Trump will cut off aid to Ukraine

^^^ Wants Biden to win the war outright, before his Messiah has any chance of taking office, knowing that his tangerine demigod will abandon Ukraine
unlike you I realize Biden is responsible for the war in extension that means everyone who voted for the Pale Faced Pedophile is as well.....
The American armed forces do not exist to fight on behalf of the whims of a non-American living in Thailand. You constantly have ideas about what the American military should do, but it's not your place .

If you want a military presence in Afghanistan, try asking your King Ding-a-ling to send the Thai army
wait....are you a Guano sock puppet?.......
Culture War Political Fights Resurface as House Approves 19.5% Junior Enlisted Pay Raise and Senate Eyes 5.5%

"A must-pass bill that would give junior enlisted troops a 19.5% pay raise is getting mired in the culture wars after House Republicans added amendments to roll back Pentagon policies on abortion and LGBTQ+ service members."

It seems FOX neglected to tell Exlane that Republicans delayed troop salary increases
We are on the side of literal NAZI's, against the side of good.....of justice.

This gets punished by the Universe.
There is nothing good or just about Russia invading the Ukraine. It is simple greed and lust for land and power by Putin who has long wanted to return to Soviet "glory." Any nation invading another sovereign nation should be resisted by other nations. There are Nazis in the U. S. which does not justify other nations attacking us.

Gaetz says Trump trashed Ukraine aid during House GOP meeting​

Rep. Matt Gaetz (R-Fla.) said former President Trump criticized the $61 billion for Ukraine passed under Speaker Mike Johnson’s (R-La.) leadership and signaled his disinterest in sending the war-torn country more support during his Thursday meeting with House Republicans.

I read that article and nothing in it supports your headline. Why all the lies?
You need to huddle up with MAGA and get your stories straight; you're all over the map.

All your pro-Putin MAGA friends have relentlessly claimed Biden is spending vast amounts of American money and resources on Ukraine.

No one who votes Republican supports Putin. Why all the lies? Is it because your anti-American views are built on lies and cannot be defended?
It should be what it takes to prevent Russia from taking over an independent democracy.

What would that be specifically? Is it an endless amount of taxpayer money? Fascinating coming from the same dullards that demanded an exit strategy in Iraq and Afghanistan before the wars were even ended. Now suddenly, it's whatever it takes in a country that never meant anything to the USA.
Given that the Federal Budget is over six trillion a year, supporting Ukraine militarily will cost around one percent of the budget at most.

We could easily outlast Putin if Americans had any fortitude, resilience, and staying power.

How did you arrive of that laughably foolish figure? So, US taxpayers should be on the hook for as long as it takes. Fascinating coming from the same crowd who demanded an exit strategy from Iraq and Afghanistan.
We are on the side of literal NAZI's, against the side of good.....of justice.

This gets punished by the Universe.

Yes Biden is using Ukraine to weaken Putin. Every dime we dump into the Ukraine weakens Russia without us having to risk a single US serviceman. The democrats did not allow Russia to take the Crimea, did the Ukraine go to war over it? No. Are you saying the democrats should have declared war on Russia for taking the Crimea when the Ukraine basically did nothing? Once again you are proving you are an idiot. Half or more of Republicans are against us helping the Ukraine after a full scale invasion by Russia just what the fuck do you think they would have said if we were to step in trying tpo prevent Russia from taking the Crimea?

Your fuhrer is the only one who wants the Ukraine to give up half their fucking country to stop the war. He is also the only one stupid enough to think that if they did give up half their country that it would satisfy Putin. Putin will say anything to get what he wants and 10 seconds later he will push to just take more. Trump is like a Chamberlin trying to appease Hitler, it won't work and he is too fucking stupid to see it.
