Trump will never win over most Jewish voters... OPEN THREAD

Great, but unless you have solid evidence, all you have is rumor and speculation. Second to that is why you have such a problem with it, even if this is true.

I might make a thread about this at some point, since it would involve a lot of data which I don't have time to get into now. But I will say that the four top companies that control about 90% of American media are Comcast, Disney, ViacomCBS, and AT&T. With the exception of AT&T, all of those companies are run by Jews.
Jews are also overrepresented when it comes to campaign finance.

Are you going to deny you, as a white American male, have a disproportionate amount of power and wealth globally? Aside from bitching about it on a small anonymous political forum, what are you going to do to fix that disproportion?

I'm a white American female and while I'm doing well financially, I'd hardly say I have enough wealth to create change on a global scale.
Using the "you're bitching about politics on a forum" argument never works when the person saying it is doing the same thing.
I might make a thread about this at some point, since it would involve a lot of data which I don't have time to get into now. But I will say that the four top companies that control about 90% of American media are Comcast, Disney, ViacomCBS, and AT&T. With the exception of AT&T, all of those companies are run by Jews.
Jews are also overrepresented when it comes to campaign finance.

I'm a white American female and while I'm doing well financially, I'd hardly say I have enough wealth to create change on a global scale.
Using the "you're bitching about politics on a forum" argument never works when the person saying it is doing the same thing.

The Open Secrets link proves business people give money to Republicans. It's an "open secret". LOL

You think the "Republican Jewish Coalition" is going to give money to Democrats? WTF? Do you think the Democrat Jewish Outreach gives money to Republicans?
The RJC is the unique bridge between the Jewish community and Republican decision-makers. We are committed to building a strong, effective, and respected Jewish Republican voice in Washington and across the country — and with your help, we can continue this important mission.
Democratic Jewish Outreach

Sooooo your complaint is that Hillary sucked up to New York's richest Jews?

Again, I fail to see why you are so bothered by this "vast Jewish conspiracy".

As a white American, to deny that your income isn't disproportionately out of whack with the rest of the world indicates either ignorance or deception. Which is it, ma'm?

Median per-capita incomes in the top 10 wealthiest populations are more than 50 times those in the 10 poorest populations, all of which are in sub-Saharan Africa.

The Open Secrets link proves business people give money to Republicans. It's an "open secret". LOL

You think the "Republican Jewish Coalition" is going to give money to Democrats? WTF? Do you think the Democrat Jewish Outreach gives money to Republicans?
The RJC is the unique bridge between the Jewish community and Republican decision-makers. We are committed to building a strong, effective, and respected Jewish Republican voice in Washington and across the country — and with your help, we can continue this important mission.
Democratic Jewish Outreach

Sooooo your complaint is that Hillary sucked up to New York's richest Jews?

Again, I fail to see why you are so bothered by this "vast Jewish conspiracy".


You asked for evidence that Jews have a disproportionate amount of power, there you go. They're overrepresented in media and campaign funding.
And saying it's a "vast Jewish conspiracy" is #strawmanning. I didn't say anything about a conspiracy.

As a white American, to deny that your income isn't disproportionately out of whack with the rest of the world indicates either ignorance or deception. Which is it, ma'm?

Pretty much everyone living in a first world country is making more money than people in the rest of the world. But unlike with the Jews in the West, white people are not overrepresented in institutions around the world. I do think America has disproportionate influence on a global scale, but America is controlled by Jews, not white people.
Great, but unless you have solid evidence, all you have is rumor and speculation. Second to that is why you have such a problem with it, even if this is true.

Are you going to deny you, as a white American male, have a disproportionate amount of power and wealth globally? Aside from bitching about it on a small anonymous political forum, what are you going to do to fix that disproportion?

I can play that game. Just tell me of a forum where the solid evidence would be allowed.
For racism you need something other than a legal strategy.

Alright, I think it's pretty clear that you're out of arguments here. I gave you three example of Trump using racism, you have no way of defending him, so you're stuck saying it doesn't count because he was just retweeting racism instead of making the racist tweet himself. Or he was using racism in court, so somehow that doesn't count.

