Trump was "Jawbreakingly Stupid"

Of course they do, they are trained to know their environments so they can detect anything out of the ordinary.

To suggest they weren't aware of six or so boxes sitting on a floor makes you an idiot.

So you are calling the Secret Service idiots now? You might want to take the shroud off your mirror and take a look in there, Karen. :laugh:
Agreed about unsecured classified material. The fact Trump tried to obstruct justice by moving them around is a point the MAGAts can't comprehend.

The reason they are MAGATs in the first place is because they are stupid to begin with. A steady diet of Fox, Gateway Pundit, and #TRE45ON's whining screeds ensures that they stay that way.
You are such a liar. They were found in the shower. They were found in his office. They were found in bedrooms. They were in the ballroom. They were only recovered because of the raid, which they informed him was coming.

In fact, his attorneys -- a couple of whom signed off that everything had been returned -- were present at the raid and went with the agents from room to room.
So apparently they found them easily enough without surveillance footage didn't they?

The surveillance video really upsets you. Why is that, Stinker? Here, let me answer for you. This 24/7 defending the treasonous pig is making your little fingers very tired.

It upsets you because now the prosecutor has visual evidence to show the jury of the classified material boxes being moved from one place to another at your #MalignantMessiah's behest. They know who moved them, and when, and where. This is, of course, clear evidence of obstruction and tampering.

Oops! Your bloated orange shitgibbon is going down! Hahahahahaha!
If the allegations in the latest indictment of Donald Trump hold up, the former president is a common criminal — and an uncommonly stupid one.

Everyone knows, as the Watergate scandal drove home: The coverup is always worse than the crime. Everyone, that is, but Trump.

According to the superseding indictment handed up late Thursday, even after Trump knew the FBI was onto his improper retention of classified information, and even after he knew they were seeking security camera footage from the Mar-a-Lago storage areas where the material was kept — in other words, when any reasonably adept criminal would have known to stop digging holes — Trump made matters infinitely worse.

The alleged conduct — yes, even after all these years of watching Trump flagrantly flout norms — is nothing short of jaw-dropping: Trump allegedly conspired with others to destroy evidence.

As set out in the indictment’s relentlessly damning timeline, Trump enlisted his personal aide, Waltine Nauta, and a Mar-a-Lago worker, Carlos De Oliveira, in a conspiracy to delete the subpoenaed footage.

Consider: According to the indictment, on June 22, 2022, the Justice Department emailed to a Trump lawyer a draft grand jury subpoena for security camera footage. The next day, the former president called De Oliveira — who has reportedly worked for Trump for almost two decades — “and they spoke for approximately 24 minutes.” Hard to imagine what that might have been about.

After that, the pace picked up. Nauta claiming a “family emergency,” changed plans to accompany Trump to Illinois and made a secret trip to Florida, where he met up with De Oliveira. On June 27, 2022, De Oliveira met with another Trump employee, and, after saying the conversation should “remain between the two of them,” asked how many days the server retained video footage — and advised him that “the boss” wanted the server deleted.

“Trump Employee 4 responded that he would not know how to do that, and that he did not believe that he would have the rights to do that,” the indictment relates. De Oliveira “then insisted to TRUMP Employee 4 that ‘the boss’ wanted the server deleted and asked, ‘what are we going to do?’”

And then: “At 3:55 p.m., TRUMP called DE OLIVEIRA and they spoke for approximately three and a half minutes.”

That isn’t all. On August 26, 2022, two weeks after the FBI seized classified documents at Mar-a-Lago, Nauta called another Trump employee “and said words to the effect of, ‘someone just wants to make sure Carlos is good.’” The employee reassured Nauta that De Oliveira “would not do anything to affect his relationship” with Trump. “That same day,” the indictment states, Trump called De Oliveira and assured him that Trump would get him a lawyer.

Even before this new evidence, the allegations of obstruction lodged against Trump were already damning. “Wouldn’t it be better if we just told them we don’t have anything here?” Trump allegedly asked his lawyer — after the documents were subpoenaed. He tried to get the lawyer to deep-six any problematic documents. As the lawyer recalled, “He made a funny motion as though — well okay why don’t you take them with you to your hotel room and if there’s anything really bad in there, like, you know, pluck it out.”

