Trump voters are not American patriots'!

It's beyond sad. It should be criminal. They should rounded up and removed from society. They present that big of a threat.

Who should be removed? Trump voters? You people keep talking about my father I will find you, he was an honorable man, who served his country and worked for the defense department afterwords in logistics. He brought me to fend for myself, he taught me nothing is free, he taught me how to be a gentleman, he taught me that the Government had gotten to big and out of control.
Who should be removed? Trump voters? You people keep talking about my father I will find you, he was an honorable man, who served his country and worked for the defense department afterwords in logistics. He brought me to fend for myself, he taught me nothing is free, he taught me how to be a gentleman, he taught me that the Government had gotten to big and out of control.

It seems you were triggered by something that someone else wrote. I don't care.
The fatality rate is 1.6%.

Then you can add the peripheral deaths caused by the inability to obtain health care because ICU beds are unavailable.

Zero. Covid19 does not kill.
Hospitals are not overcrowded.
I like how Gomer makes a statement like this, yet Gomer is a full fledged supporter of the Demonkkkrat Party who is currently forcing X% of hospital workers ("essential workers", as these same Demonkkkrats once called them) out of their jobs for refusing to be assaulted with a needle.

Question for Gomer: How is having SIGNIFICANTLY LESS well-trained, experienced, and productive medical workers available in the workforce supposed to somehow help the "unavailable ICU beds" "issue"??
You have no idea what a communist is. there is almost zero interest in communism in America. You buy the labels with no thought.

His leaders are thoughtful about it. They thoughtfully disassemble definitions and slander the opposition using made up word meanings, or thoughtfully misrepresent what the opposition does and stuff them all in
a one size fits all slander bag. In either case losers like Wolf guzzle it down and think it's true. Informing him that Democrats aren't communist won't sink in.

It would be helpful for a proletariat uprising to kick in his door, slaughter his family and steal all his shit so he would understand what communism was in 1917.

Now communism to them is increased social spending on a Green New deal when the last 50 years saw the richest 1% suck up 95 % of the economic gains over that period. :rolleyes:

They actually believe their hyperbolic paranoid fantasies. They really need some communism to kick them in the teeth until they STFU
and get right. Ignorant fuckwits.
B.S just keep your sexual preference to yourself!

You rightys brought up gays. I think they are just people going through life as god made them. Why do you care about them so much ,I cannot understand. They do nothing to you. They are not threats to your children. That would be catholic priests.
You rightys brought up gays. I think they are just people going through life as god made them. Why do you care about them so much ,I cannot understand. They do nothing to you. They are not threats to your children. That would be catholic priests.

Nope I never mentioned anyone's sexual choice! Someone did bring family into it! God did not create them to be gay, and I am not Catholic so who cares!
They do not understand that the rest of us actually love the ideals of America, not a cult of personality. They had weak fathers.

Tyranny is not the ideals of America. You do not get to speak for anybody else. You only get to speak for you. Omniscience fallacy.
We need better mental health systems for those obsessed with the orange man. We need a better educational system to explain what a dictator is and how to evaluate facts and determine what is true and false.

Sorry. Don't speak Liberal. You're gonna have to learn English.