Trump voters are not American patriots'!

So basically you are a racist... You seem to believe that blacks are 96% less likely to be college material. Thats what you are saying when you defend that situation.

Where did I say that? I am not defending anything I am using your standard. If skill and ability are ok to use for selecting a football team why isn't it good for selecting students? I didn't actually think you were this intellectually lazy but apparently I was wrong. You're just like the other leftist pinheads here
Where did I say that? I am not defending anything I am using your standard. If skill and ability are ok to use for selecting a football team why isn't it good for selecting students? I didn't actually think you were this intellectually lazy but apparently I was wrong. You're just like the other leftist pinheads here

You are avoiding the question all day long. You said its possible and it clearly is not, unless black people are interior.
Where did I say that? I am not defending anything I am using your standard. If skill and ability are ok to use for selecting a football team why isn't it good for selecting students? I didn't actually think you were this intellectually lazy but apparently I was wrong. You're just like the other leftist pinheads here

I agree with what you keep saying, and my point is that when a school has a 96% disparity its clearly not using such a standard.
That is the point. If they can't get in based on academic merit that school should not have a football team. We both know winning at football is more important than the academic standards of the university.

They should have a football team but one created from students who were all admitted using the same standard. Yes football makes money academics doesn't or at least no where near as much.
Hello Jarod,

They are pro-Russia.

They are trying to undermine democracy.

Funny, we never needed all these voting restrictions before and Republicans won plenty of elections.

Funny, lots of Republican governors and Congress people got elected and nobody challenged the elections. In 2020!

How come it's only the presidential election that


Trump didn't lose the 2020 election. There was no 2020 election. The election faulted due to election fraud by Democrats.
They should have a football team but one created from students who were all admitted using the same standard. Yes football makes money academics doesn't or at least no where near as much.

Despite all the revenue produced in football, only a very few schools make money. That money goes back into football and the state (and students) still have to pay a lot of the cost. I had to pay a student activity fee that gave me the privilege of buying tickets if any were still available.
Ok maybe you didn't but he won because he supposedly got more votes

There is no doubt he got more votes (popular and electoral), but the reason was because many people were voting against Trump. Not many were that enthusiastic for Biden. But enthusiasm and big rallies are limited in size and do not necessarily translate into votes. Biden got exactly what the polls reported (52%).
You have no clue what communism is.

Communism is government ownership of markets. It is a form of socialism. In The Oligarchy, current communist programs include the Social Security Administration, the NEA, portions of the Agricultural Dept, the unemployment welfare system, the university grant program, and the student loan program, etc.

Fascism is government manipulation of markets. It is a form of socialism. In the Oligarchy, current fascist programs include the EPA, the Energy administration, the Federal Reserve, portions of the FCC, portions of the FAA, the CPSC, portions of the Agricultural Dept, etc.
So if you vote for, or support the group that launched and planned the attack on the Capital... You are not an American patriot.

If you believe, without little to no evidence, that there was election fraud that caused your guy to really be the true winner... You are not an American patriot.

You clearly do not believe in Democracy.

I guess that goes the same for all the people that thought Gore won?
There is no doubt he got more votes (popular and electoral), but the reason was because many people were voting against Trump. Not many were that enthusiastic for Biden. But enthusiasm and big rallies are limited in size and do not necessarily translate into votes. Biden got exactly what the polls reported (52%).

Everyone voting for Biden wanted Biden. But yes, many saw Trump as an evil satanic figure.
You are avoiding the question all day long. You said its possible and it clearly is not, unless black people are interior.

I want avoiding anything as anything is possible. I could sprout wings out of my ass but that's possible too. I made no judgement of anyone.
If you pretend a 96% disparity is acceptable, thats defacto racism.

Where did I say it was acceptable? This is the problem with you people you hear things that were never said. I said if skill and ability is used to select a football it should used to select students. One standard applied to everyone. But you seem to like standards for some people but not all people. That's actual racism.
Everyone voting for Biden wanted Biden. But yes, many saw Trump as an evil satanic figure.

They wanted Biden over Trump. He was not the first choice of many. Even though they wanted him, there was little enthusiasm. He became the Democratic nominee and Democrats decided they needed to get behind him.
They wanted Biden over Trump. He was not the first choice of many. Even though they wanted him, there was little enthusiasm. He became the Democratic nominee and Democrats decided they needed to get behind him.

Just like every election from the dawn of civilization.