Trump will be president by this time next year.

He drinks Clorox like Trump told him to.


I believe that.
Not quite. I explained why yours is babble. The critical juncture is the swearing in. Biden became President the instant that occurred. There is no procedure for reversing it. He could be impeached and removed from office on a two-thirds vote if it were shown his election was fraudulent but that is the only avenue in the law for removing him.

No - you idiot. Pedodent Brandon could resign like nixon did 50 years. He doesn't have to be impeached and convicted. The threat may be enough.

Trump already rejected that stupid idea. He does not want to work. He is way too lazy. You Trumpys will do anything including destroying America to get the golfer in chief back in. You are doing Putin's work.

Not me. I never voted for trump and don't really care for him. But he's better than pedodent biden or Barry Bonobo or The Waco Kid. Best prez of the last 30 years.
This thing still has too many moving parts.

And one completely unmoving part. There is no way they are getting 67 Senate votes to make trump President. Even his own party's leaders mostly thinks he is a crazy idiot, though they are too afraid to say it publicly. The Democrats openly think he is a crazy idiot. So you would have half the Senate openly blocking him, and a third covertly blocking him. he would be lucky to get 17 Senators, much less 67.
And one completely unmoving part. There is no way they are getting 67 Senate votes to make trump President. Even his own party's leaders mostly thinks he is a crazy idiot, though they are too afraid to say it publicly. The Democrats openly think he is a crazy idiot. So you would have half the Senate openly blocking him, and a third covertly blocking him. he would be lucky to get 17 Senators, much less 67.

Thank you, Nostradumbass.
Thank you, Nostradumbass.

It does not take a mind reader to realize that Democrats think trump is scum of the earth, and will not be going out of their way to put him in office. In fact, they will go out of their way to keep him out of office. To get trump into office within a year, you need an awful lot of Democrats working hard for him. That is not going to happen.
It does not take a mind reader to realize that Democrats think trump is scum of the earth, and will not be going out of their way to put him in office. In fact, they will go out of their way to keep him out of office. To get trump into office within a year, you need an awful lot of Democrats working hard for him. That is not going to happen.

Assuming you have everything else you still need two-thirds of the Senate so why even think about it.
Assuming you have everything else you still need two-thirds of the Senate so why even think about it.

Exactly. Even if they win every single election in 2022, which would be impossible, they would still need to get 3 Democratic Senators to vote for impeaching Biden and Harris to get trump to be president. More reasonably, Republicans might pick up one or two extra Senate seats, and have to convince 15 Democratic Senators to vote for trump... There is just no way to get the math to work.
No - you idiot. Pedodent Brandon could resign like nixon did 50 years. He doesn't have to be impeached and convicted. The threat may be enough.


And then Harris could resign, too, rather than succeeding to the Presidency of The United Sates, an honor she never wanted and which she would hate to do anyway knowing it would block the great fatman she adores. Why didn't I think of that?

The Right could use more brain power like yours.
And one completely unmoving part. There is no way they are getting 67 Senate votes to make trump President. Even his own party's leaders mostly thinks he is a crazy idiot, though they are too afraid to say it publicly. The Democrats openly think he is a crazy idiot. So you would have half the Senate openly blocking him, and a third covertly blocking him. he would be lucky to get 17 Senators, much less 67.

Hey stupid. We're not talking about impeachment. We're talking about pedodent biden resigning . We're talking about a deal. You resign and we will not prosecute you for election fraud. That could happen. THINK
Hey stupid. We're not talking about impeachment. We're talking about pedodent biden resigning . We're talking about a deal. You resign and we will not prosecute you for election fraud. That could happen. THINK

So election that you cannot prove, you would coverup with magic, if Biden would resign and therefore give up immunity from prosecution... I count five self-contradictions in your plan, but am limited on time, so there might be more. A plan cannot survive one self-contradiction.

But go ahead and bet your political strategy on this plan.
WTF does that mean you brainless jackass.??

You claim that you will be able to prove tens of millions of cases of voter fraud, involving hundreds of thousands of criminals, but have not found any of this yet. It should be easy to find a few hundred thousand cases quickly, but still nothing.

To move the argument on, lets claim you found that voter fraud. I know you did not, but we are moving on to your next self contradiction. You claim that will cause Biden to resign. Why? If Biden is a criminal mastermind, in a position where he cannot be touched, why would he resign? You say to avoid prosecution, but as President he cannot be prosecuted. Besides, you would not be able to magically make the prosecutions go away. That would require a coverup of hundreds of thousands of criminal prosecutions.

I could go on and on, but your conspiracy theory has many, many internal self-contradictions.
Exactly. Even if they win every single election in 2022, which would be impossible, they would still need to get 3 Democratic Senators to vote for impeaching Biden and Harris to get trump to be president. More reasonably, Republicans might pick up one or two extra Senate seats, and have to convince 15 Democratic Senators to vote for trump... There is just no way to get the math to work.

The cons are still so sore that Trump was impeached.