I'm guessing the main reason you like Trump is because he pisses off SJW cucks who yell RACISM over everything. But you're so used to blindly taking Trump's side that now you can't admit when he actually is being racist. I understand hating anti-white snowflakes, they are very annoying. However, you're being an NPC just like them by turning off your brain and repeating the talking-points.

For trans-phobia you need something other than the military.

Why does that not count?
And I also said that Trump reversed health protections for trans patients.

I ardently oppose bigotry and racism and Trump gave me nothing about which to object. I'm just not a totally gullible slave who takes marching orders from the media.

See, this is true Identity Politics. The reason you ignore Trump's racism is because you like having the identity of a free-thinker who doesn't take his marching orders from the media. Which is fine, but now you're refusing to see Trump's racism, just because the media reported on it. If the media says the Earth is round, so you claim the Earth is flat, you're not a free-thinker. You're just taking the opposite position because you think it fits your image.

Obama had very narrow support, only from the intersectionality ideologues, not from any diversity of thought. Obama was elected in order to have the first "black" President and not for the content of his character or for making the US better in any way.

There were a lot of people who only supported Obama because he's black and that's very not based. But there were also a lot of people from very different walks of life who just liked him.
With Trump, there's even less diversity of thought because he's nothing but Identity Politics. He's a cult of personality.

Now I see your problem. You never learned that we have a Republic of sovereign States and not a democracy. You were apparently never taught that the Founders specifically intended to avoid having one or two states mandate by fiat to the other states. Thus we don't have an electoral college and a Senate with equal representation from each State.


I'm aware of all this. I'm just saying that Trump didn't accomplish much by winning the last election. He got less votes than the least liked Democrat in the country.

You asked for evidence that Jews have a disproportionate amount of power, there you go. They're overrepresented in media and campaign funding.
And saying it's a "vast Jewish conspiracy" is #strawmanning. I didn't say anything about a conspiracy.

Pretty much everyone living in a first world country is making more money than people in the rest of the world. But unlike with the Jews in the West, white people are not overrepresented in institutions around the world. I do think America has disproportionate influence on a global scale, but America is controlled by Jews, not white people.

Fine. I'm certain most people reading this conversation guessed you would not be dissuaded from your antisemitic bias.

By your logic, this list proves women have a disproportionate amount of power:

That aside, why do you think Jews are taking over the planet? Is it a secret war between the Elders of Zion and the Illuminati with the Jews winning?

#deflection You bitch and moan about the fucking Jews having too much money but pooh-poo the fact you're among the wealthiest people on the planet.
Fine. I'm certain most people reading this conversation guessed you would not be dissuaded from your antisemitic bias.

So are you now agreeing that Jews have a disproportionate amount of power?

By your logic, this list proves women have a disproportionate amount of power:

That depends. How many men are CEOs of Fortune 500 companies? I'm guessing there are way more men in positions of power. Which isn't necessarily a good or bad thing, as long as men aren't using their positions to fight for their own interests at the expense of everyone else's interests, like Jews do.

That aside, why do you think Jews are taking over the planet? Is it a secret war between the Elders of Zion and the Illuminati with the Jews winning?

Jews aren't taking over the planet, they're simply entering and controlling influential fields in the countries they live in, most of which are western countries. And because of their in-group preference, they're using their power to help Jews at the expense of the host countries. It's not a grand conspiracy, there is no Elders or Illuminati. It's just an ethnic group fighting for their interests, like most ethnic groups do outside of the West.

#deflection You bitch and moan about the fucking Jews having too much money but pooh-poo the fact you're among the wealthiest people on the planet.

Well I do support Social Democrat policies to spread wealth and power throughout the country. As far as the whole world goes, I oppose Imperialism. But unless we have a one world government, we can't really spread wealth around like we can in one country.
So are you now agreeing that Jews have a disproportionate amount of power?

That depends. How many men are CEOs of Fortune 500 companies? I'm guessing there are way more men in positions of power. Which isn't necessarily a good or bad thing, as long as men aren't using their positions to fight for their own interests at the expense of everyone else's interests, like Jews do.

