Trump will cut off aid to Ukraine

Given that the Federal Budget is over six trillion a year, supporting Ukraine militarily will cost around one percent of the budget at most.

We could easily outlast Putin if Americans had any fortitude, resilience, and staying power.
I have no doubt WE can outlast Putin........but the thread is about whether Ukraine can and whether the Demmycrats even want them to.........
and you support Biden who is using Ukraine to weaken Putin while guaranteeing they will eventually lose.....he'll let Russia swallow Ukraine just like the demmycrats let them swallow Crimea and Georgia.....
Yes Biden is using Ukraine to weaken Putin. Every dime we dump into the Ukraine weakens Russia without us having to risk a single US serviceman. The democrats did not allow Russia to take the Crimea, did the Ukraine go to war over it? No. Are you saying the democrats should have declared war on Russia for taking the Crimea when the Ukraine basically did nothing? Once again you are proving you are an idiot. Half or more of Republicans are against us helping the Ukraine after a full scale invasion by Russia just what the fuck do you think they would have said if we were to step in trying tpo prevent Russia from taking the Crimea?
I have no doubt WE can outlast Putin........but the thread is about whether Ukraine can and whether the Demmycrats even want them to.........
Your fuhrer is the only one who wants the Ukraine to give up half their fucking country to stop the war. He is also the only one stupid enough to think that if they did give up half their country that it would satisfy Putin. Putin will say anything to get what he wants and 10 seconds later he will push to just take more. Trump is like a Chamberlin trying to appease Hitler, it won't work and he is too fucking stupid to see it.
I have no doubt WE can outlast Putin........but the thread is about whether Ukraine can and whether the Demmycrats even want them to.........
Not to mention we cannot seem to outlast anyone. We could not outlast North VietNam, or Iraq or Afghanistan and you think we can outlast Russia? Our only hope is that the Ukraine can outlast Russia with our help.
Given that the Federal Budget is over six trillion a year, supporting Ukraine militarily will cost around one percent of the budget at most.

We could easily outlast Putin if Americans had any fortitude, resilience, and staying power.
It was a lot less in Afghanistan but you couldn't wait to pull all the troops out!
Yes Biden is using Ukraine to weaken Putin. Every dime we dump into the Ukraine weakens Russia without us having to risk a single US serviceman.
doing nothing risks no American servicemen either........not giving Ukraine what they need to WIN risks Ukrainians.......Biden sends them outdated equipment to keep them weak enough that they can't win......because he doesn't want Ukraine to win.......
Your fuhrer is the only one who wants the Ukraine to give up half their fucking country to stop the war. He is also the only one stupid enough to think that if they did give up half their country that it would satisfy Putin. Putin will say anything to get what he wants and 10 seconds later he will push to just take more. Trump is like a Chamberlin trying to appease Hitler, it won't work and he is too fucking stupid to see it.
YOUR fuhrer is the one who wants Ukraine to lose.......did Chamberlin tell Hitler that invading Poland would be okay if it was only a "mild incursion"?.......
Not to mention we cannot seem to outlast anyone. We could not outlast North VietNam, or Iraq or Afghanistan and you think we can outlast Russia? Our only hope is that the Ukraine can outlast Russia with our help.
proof that mixing war and politics results in can look to the demmycrats for the failures in Vietnam, Iraq and Afghanistan.......if we get rid of Biden we will outlast Russia.......
It was a lot less in Afghanistan but you couldn't wait to pull all the troops out!
We weren't defending democracy and liberal western values in Afghanistan, and Afghans weren't even willing to fight to defend their government.

Get your Thai army to invade Afghanistan if it's so important to you.
We weren't defending democracy and liberal western values in Afghanistan, and Afghans weren't even willing to fight to defend their government.

Get your Thai army to invade Afghanistan if it's so important to you.
Tens of thousands of Afghan soldiers died defending Afghanistan.

For Afghans, the statistics are nearly unimaginable: 70,000 Afghan military and police deaths, 46,319 Afghan civilians (although that is likely a significant underestimation) and some 53,000 opposition fighters killed. Almost 67,000 other people were killed in Pakistan in relation to the Afghan war.
Tens of thousands of Afghan soldiers died defending Afghanistan.
The Afghan National Army laid down their weapons and walked away without a shot as our support wound down.

We weren't fighting for democracy in Afghanistan, and Americans shouldn't fight for people who aren't willing to defend themselves.
Cut all spending with a 1% cut per year in all budgets for 10 years.
Tell the WHO to GFT
Move the UN headquarters to Haiti.
Congress gets the same health care plan as the people they serve.
Bring back sammy brinton just for the humor.
Good start?

We weren't defending democracy and liberal western values in Afghanistan, and Afghans weren't even willing to fight to defend their government.

Get your Thai army to invade Afghanistan if it's so important to you.
What has Thailand got to do with Afghanistan ffs. I really do think you're truly insane at times.
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Cut all spending with a 1% cut per year in all budgets for 10 years.
Tell the WHO to GFT
Move the UN headquarters to Haiti.
Congress gets the same health care plan as the people they serve.
Bring back sammy brinton just for the humor.
Good start?

Is that green lipstick or.......
What has Thailand got to do with Afghanistan ffs. I really do think you're truly insane at times.
The American armed forces do not exist to fight on behalf of the whims of a non-American living in Thailand. You constantly have ideas about what the American military should do, but it's not your place .

If you want a military presence in Afghanistan, try asking your King Ding-a-ling to send the Thai army
Not to derail the thread but isn't the idea that we're fighting for liberal western values almost anathema to what they teach at our Universities today? Isn't what's taught that western values are dominated by white supremacy and the patriarchy? It's not just some one off fringe class at a single University we're talking about. It's a theme though out Universities across the country. We see it manifested in the campus protests where Israel represents the West (oppressors).

I 100% agree that liberal western values are worth fighting for but I'm also a (racist) right-winger.