Trump will be president by this time next year.

Repubs will take control of both houses of congress in november and then conduct investigations that prove the 2020 election was stolen. Trump will be named speaker of the House and pedodent biden and the camel will be told to resign or go to prison. Trump is then prez.

It is impossible to prove Trump won the election. The most that could be proven are errors in the allocation of electoral votes resulting from popular voting irregularities, including fraud. But the election is over and there is no procedure in the law for undoing Biden’s and Harris’s confirmations. The most that could be done is impeachment and removal from office of both clearing a path for the speaker but that would require a two thirds vote in the Senate that won’t ever be there.

It would also involve Trump running for Congress as a representative of wherever he pretends to live now, and *then* -- assuming he won -- an (R) majority in the House could appoint him as Speaker.

Now can any of us imagine Trump -- with his ego the size of Jupiter -- condescending to run for the lowly office of mere representative? Hahahahaha!

Textie thinks that the House can just choose some non-elected non-member person as Speaker. Doesn't work that way.
Repubs will take control of both houses of congress in november and then conduct investigations that prove the 2020 election was stolen. Trump will be named speaker of the House and pedodent biden and the camel will be told to resign or go to prison. Trump is then prez.

I was listening to this political analyst regarding the 2020 election, he said, it's not like the voters liked Biden they dislike Trump even more, hence the 81 million votes for Biden?!! If Trump runs again in 2024, he will lose by even more votes than he did in 2020, bottom line, Trump could not do the job as president and is a national disgrace and international pariah too?!!
I was listening to this political analyst regarding the 2020 election, he said, it's not like the voters liked Biden they dislike Trump even more, hence the 81 million votes for Biden?!! If Trump runs again in 2024, he will lose by even more votes than he did in 2020, bottom line, Trump could not do the job as president and is a national disgrace and international pariah too?!!
His has no vision of the future, he only wants revenge. I know that’s the focus of Trumpublican, but Republicans are ready to move on.
Repubs will take control of both houses of congress in november and then conduct investigations that prove the 2020 election was stolen. Trump will be named speaker of the House and pedodent biden and the camel will be told to resign or go to prison. Trump is then prez.

What is it that you drink????
Why would Trump run for Congress?

He wouldn't have to, according to this conservative site.

"With a Republican majority in the House, they can vote to make United States private citizen Donald J. Trump the Speaker of the House. Few people seem to know this since the Speaker of the House has always been a member of the House of Representatives, but there’s no Constitutional requirement for him to be an active elected official. He simply needs to be elected by a majority of current members of the House of Representatives in order to become second in the line of succession to the presidency."
He wouldn't have to, according to this conservative site.

[FONT=&]"With a Republican majority in the House, they can vote to make United States private citizen Donald J. Trump the Speaker of the House. Few people seem to know this since the Speaker of the House has always been a member of the House of Representatives, but there’s no Constitutional requirement for him to be an active elected official. He simply needs to be elected by a majority of current members of the House of Representatives in order to become second in the line of succession to the presidency."


This thing still has too many moving parts.
It is impossible to prove Trump won the election. The most that could be proven are errors in the allocation of electoral votes resulting from popular voting irregularities, including fraud. But the election is over and there is no procedure in the law for undoing Biden’s and Harris’s confirmations. The most that could be done is impeachment and removal from office of both clearing a path for the speaker but that would require a two thirds vote in the Senate that won’t ever be there.

States were caught violating their own voting laws. That settles it.

And what do you mean saying no procedure? I just explained in the OP how it could be done.
Repubs will take control of both houses of congress in november and then conduct investigations that prove the 2020 election was stolen. Trump will be named speaker of the House and pedodent biden and the camel will be told to resign or go to prison. Trump is then prez.

Liberals heads would be exploding all over the planet. :rofl2:
States were caught violating their own voting laws. That settles it.

And what do you mean saying no procedure? I just explained in the OP how it could be done.

Not quite. I explained why yours is babble. The critical juncture is the swearing in. Biden became President the instant that occurred. There is no procedure for reversing it. He could be impeached and removed from office on a two-thirds vote if it were shown his election was fraudulent but that is the only avenue in the law for removing him.
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Trump already rejected that stupid idea. He does not want to work. He is way too lazy. You Trumpys will do anything including destroying America to get the golfer in chief back in. You are doing Putin's work.