But this — the alleged conspiracy to destroy the security footage — is the epitome of obstruction, stunning in its brazenness.

There is an argument, depressing but not unreasonable, that none of this matters, legally or in the court of public opinion. The unlawful retention of documents and obstruction case against Trump appeared strong when they were first made public more than a month ago. And the new Mar-a-Lago charges are unrelated to the impending indictment of Trump for his efforts to undo the results of the 2020 election.

Column by Ruth Marcus

It is lawful for Trump to retain any document he wishes.
Actually, it was Loretta Lynch since she was the head of the DOJ. Comey left office in MAY 2017. Why didn't Trump go after Hillary then?
7th Director of the Federal Bureau of Investigation
In office September 4, 2013 – May 9, 2017

BTW, Netflix has a good miniseries about it:

As for Biden and Pence, yes, it was illegal, but I think the DOJ was looking at intent. Neither intended to take the documents but Trump did just like Hillary intended to delete evidence in her 30,000 emails. Again, why didn't Trump prosecute her?

Pence and Biden had possession of those documents while still in office, and evidently forgot about them. There was no intent to steal and hide them as there was with #TRE45ON. All the Toadstool had to do was simply return what he took when OUT OF OFFICE, and billions of electrons would not have had to be used by Stinker to defend him.
An excellent point about monitoring phone calls. Agreed they may not be able to be used in court, but it would narrow down the list of suspects. As for Trump worrying, most fucking morons don't worry much. :)

So you advocate ignoring the 1st and 4th amendments. Gotit.
It's evidence, dear. Is there any doubt that if Biden or Hillary had done something like this, the Republicans would be having a mass conniption?...and I'd agree with them.

Destruction of evidence is a crime just like obstruction of justice.

Hillary DID destroy evidence, Sock.
Biden DID unlawfully retain confidential documents, Sock.
They raided his house, why did they need security footage?

Do you think they don't know how to search?

The documents weren't hidden in a wall or something, they were sitting in plain view.

Besides, the Secret Service knew where they were kept, they would have told the agents raiding Trumps place.

This is just filing charges that are irrelevant to anything because Smith is an ass.

To prove trump lied about hiding the boxes ass crack dweller

Do you Russians work on looking stupid?
Comey refused to bring charges.

But yes, Pence is guilty also.

It is illegal to take documents when you leave office, period, that is the law.

It is not illegal for the President to take documents when he leaves office. It is also not illegal for the Vice President to take documents when he leaves office.
It IS illegal for Biden to have the documents he had in anything but the viewing office of NARA. AND Biden had them for YEARS.

I suggest you study the Constitution of the United States Article II, and Titles 18 and 44 of the USC.
Oh lord. You continue to pile stupidity upon ignorance.
Inversion fallacy.
You just indicted your #MangoMessiah with that comment. Classified documents sitting in plain view. Nothing to see here, folks. :laugh:
How do you know they were classified?
Wrong. SS knows where the person they are protecting is. They don't know where he keeps his empty cheeseburger boxes, his skidmarked underwear, or his stolen secret documents. It's not in their job description, Cletus.
Yes it is.
Bwahahaha! An "ass" that is going to send your orange shitgibbon to prison.
He doesn't have the authority.
You are such a liar. They were found in the shower. They were found in his office. They were found in bedrooms. They were in the ballroom. They were only recovered because of the raid, which they informed him was coming.

The FBI does not inform people of an impending raid, Nordbutt.
Now you're just making shit up again.
The reason they are MAGATs in the first place is because they are stupid to begin with. A steady diet of Fox, Gateway Pundit, and #TRE45ON's whining screeds ensures that they stay that way.

Agreed. They encapsulate everything that is Trumpism; white nationalism, anger, poorly educated and not-that-bright.
An excellent point about monitoring phone calls. Agreed they may not be able to be used in court, but it would narrow down the list of suspects. As for Trump worrying, most fucking morons don't worry much. :)

If they are tapping his phone I would think the feds are smart enough to get a warrant. In some states the law does not allow it to be used in court if neither party knew it was being recorded, but I think federal law applies in this case.

Trump doesn't worry because he gets someone else to do the dirty work.