Jews aren't taking over the planet, they're simply entering and controlling influential fields in the countries they live in, most of which are western countries. And because of their in-group preference, they're using their power to help Jews at the expense of the host countries. It's not a grand conspiracy, there is no Elders or Illuminati. It's just an ethnic group fighting for their interests, like most ethnic groups do outside of the West.

Well I do support Social Democrat policies to spread wealth and power throughout the country. As far as the whole world goes, I oppose Imperialism. But unless we have a one world government, we can't really spread wealth around like we can in one country.
No. Mainly because you haven't proved disproportionate as I pointed out with the Fortune 500 women. You just pointed out a list of rich Jews. Why you are so focused upon Jews is a mystery to me.

Now you're getting it.

So? Are Asians better at math, on average, than most Americans? Why? Is it a plot by the Asians to take over science?

Are you concerned about having so man African-Americans in sports? Do you think there should be a leveling of the playing field....pun intended.

What if the Jews are pushing for a "one world government"? Would you be less antisemitic then?

Let's say you are correct: What is your solution for the Jewish problem as you see it?
Alright, I think it's pretty clear that you're out of arguments here.

You are the one claiming RACISM! without any valid examples. You are stretching the limits of the imagination in the examples that you give and yes, they don't amount to RACISM!

I'm guessing the main reason you like Trump is because he pisses off SJW cucks ...
Nope. My support for Trump has nothing to do with who he pisses off (except for fake news reporters) and everything to do with his policies. I'm not worried about "what he said" and am focused on what he's done. You, on the other hand, are fixated on tabloid gossip about "what he said" so you can ignore all of his accomplishments in making America great and can scream RACIST! RACISM! RACE-OLA!

* What do you think about Trump brokering a deal getting UAE to recognize Israel's right to exist? ... or do you need to know "what he said" before you can give him any credit?
*What do you think about the complete cessation of missiles being fired at Japan and South Korea by North Korea?
* What do you think about Trump's promise to build a wall and despite Congress screwing with him his entire term, having erected over 300 miles of impressive, high-tech wall, radically increasing the illegal drugs and weapons seized as criminals are funneled to choke points? ... or are you already focusing instead on something irrelevant that he said.
* What do you think about Trump getting Mexico to pay for the wall, through a "toll booth" fee at the border? Just as he promised. Brilliant, yes? ... or do we need to know "what he said"?
* What do you think about Trump dropping all that Global Warming religion crap and not taxing the shit out of us in the name of a WACKY Climate faith? ... or do you need to know "what he said" first?
* ... and what about our tax reduction? [note: I already know what you are required to say but go ahead and say it officially for the record anyway]
* What do you think about Trump's pause on immigrant visas to ensure Americans are first in the post-coronaflu job recovery?
* How about those additional hundreds of $ billions China will be buying from the US as a direct result of the trade agreement Trump signed with them? It was strictly a major positive for the US and we didn't lose anything.
* What do you think about USMCA? Completely advantageous to the US, unlike NAFTA. All parties are happy with it as well.

All of the above is just a small list of why I am ecstatic about Trump's first term. All are direct efforts by Donald Trump; nobody else gets any credit. What did Obama do? [hint: I'll save you the time; he did absolutely nothing] I eagerly await celebrating Trump's reelection ... it'll be great for the country ... and I won't care who gets pissed off.

Wait, ... yes ... yes I will get some satisfaction at mocking the TDS-ravaged snowflakes. I confess ... I'm a shitty person.


And I also said that Trump reversed health protections for trans patients.
Gender-confused people don't somehow have fewer rights than anyone else. Trump isn't giving them special treatment and giving them stuff for free.

See, this is true Identity Politics. The reason you ignore Trump's racism is because you like having the identity of a free-thinker who doesn't take his marching orders from the media. Which is fine, but now you're refusing to see Trump's racism, just because the media reported on it.
Nope. The king is naked. There is no RACISM! None. You have not come up with any valid examples; you merely complain when I explain how your non-examples are dismissed for being non-examples.

Was the KKK racist back in 1920? Why? Now explain how Trump is doing that.

With Trump, there's even less diversity of thought because he's nothing but Identity Politics. He's a cult of personality.
Nope. He's a long list of accomplishments. Your slavemasters won't allow you to learn of what he does ... only of what he retweets in haste.

