Trump voters are not American patriots'!

The orange shitgibbon is no worse than the diaper wearing, little girl groping, lying racist retard you elected. Your vice president is where she is based on her pigmentation and the junk between her legs. Its amazing how fucking stupid you people are. Its people like you that need warnings on plastic bags not to put them over your head. Fucking idiots.

You support Jan 6 treason
But you support an idiot that wants to force an ineffective vaccine into everyone's body. Who wants to have people fired who refuse. Unmistakenly non American.

I do too with a Gadsden flag just below it.

I do not support forced vaccines, I do not believe Biden does either, That is a lie. I do not think Biden is perfect by any stretch, he is however better than a man who tried to circumvent the Constitution to remain in power.
I do not support forced vaccines, I do not believe Biden does either, That is a lie. I do not think Biden is perfect by any stretch, he is however better than a man who tried to circumvent the Constitution to remain in power.

Jan 6 Trump committed treason and manslaughter
I believe the Constitution includes the right to privacy from government interference in your medical decisions.

Unless it's a vaccine someone dosent want right? BTW where does the constitution say privacy includes killing?
I do not support forced vaccines, I do not believe Biden does either, That is a lie. I do not think Biden is perfect by any stretch, he is however better than a man who tried to circumvent the Constitution to remain in power.

You don't think dumbo is in favor of forced vaccines???? Then you're either playing stupid or really are. Which is it?
Unless it's a vaccine someone dosent want right? BTW where does the constitution say privacy includes killing?

It does not, but the right to make your own medical decisions comes from the basic human right to freedom expressed in the Constitution. The Supreme Court concluded that in the first trimester it is not "killing" to have an abortion, they ruled that your right to freedom supersedes the Governments right to protect potential life up until the moment of viability.
It wasn't treason unless you have proof. It wasn't even an insurrection as the dimwit leftists would have you believe.

Many crimes are still crimes without proof. If I murder someone, and there is no proof, I still committed a crime, you just cant convict me in court. You see, I understand Trumpers cant get this, but truth and reality are still truth and reality despite what you can and cant prove.
It does not, but the right to make your own medical decisions comes from the basic human right to freedom expressed in the Constitution. The Supreme Court concluded that in the first trimester it is not "killing" to have an abortion, they ruled that your right to freedom supersedes the Governments right to protect potential life up until the moment of viability.

Unless its a vaccine you don't want right?
Many crimes are still crimes without proof. If I murder someone, and there is no proof, I still committed a crime, you just cant convict me in court. You see, I understand Trumpers cant get this, but truth and reality are still truth and reality despite what you can and cant prove.

True that doesn't it treason.
Unless its a vaccine you don't want right?

I don't see how what you wrote is related to what I wrote???

In some circumstances I believe vaccine mandates would be Constitutional, because its a balancing test. If you could prove that your right to privacy in medical decisions was more important than the general public's right to life, the court would say that Vax mandates were UnConstitutional. If you could prove that your right to life was more important than the publics right to freedom of medical choice vax mandates would be deemed Constitution.