Trump was "Jawbreakingly Stupid"

I suggest you go fuck yourself. Trump would not be charged with what he is if it wasn't against the law.
Blatant lie.
The president has the right to have them but Trump took them when he was no longer president.
The President has the right to retain any documents he wishes when leaving office, ya dumb dog.
Lets see what happens if his lawyers use that as his defense. They won't, they aren't fucking stupid.
They may not have to. Jack Smith has already torpedoed his own case.
Most classified material is unclassified in a short period of time yet the original still has the classified stamp.
Trump does not have to declassify anything.
Most of what Hillary and Biden had was so old that it was common knowledge to the public so it really wasn't classified, it just still had that stamp.
Biden was NEVER AUTHORIZED to have ANY classified documents in his home. He STOLE those documents and exposed them to Ukraine and China through his son.
This is also probably true with a lot of what Trump had in his possession but a lot of it was still sensitive enough for the DoJ to seize it.
The DoJ broke the law.
That will work to our advantage come election time because those assholes will vote for him even if he isn't on the ballot, they will write his name in. I don't think he will win the nomination and if he does it will be the biggest blue wave in history.

You just go on thinking that, ya dumb dog. You'll wonder what the hell happened when it does.
Russian support came prior to him becoming president and those in Russia have admitted to doing it as well as said they will do it again. Trump was about as guilty of coercion as OJ Simpson was of murder.

Putin is a DEMOCRATS. He doesn't support Trump, ya dumb dog.
Exactly my point. To the discussion of whether monitored phone calls can be used in court I said they would have to have a warrant which a U. S. Attorney's Office would know. They had a warrant to search the property (available online) and found 184 classified documents. It is likely they had a warrant to tap the phones.

Even if that evidence is not admitted in court, they have more than enough evidence to support their case. Those employees who were told to delete the surveillance data can always testify.

No warrant.
Do you really enjoy eating the peanuts out of Donald Trump's SHIT?

You seem to be slurping up his shit, like a hog slopping a trough!:palm:

Donald Trump- "I could go out on 5th Avenue and take a big shit- And my fans would drop down on their hands and knees, and eat the peanuts out of my SHIT"!

Word stuffing. Stop making shit up, ya dumb lizard.
If you listened to Trump's speeches and talk to reporters, he seemed not only stupid but crazed. It is good to have an adult in the office. Biden does not just say a reporter is 3rd rate and works for a failing news company. He does not call them stupid. Rightys never got tired of that. They thought it was brilliant. I suspect they match his maturity level. Their posts here show that. Insults, name-calling, and lies do not convince anyone. But they tell others like that, that they are here and it can be your home too. Trump reads nothing, knows almost nothing and responds childishly to every question. His followers here are no different.
If you listened to Trump's speeches and talk to reporters, he seemed not only stupid but crazed.
It is good to have an adult in the office.
Not you, then. It is YOU arguing like a five-year old.
Biden does not just say a reporter is 3rd rate and works for a failing news company.
Even though they are.
He does not call them stupid.
Even though they are.
Rightys never got tired of that. They thought it was brilliant. I suspect they match his maturity level. Their posts here show that. Insults, name-calling, and lies do not convince anyone. But they tell others like that, that they are here and it can be your home too.
You are describing yourself again, Nordbutt.
Trump reads nothing,
knows almost nothing
and responds childishly to every question.
Avarice. He runs a successful real estate development company, and he became President of the United States.
And you can't do either.
His followers here are no different.
Avarice. I also run a successful company, though I don't make as much as Trump. You can't run ANY company successfully.
If the allegations in the latest indictment of Donald Trump hold up, the former president is a common criminal — and an uncommonly stupid one.

Everyone knows, as the Watergate scandal drove home: The coverup is always worse than the crime. Everyone, that is, but Trump.

According to the superseding indictment handed up late Thursday, even after Trump knew the FBI was onto his improper retention of classified information, and even after he knew they were seeking security camera footage from the Mar-a-Lago storage areas where the material was kept — in other words, when any reasonably adept criminal would have known to stop digging holes — Trump made matters infinitely worse.

The alleged conduct — yes, even after all these years of watching Trump flagrantly flout norms — is nothing short of jaw-dropping: Trump allegedly conspired with others to destroy evidence.

As set out in the indictment’s relentlessly damning timeline, Trump enlisted his personal aide, Waltine Nauta, and a Mar-a-Lago worker, Carlos De Oliveira, in a conspiracy to delete the subpoenaed footage.

Consider: According to the indictment, on June 22, 2022, the Justice Department emailed to a Trump lawyer a draft grand jury subpoena for security camera footage. The next day, the former president called De Oliveira — who has reportedly worked for Trump for almost two decades — “and they spoke for approximately 24 minutes.” Hard to imagine what that might have been about.

After that, the pace picked up. Nauta claiming a “family emergency,” changed plans to accompany Trump to Illinois and made a secret trip to Florida, where he met up with De Oliveira. On June 27, 2022, De Oliveira met with another Trump employee, and, after saying the conversation should “remain between the two of them,” asked how many days the server retained video footage — and advised him that “the boss” wanted the server deleted.

“Trump Employee 4 responded that he would not know how to do that, and that he did not believe that he would have the rights to do that,” the indictment relates. De Oliveira “then insisted to TRUMP Employee 4 that ‘the boss’ wanted the server deleted and asked, ‘what are we going to do?’”

And then: “At 3:55 p.m., TRUMP called DE OLIVEIRA and they spoke for approximately three and a half minutes.”

That isn’t all. On August 26, 2022, two weeks after the FBI seized classified documents at Mar-a-Lago, Nauta called another Trump employee “and said words to the effect of, ‘someone just wants to make sure Carlos is good.’” The employee reassured Nauta that De Oliveira “would not do anything to affect his relationship” with Trump. “That same day,” the indictment states, Trump called De Oliveira and assured him that Trump would get him a lawyer.

Even before this new evidence, the allegations of obstruction lodged against Trump were already damning. “Wouldn’t it be better if we just told them we don’t have anything here?” Trump allegedly asked his lawyer — after the documents were subpoenaed. He tried to get the lawyer to deep-six any problematic documents. As the lawyer recalled, “He made a funny motion as though — well okay why don’t you take them with you to your hotel room and if there’s anything really bad in there, like, you know, pluck it out.”

But this — the alleged conspiracy to destroy the security footage — is the epitome of obstruction, stunning in its brazenness.

There is an argument, depressing but not unreasonable, that none of this matters, legally or in the court of public opinion. The unlawful retention of documents and obstruction case against Trump appeared strong when they were first made public more than a month ago. And the new Mar-a-Lago charges are unrelated to the impending indictment of Trump for his efforts to undo the results of the 2020 election.

Column by Ruth Marcus

You are an obvious foreign agent and I can't wait to watch you hang.