guy prone to saying outrageously stupid things, could do far better than his predecessor or Obama.

Easy explanation--a lack of competent, honest competition. Not hard to defeat a habitual liar.
So if you vote for, or support the group that launched and planned the attack on the Capital... You are not an American patriot.

If you believe, without little to no evidence, that there was election fraud that caused your guy to really be the true winner... You are not an American patriot.

You clearly do not believe in Democracy.

Let's not conflate support of democracy with patriotism.
Throughout the world, many dedicated monarchists were very highly patriotic.

When we speak of the Trump supporter, patriotism isn't a relevant issue anyway.

What we're speaking of is intellectual and moral deficiency at it's most disturbing and damaging possible level.
Oh so again it's only in certain places you care about diversity not others. Why not admit people to college based on merit just like football.

Do you think football players are admitted to universities based on academic merit? If not, they should not be playing on the football team or attend (PE) classes.
Let's not conflate support of democracy with patriotism.
Throughout the world, many dedicated monarchists were very highly patriotic.

When we speak of the Trump supporter, patriotism isn't a relevant issue anyway.

What we're speaking of is intellectual and moral deficiency at it's most disturbing and damaging possible level.

In America, support for Democracy is tantamount to patirotism.
Jarod: "Is your dog a Hound?"
Yakuda: "My dog does not bite!"
Jarod: " You did not answer my question."
Yakuda: "I did answer your point."

Dumb shit.

What don't you understand? I said if skill and ability are to be used to select a football team then use skill and ability to select students. Its rather simple. I am using the standard you established.
Thank God. Yet, there was a candidate who tried to do it, with both lies and violence.

I am proud of myself for having seen that propensity in that candidate and for having chosen the only other viable choice.

Im impressed by how much bullshit you can swallow. It truly is amazing
Hello Jarod,

Then they are mistaken because they do not understand what Democracy is or they are dumb enough to believe an obvious lie.

How can they not know it is a lie?

All those recounts and failed challenges.

They are simply being immature spoiled brats.

Living a lie to 'own the libs.'

They are so full of hatred it is tearing the USA apart.

The USA has plenty of enemies. There is no need to pretend that fellow citizens are 'enemies.'

We are all on the same side.

We all want the same things.

Peace, happiness, security, prosperity.

What's wrong with them?
What don't you understand? I said if skill and ability are to be used to select a football team then use skill and ability to select students. Its rather simple. I am using the standard you established.

I agree with what you said, but what I asked you was...

"Do you believe Black people are less likely to be good University students at a 4% to 96% ratio?"
Hello Jarod,

How can they not know it is a lie?

All those recounts and failed challenges.

They are simply being immature spoiled brats.

Living a lie to 'own the libs.'

They are so full of hatred it is tearing the USA apart.

Most know its a lie, some are just dead stupid.
I agree with what you said, but what I asked you was...

"Do you believe Black people are less likely to be good University students at a 4% to 96% ratio?"

I have no idea as the skill and ability standards are not uniform and and are not applied to everyone. Do you understand?
I have no idea as the skill and ability standards are not uniform and and are not applied to everyone. Do you understand?

So you think its possible that " Black people are less likely to be good University students at a 4% to 96% ratio?"???
I lived in Alabama in the 1980's and 90's I can tell you it was a problem. For example my university had about 2% black people, the community was about 22%. The football team was about 2% of the student body.

That does not necessarily qualify as racism!
So you think its possible that " Black people are less likely to be good University students at a 4% to 96% ratio?"???

Anything is "possible" that's irrelevant. What we know is there is no uniform standard and it's not applied to everyone. Its sad that we have a standard of skill and ability to select a football team but we don't use that for selecting students. Do you believe whites are less likely to be good football players at whatever rates they are currently at? Football scholarships are very valuable and if there is a disproportionate number going to blacks and is based on population percentages then people are getting cheated.
Easy explanation--a lack of competent, honest competition. Not hard to defeat a habitual liar.

Unless its another habitual liar. I like how you think the diaper wearing asshole you elected last November is a fucking angel. He's a retard
Do you think football players are admitted to universities based on academic merit? If not, they should not be playing on the football team or attend (PE) classes.

If you think they are then you have very serious cognitive deficits.
We are all on the same side.

We all want the same things.

This is among the most stupid things that Pollyanna has ever posted on this forum.

This is why Pollyanna is at least as destructive to the cause of progressivism as any Reichnut on these pages.

I have most of the Reichnuts on ignore.

I can't put Pollyanna on ignore, even though he/she/it has had me on ignore since almost the beginning,
because bullshit like this allegedly coming from our own side has to be refuted.
Anything is "possible" that's irrelevant. What we know is there is no uniform standard and it's not applied to everyone. Its sad that we have a standard of skill and ability to select a football team but we don't use that for selecting students. Do you believe whites are less likely to be good football players at whatever rates they are currently at? Football scholarships are very valuable and if there is a disproportionate number going to blacks and is based on population percentages then people are getting cheated.

So basically you are a racist... You seem to believe that blacks are 96% less likely to be college material. Thats what you are saying when you defend that situation.
Unless its another habitual liar. I like how you think the diaper wearing asshole you elected last November is a fucking angel. He's a retard

What makes you think I voted for him? I just stated a fact--Biden won because Trump was his opponent.
If you think they are then you have very serious cognitive deficits.

That is the point. If they can't get in based on academic merit that school should not have a football team. We both know winning at football is more important than the academic standards of the university.