Trump voters are not American patriots'!

I do and you are it. Socialism is a transitional stage between capitalism and communism

Do you call the insterstate highway system communism? Do you call Medicare communism? Do you call social security communism?
I love Democracy, America is the best example of it… So yes I am a patriot.

Oh, and I fly an American flag in my front yard!

You love what YOU think America should be not what it is and should be. By the way we are a representative republic, not mob rules~
You love what YOU think America should be not what it is and should be. By the way we are a representative republic, not mob rules~

I love America, and think we are not perfect, as nothing of man is perfect, but that we can strive for a more perfect union as Lincoln described.
I don't see how what you wrote is related to what I wrote???

In some circumstances I believe vaccine mandates would be Constitutional, because its a balancing test. If you could prove that your right to privacy in medical decisions was more important than the general public's right to life, the court would say that Vax mandates were UnConstitutional. If you could prove that your right to life was more important than the publics right to freedom of medical choice vax mandates would be deemed Constitution.

There is no compelling reason to force a vaccine on people with a fatality rate of 1%. Especially a vaccine that doesn't prevent you form getting the disease.
Do you call the insterstate highway system communism? Do you call Medicare communism? Do you call social security communism?

A road does not generate a profit, Collecting taxes to pay for public services and welfare programs is not socialist. Every modern country has roads, public schools and police officers, that doesn't make them inherently socialist. Ancient Rome had highways, public bathhouses and aqueducts but this doesn't mean they invented socialism.
There is no compelling reason to force a vaccine on people with a fatality rate of 1%. Especially a vaccine that doesn't prevent you form getting the disease.

If that were true, I would agree with you.
I love America, and think we are not perfect, as nothing of man is perfect, but that we can strive for a more perfect union as Lincoln described.

Not at the expense of freedom which is where you get lost, not if it means more Government involvement in my everyday life!
A road does not generate a profit, Collecting taxes to pay for public services and welfare programs is not socialist. Every modern country has roads, public schools and police officers, that doesn't make them inherently socialist. Ancient Rome had highways, public bathhouses and aqueducts but this doesn't mean they invented socialism.

I agree with the above, and every modern country has a healthcare system paid for by the Government. It does not make them inherently socialist.
Not at the expense of freedom which is where you get lost, not if it means more Government involvement in my everyday life!

So you do not believe in Democracy, that is okay, but clearly you then do not love America.
Not at the expense of freedom which is where you get lost, not if it means more Government involvement in my everyday life!

The left doesn't give a shit about freedom. They fucking HATE freedom. That's why they had to rig the election. They think the American people are the great unwashed masses who need to be told what to do. Sadly I think during this plandemic many people have proven them right.