Trump voters are not American patriots'!

But to hear some tell it, anyone who doesn't worship the orange shitgibbon is the non-American treasonous traitor. :rolleyes:

The orange shitgibbon is no worse than the diaper wearing, little girl groping, lying racist retard you elected. Your vice president is where she is based on her pigmentation and the junk between her legs. Its amazing how fucking stupid you people are. Its people like you that need warnings on plastic bags not to put them over your head. Fucking idiots.
Hello Jarod,

So if you vote for, or support the group that launched and planned the attack on the Capital... You are not an American patriot.

If you believe, without little to no evidence, that there was election fraud that caused your guy to really be the true winner... You are not an American patriot.

You clearly do not believe in Democracy.

They are pro-Russia.

They are trying to undermine democracy.

Funny, we never needed all these voting restrictions before and Republicans won plenty of elections.

Funny, lots of Republican governors and Congress people got elected and nobody challenged the elections. In 2020!

How come it's only the presidential election that

I do not support Democrats. They have been attacking many cities, including Washington DC. I don't think they've attacked letters of the alphabet.

Insulting people does not make the evidence disappear, dude. It's already been shown to you.

Correct. Neither do you.

I abhor democracies. They are an unstable form of government. There is no constitution, no representatives, and it usually dissolves into an oligarchy or dictatorship fairly quickly (Athens became a dictatorship).
You WANT oligarchy. You have no interest in democracy.

I support republics. Republics have constitutions. I support the Constitution of the United States and each State constitution.

You don't. You discard all of them.

You have no concept of what’s in the constitution. You just claim it says whatever you feel like you want it to say.
I love Democracy, America is the best example of it… So yes I am a patriot.

Oh, and I fly an American flag in my front yard!

But you support an idiot that wants to force an ineffective vaccine into everyone's body. Who wants to have people fired who refuse. Unmistakenly non American.

I do too with a Gadsden flag just below it.
So if you vote for, or support the group that launched and planned the attack on the Capital... You are not an American patriot.

If you believe, without little to no evidence, that there was election fraud that caused your guy to really be the true winner... You are not an American patriot.

You clearly do not believe in Democracy.

Really Im not a patriot, and you are then why do you hate America.
There was no "planned" attack.

Correct. It was a planned peaceful tourism.

I looked at the data and I find it quite remarkable that someone who garnered little to NO excitement, a guy who spent a lot of time hiding from the public, a guy who garbled every speech and bloviates complete fabrications, a guy prone to saying outrageously stupid things, could do far better than his predecessor or Obama.

That's why I call it the Biden miracle. A guy who can't utter two sentences without fucking them up, got a historic record of votes in an election that exceeded even the expectations of our first (semi) black President. To intelligent people, it has them scratching their heads.

To meatheads, they gobble up the media slop and denounce anyone who could question that amazing miracle like a bunch of Fascist brown shirts.

It appears that way to retards.

It's obvious that you clearly don't know what Democracy is. :palm:

Neither do you. :palm:
Listen to these shrill dumbasses on MSNBC describe people walking in the rotunda with security personal around them. Yep, some real dangerous people with cameras. How dare they look like tourists!! :palm:

Hello guno,

Paul Gosar assured Jan. 6 protest organizers they would get a 'blanket pardon' while they were planning rallies

GOP congressman Paul Gosar encouraged pro-Trump rally organizers to plan protests in Washington DC on January 6 by telling them they would get a "blanket pardon" for another, unrelated investigation, according to two of the protest's planners.

Gosar had repeatedly assured them of the pardons, to the point where they believed it was a "done deal," they told Rolling Stone in an exclusive released Sunday. Both organizers have been speaking with the congressional committee investigating the US Capitol riots, per Rolling Stone, and were kept anonymous. It is unclear what the original unrelated investigation mentioned by the pair was.

In the interview, one organizer said they were given the impression that Gosar spoke to former President Donald Trump about the pardons and that they had been mentioned by name.

Deserves to be it's own thread. Huge.

How deplorable they are!
Horribly wrong, it doesn't matter which Democrat you support, you are a non American, treasonous traitor, as other than a few, they are all communist!

Your current "President" is a Marxist puppet who is rapidly turning your Republic into a typical, Third World, Marxist shit-hole. But I guess that doesn't concern you, because shit-holes are your natural habitat. Right?


DLM....Dachshund Lives Matter