trump will lose in 2024

Misquoting Trump doesn't change anything.

Now we have a situation where the court has ordered his lawyers, that one of them must take responsibility to verify to the court that all of the documents that Trump stole have been returned. Interestingly not a single one of them will come forward and assume that responsibility. They know that whatever trump tells them will most likely be a lie.
Now we have a situation where the court has ordered his lawyers, that one of them must take responsibility to verify to the court that all of the documents that Trump stole have been returned. Interestingly not a single one of them will come forward and assume that responsibility. They know that whatever trump tells them will most likely be a lie.

Trump didn't steal any documents.
The Revolution is getting done almost everything they wanted to get done....things are going great according to them.

Seriously, are you on something or NOT taking your prescriptions? Are you getting some type of troll bonus for this? You come off like one of those self satisfied idiot MAGA's on videos spouting all types of absurd and fantastic conspiracies without a shred of evidence or fact based logic. If you think repeating this dreck is a sufficient answer to everything or will magically sway rational, sane and objective readers to the MAGA mindset, let me save you time and effort....IT WON'T.

BUT, if you are of the mindset that any response is "proof" that your actions are justified, then carry on.
There is no such crime. It is only a Senate thing after an impeachment by the House. Even then, the meaning of "high crimes and misdemeanors" is vague and based on political considerations. Real crimes include specific elements which must be met.

Just to clarify things. Please have all right wing wonks read carefully and comprehensively:

What Are High Crimes and Misdemeanors? Here’s the History
Stealing a truckload of classified documents and lying about them to authorities fits the bill. That has no doubt. He already lost his tax case. He will be on a bad roll.

To be clear, so far his COMPANY/BUSINESS lost the tax case, not Trump personally (dammit!). The classified document shuffle is a whole other smoke.
Just to clarify things. Please have all right wing wonks read carefully and comprehensively:

What Are High Crimes and Misdemeanors? Here’s the History

A good explanation. It appears that Ford's quip that an impeachable offense is whatever a majority of the House says it is still holds true. There is no legal distinction about what is impeachable, especially when it is not a crime.
You are too partisan to see what a success Biden has been. You are remarkably ignorant.

So you believe the Biden and democrat lies. Look at inflation. People will have to choose between food and gas and heat this winter and Biden does not care. The border is the worst it has ever been Biden care more about Ukraine than this country. Biden is showing his socialist values that will destroy this country. Biden is doing great harm to this country. His recesssion will become oficial soon even though it has already started