Trump will be president by this time next year.

So "conservativism" is synonymous with mental retardation.

Thanks for clearing that up. I had suspected it for a long time, so it's good to have confirmation from an actual conservative.

So your "conformation," or conclusion comes from a fruitcake? You must have a shallow understanding of conservatives. Sad how brainwashed you are...
You claim that you will be able to prove tens of millions of cases of voter fraud, involving hundreds of thousands of criminals, but have not found any of this yet. .

What is absurd is you libs saying 81 million americans voted for a monster they knew was a child molester and had dementia.
A Republican majority afraid of pissing off their Trump-loving base voted to acquit Trump, despite all the evidence of Trump's guilt?

The last time their excuse and cowardice to not convict, was to let the “American people decide”, we did Trump is no longer President.
So inept Trump is on the outside looking in while his most loyal supporters are trying, and mostly failing, to stay out of prison.

I don't think that is a fair assessment. In fact, that isn't an fair or logical assessment at all.
Well I agree that Rs will take both houses of congress. But I disagree with the whole Trump analysis.
Repubs will take control of both houses of congress in november and then conduct investigations that prove the 2020 election was stolen. Trump will be named speaker of the House and pedodent biden and the camel will be told to resign or go to prison. Trump is then prez.

We got Trump attempting another coup? Is little Jimmy Jordan going to tell the President and VP they both have to now go to prison?

Can't even begin, nor would want to, imagine your fantasy world cause your reality world is all f*cked up
That’s nice.

How can a lawlessly hacked in criminal against humanity tRump ever be some so-called president who was never a legitimate POTUS in the first place after killing off hundreds of thousands of his supports as a result of his anti mask and anti vax platform from a shithole, and his loving supporters fell for it hook, line and sinker?