Trump will never win over most Jewish voters... OPEN THREAD

Is that what said ...
Bubba thought you might have been trying to say that the ball-gag was too tight ... but he couldn't make out what you were saying so he presumed that everything was OK. However he said the way your eyes begged for more was unmistakeable.

Just stay there at the credenza, Bubba has some nice toys for you.

Bubba thought you might have been trying to say that the ball-gag was too tight ... but he couldn't make out what you were saying so he presumed that everything was OK. However he said the way your eyes begged for more was unmistakeable.

Just stay there at the credenza, Bubba has some nice toys for you.


Is "Bubba" your daddy? Are you the retarded kid in "Deliverance" all grown up and "Bubba" is the Hillbilly assfucker AKA Daddy?

What was your mommy doing during all of this?
Most Jews don't vote for Trump because we don't share his values

First of all, most American Jews have a close connection to immigrants. Many of us are second, third or fourth generation immigrants. We feel strongly that refugees escaping persecution should be able to seek safety and shelter in America because throughout our history we have been persecuted and forced to flee to save our lives.

We have been on many refugee caravans. Ferdinand and Isabella evicted us from Spain, the tsars used pogroms to chase us out of Russia and we fled on boats and trains and by foot from the Nazis. We support today’s refugees because we know they could have been us.

We also support civil rights and diversity. We know what it’s like to be an oppressed minority for we “were strangers in the land of Egypt.”

We may feel very comfortable and secure in America, but we recoil when any American is targeted as “the other” — whether it be the Mexican you accuse of being a rapist or the Muslim you stereotype as being a terrorist — because so often we have been “otherized."

The Jew with horns, the Jewish moneylender, the Jew with dual “loyalties.” We know that a frenzied mob calling for an American citizen of color to be kicked out of the country might be chanting to kick us out too one day soon. For there is one thing we know for sure: Those folks who don’t like people because they are black, brown or Muslims don’t like Jews much either.

But we also know the signs of an eroding democracy: demonizing of a free press, false claims about a rigged electoral process, the undermining of an independent judiciary, to name a few. When a charismatic leader scapegoats minorities for society’s ills and claims that “I alone can fix it,” our deeply engrained Jewish warning lights start flashing red. We have seen this play before.

Trump can order a Star of David be placed on the American flag, but I will never vote for someone with values so antithetical to mine. These values I consider essential to me as a Jew.
I get the distinct impression that you are in for some sort of very rude awakening and that we are going to find you wailing in the streets.


So yes, let's meet up for coffee on November 4, sometime after you have been sedated, to discuss how the election went, how the Jews voted, etc...

I'll bring you a KOTEX to TRY ON OR cry on! LOL!
Most Jews don't vote for Trump because we don't share his values
Wrong! You don't speak for anyone but yourself.

Many of us are second, third or fourth generation immigrants.
Wrong! You don't speak for anyone but yourself. You were probably born in the US and raised with an entitlement mentality. Why are you so insecure that you can't just write "This is just my opinion"? Are you terrified at the number of Jews breaking ranks to support Trump? Your pathetic denial has no effect on reality.



Your insecurity is so transparent and your intellectual cowardice gives you away. Why do you create threads and bar opposing viewpoints that you can't handle? Oh, that's right ... you can't handle them.

I'll bring you a KOTEX to TRY ON OR cry on! LOL!

IBDa/INT/gfm/etc needs a lot more help than a piece of cotton can solve. He's intelligent, but has some serious issues.

A good rule of thumb to differentiate the wackadoodles from normal people is 1) the size of their font and 2) the size of their signature. IBDa/INT/gfm/etc is very if I'm writing anything new.

Have you seen his manifesto? His fake website? This guy has waaaaaay too much time on his hands. Ted-Kaczynski-living-alone-in-the-woods kind of time.
Is "Bubba" your daddy?

I discovered Bubba one day down in the Mississippi Gulf Coast when some friends of mine and I became hungry and wanted to stop to eat. We saw a little shack with a sign "Bubba's All You Can Eat." So we pulled on up and there was 460-lbs Bubba greeting people at the door. We went on in and the buffet spread looked good so we grabbed plates, loaded them up with food, sat down at out table and began to chow down. I was the first to finish my first plate so I got up, went to the buffet area, grabbed a clean plate and was fixin' to fill it when Bubba's huge hand was on my shoulder pulling me back. He pointed my empty plate back over at the table and said "That's All You Can Eat."

I knew he'd be perfect for you, especially with both hands on your shoulders.
I discovered Bubba one day down in the Mississippi Gulf Coast when some friends of mine and I became hungry and wanted to stop to eat. We saw a little shack with a sign "Bubba's All You Can Eat." So we pulled on up and there was 460-lbs Bubba greeting people at the door. We went on in and the buffet spread looked good so we grabbed plates, loaded them up with food, sat down at out table and began to chow down. I was the first to finish my first plate so I got up, went to the buffet area, grabbed a clean plate and was fixin' to fill it when Bubba's huge hand was on my shoulder pulling me back. He pointed my empty plate back over at the table and said "That's All You Can Eat."

I knew he'd be perfect for you, especially with both hands on your shoulders.
Your relatives must be very close.
A good rule of thumb to differentiate the wackadoodles from normal people is 1) the size of their font and 2) the size of their signature.
A better rule is to look at the size of one's signature envy. If someone feels insecure by the larger size of someone else's signature, it's a good bet that Bubba is giving the "jack-hammer" over a credenza.

A better rule is to look at the size of one's signature envy. If someone feels insecure by the larger size of someone else's signature, it's a good bet that Bubba is giving the "jack-hammer" over a credenza.

I have no doubt you truly believe those words.
guno was pretending to speak for all Jews. He banned me from the thread so that I couldn't remind him that he only speaks for himself. He created the thread to serve as his imaginary "safe space" whereby he could keep out all opposing viewpoints.

guno is a first class snowflake, an intellectual coward and probably not even a Jew.



AND I bet he smells.........................pretty badly!;)