I'm aware of all this. I'm just saying that Trump didn't accomplish much by winning the last election. He got less votes than the least liked Democrat in the country.

#deflection. Trump: 306, Hillary: 232 Trump got more votes than Hillary and was elected. You've got some deep-seeded denial going on.

No. Mainly because you haven't proved disproportionate as I pointed out with the Fortune 500 women. You just pointed out a list of rich Jews. Why you are so focused upon Jews is a mystery to me.

No, I pointed out that three of the four companies that control nearly 90% of media are run by Jews. When you consider how few Jews are in America, how can you said that isn't disproportionate power? Take any ethnic group in America, including the ones with WAY more people here, and they don't have the wealth and influence that Jews have. The only group richer than Jews is Indians, but they're not nearly as represented in media, and they're not actually a single ethnic group.

So? Are Asians better at math, on average, than most Americans? Why? Is it a plot by the Asians to take over science?

Again, there is no plot by Jews to take over the West. It's simply the result of a people with strong in-group preference fighting for their group interest. Calling it a plot or a conspiracy is #strawmanning.

What if the Jews are pushing for a "one world government"? Would you be less antisemitic then?

I wouldn't be anti-semitic either way. But I would accept that any ethnic group trying to create a one world government would be a bad thing.

Let's say you are correct: What is your solution for the Jewish problem as you see it?

Simply make it acceptable to talk openly about Jewish Supremacy. This would harm the effectiveness of Jewish anti-white propaganda in the media. We should also make it acceptable for white people to fight for their own interests, just like Jews and every other group does.
So really, I'm talking about a cultural revolution here, not one involving laws.
....Simply make it acceptable to talk openly about Jewish Supremacy . This would harm the effectiveness of Jewish anti-white propaganda in the media. We should also make it acceptable for white people to fight for their own interests, just like Jews and every other group does.
So really, I'm talking about a cultural revolution here, not one involving laws.

Great. Let's talk about your ideas on "Jewish Supremacy" vis a vis "white people" and "Jewish anti-white propaganda". I'm listening.
Great. Let's talk about your ideas on "Jewish Supremacy" vis a vis "white people" and "Jewish anti-white propaganda". I'm listening.

Jews use their influence in media and academia to promote an anti-white narrative. Whites are always the oppressors in their version of both history and current events. The only way to atone for this is to open our borders to the entire world and have endless forms of affirmative action.
Jews use their influence in media and academia to promote an anti-white narrative. Whites are always the oppressors in their version of both history and current events. The only way to atone for this is to open our borders to the entire world and have endless forms of affirmative action.

Examples? I had no idea there was a Jewish quota in affirmative action. It's easier to find atheists in my little part of Texas than it is to find Jews or Muslims. There is a Buddhist temple about 20 miles away in Fort Worth.
Examples? I had no idea there was a Jewish quota in affirmative action. It's easier to find atheists in my little part of Texas than it is to find Jews or Muslims. There is a Buddhist temple about 20 miles away in Fort Worth.

Not what I said. Jews fight for affirmative actions in its many forms because they want western countries to become multiracial, since that makes it easier for a minority, such as the Jews, to gain more power.
Throughout the Middle Ages, there were pogroms against the Jews when people saw that this tiny minority was financially dominating the state and causing economic trouble. However, in a multiracial country, a minority can hold huge amounts of power unchallenged, since minorities are just the norm. It's similar to why the Jews used Communism to gain power in the early Soviet Union.
Not what I said. Jews fight for affirmative actions in its many forms because they want western countries to become multiracial, since that makes it easier for a minority, such as the Jews, to gain more power.
Throughout the Middle Ages, there were pogroms against the Jews when people saw that this tiny minority was financially dominating the state and causing economic trouble. However, in a multiracial country, a minority can hold huge amounts of power unchallenged, since minorities are just the norm. It's similar to why the Jews used Communism to gain power in the early Soviet Union.

Dude, you just described an out-of-the-box conspiracy theory.

How is this different than any other group of humans? One naked ape tribe seeking survival among thousands of others?