Trump will never win over most Jewish voters... OPEN THREAD

Organise any way whatever to save lives - he was too busy trying to get idiot votes.
Aaaah, you seem desperate to blame Trump for the negligence of Democrat governors. How totally honest of you.

Trump was Johnny-on-the-spot, providing support and enacting security protocols while getting hammered by the media for doing so ... and now TDS-driven snowflakes like yourself are trying to revise the history that makes Trump look good.

Tell me, who do you honestly believe you are fooling?

Aaaah, you seem desperate to blame Trump for the negligence of Democrat governors. How totally honest of you.

Trump was Johnny-on-the-spot, providing support and enacting security protocols while getting hammered by the media for doing so ... and now TDS-driven snowflakes like yourself are trying to revise the history that makes Trump look good.

Tell me, who do you honestly believe you are fooling?

Why should I fool anybody, kid? Unlike your Fuhrer I never went bankrupt or needed to get elected by backwoods morons to escape jail. I simply read and listen to the news outside McCarthia, where we are allowed freedom of thought, mostly. You are a sad old gang.
You just make sure to have your tranquilizers; I'll be ordering my Four Mo-cha Years latte with a MAGA shot of espresso.

Never took a tranquillizer in my life!



Never took a tranquillizer in my life!
... at least not voluntarily. I get it.

... and forever rules his destiny it does?

It looks like someone views himself as a Jedi knight who is charged with saving the republic. You'll be the first Star Wars character on the Climate Justice League.

Shall I bring your light saber to you in your rubber room?


So how are you planning on celebrating Trump's reelection in November?



As you know, like trumpf, you sold your soul to the Devil (he's a idiot) to come back and do the same job as before amongst another gang of mugs

No, the Party of the Jackass is the Party of Satan. Satan's attributes run rampant throughout the Party of the Jackass.
I followed the story. I don't recall "Alt-Right" being mentioned.

That's quite surprising. Not just because they did mention the Alt-Right by name, but because self-proclaimed Alt-Right figures were there. Did you follow this on Fox? They might have ignored the Alt-Right and just called everyone there a "Socialist" or something.

That's countryist. Learn what "racist" means.

You could make the argument that it was xenophobic, not racist, if the Squad actually were all immigrants. However, three of them were born and raised in America. The reason Trump said this is because it's a common trope said by people who don't want non-white people in America. Neo-Nazis and Klansmen have always said Blacks should "go back" to Africa, even though most American Blacks have never even been to Africa.
It would be like if he insulted four Irish politicians by saying they're a bunch of alcoholic criminals who fight all day. Even without him specifically using the word "Irish," we'd all understand the trope he's using and why he's using it.

This is multilayered dishonesty.

Did Trump write that or did someone else? Why are you including that in this list? Just because you allow yourself to be totally tooled by the media doesn't mean I do."]"]

By the way, is Jeb Bush's wife an immigrant from another country? Yes or no? Might that influence Jeb Bush's view on immigration? Yes or no? Why did you include this item in your list?

His wife is from Mexico. The reason I included it is because Trump implied that all Mexicans are illegal by saying he has to like "Mexican Illegals" due to his Mexican wife.
I do agree that her being an immigrant could influence Jeb Bush in that he might be more open to accepting immigration, even specifically immigrants from Mexico. But why bring up illegals? This was a clear attempt at painting all Mexicans as illegal.

This has been hashed and rehashed. It was a court case. Trump employed the optimal strategy. He One is not a racist for employing a strategy in court.

Oh, I 100% agree. Trump is not a racist. He simply uses racism when it benefits him.

Do you have anything that is actually evidence of racism, i.e. action that negatively impacted a race?

No, because that wasn't my point. My point is that Trump acts racist when he thinks it will benefit him, such as sucking up to the Alt-Right.
That's quite surprising. Not just because they did mention the Alt-Right by name,...
Sure, I'm not saying that the term "Alt-Right" was never mentioned. I am saying that I don't recall it. I believe that a term like that would stand out and that I would remember it ... but I don't recall it.

I followed the event on no-name news articles (i.e. I don't remember the sources) and from listening to YouTube commentary (i.e. do a search on the event and listen to the first four videos). What I found amazing is the vast numbers of people who are apparently omnisicent and assert with absolute certainty "details" that I could not verify no matter how much research I performed, i.e. everybody seems to be bullshitting about that event. What I saw in the videos was a vast crowd of BLM initiating violence on the small group of KKK as they marched to where they were going to demonstrate. I can't find a single leftist that will acknowledge this.

You could make the argument that it was xenophobic, not racist,
If that were the case then yes, xenophobia would apply to those of different countries. However, Trump was making the standard comment that I and others make to people who live in the US but bash on the US, i.e. "If you don't like it here, fuck'n leave, dumbass ... you won't be missed." Do you imagine that I wouldn't say that to Rep Omar? I'll tell her that she can sit on this and spin around. And no, I do not "fear" her or have any sort of phobia. I have a profound lack of respect.

It would be like if he insulted four Irish politicians by saying they're a bunch of alcoholic criminals who fight all day.
I love "Drunk Irishman" jokes.

As Trump is about to call Ukraine President Zalenskyy, he notices that one of the guys who will be taking notes for the transcript is a drunk Irishman. Trump asks him "Hey, are you OK to do this? Can you even see straight?" The Irishman, stumbling a bit says "Of course I can! We ALL can. I'm a lightbulb!" Trump says to him "Well stop being a lightbulb and get ready to take notes for my call." The Irishman looks a bit confused, shrugs his shoulders and heads for the door. Trump asks "Wait, where do you think you're going?" The Irishman answers "I guess I'm going to have to work from home today. You don't expect me to work in the dark, do you?"


Kylie Finnigan moves to a new town and quickly finds a quality pub. The bartender asks him what he's having and Finnigan responds "One shot of Jameson for me and one more for my brother Patrick." The bartender asks Kylie if Patrick will be joining him. "No," replies Kylie, "my brother is not able to be with me. He had to remain behind to care for our mother ... but as long as he is alive, I'm going to drink one in his honor every day ... my brother Patrick!" So the bartender sets up the two shots and Kylie slams one and then the other.

The next day at the same time, Kylie returns to the pub and tells the bartender "Same thing ... one for me and one for my brother." The following day, the exact same thing. And then again, and again. For four months this continues until finally one day Kylie enters the bar with a cold look on his face, he trudges up to the bar and tells the bartender "There's been a bit of a change. Just pour me one from now on." The bartender asks "I don't mean to pry but did something happen to your brother Patrick?" Kylie answers "To patrick? Oh, no ... today I quit drinking."

His wife is from Mexico. The reason I included it is because Trump implied that all Mexicans are illegal ...
Nope. Trump made the bogus claim that Jeb Bush would be in favor of illegal immigration. It's not racist; it's illogical.

Oh, I 100% agree. Trump is not a racist. He simply uses racism when it benefits him.
If it weren't a court case then it would be bigotry, not racism. However, it was a court strategy to get the judge removed. All's fair. All strategies that are permitted are permitted.

My point is that Trump acts racist when he thinks it will benefit him, such as sucking up to the Alt-Right.
I claim that Trump isn't going to suck up to a group of only twenty-thirty people.