Trump will never win over most Jewish voters... OPEN THREAD

In fact, you don't get much broader.

Actually I can get much broader than that. Influenza was called the Asian Flu.

Why not just call it by it's scientific name, COVID-19 or coronavirus? And if you want to make it easier, just call it the Wuhan virus because it's extremely specific.

In fact, why not call it Chinese Communist virus? I mean there's a theory that they're the one who had the virus deliberately created and released.
No, no, no ... as long as you are going to blame someone else whenever I fuck with you, you're going to be my best friend. Actually, you're going to be my bitch. Bend over.

Thanks for both the confession and the offer, but you'll have to continue to play hide the vienna sausage with INT and gfm.
There's a reason you had to become accustomed to it.

You still haven't given me any specific advantage to having a sock. You said merely that I could be dishonest. I could very well be dishonest without a sock so I don't see what advantage I would gain with a sock, and apparently you can't think of any either.

Yet despite not having any rational basis you pursue this belief with fervent conviction. Psychology has a special term for this.

By the way, I'm more than happy to snipe you and have you blame someone else. You make this too easy.

Correct. It's the favorite word of lowlife beta males behind their manager's/supervisor's back. It's part of the job to have a thick skin.

That's one reason why Trump is such a shitty leader: He's a thin-skinned cowardly invertebrate. He doesn't take criticism well, he doesn't do his fucking job and he lies constantly. I can see why you like him so much.

If you're not a sock, why are you so interested in whether or not someone thinks you are? You keep pointing out all of my faults and your personal superiority so why do you care what I or anyone else thinks for believes about your sock puppets and fake forum? Your manifesto? All the other BS you posted on your little Boy's Club?
No, no, no ... as long as you are going to blame someone else whenever I fuck with you, you're going to be my best friend. Actually, you're going to be my bitch. Bend over.

Go for it. I welcome more interaction with you and your sock puppet army. Yeah, you keep playing the ITG, but really you're just revealing how lame you are. Brave behind a keyboard isn't brave, kid.

BTW, I really enjoyed your product review:

Thanks for both the confession and the offer, but you'll have to continue to play hide the vienna sausage with INT and gfm.
I'm sure you'll play your games with all of us, right? Because that's just the friendly, playful play-buddy you are. I've got a credenza just the right height for you.
Disagreed, but it's good you stopped using that mantra manifesto bullshit.
Absolutely not. I was just getting to that. You are in violation of these, just to name a few:

1) Ad Hominem
2) Feigning Ignorance or False Pretense of Nonunderstanding
3) Proselytizing Condescension or Missionary Insolence
4) False Source
a) Diversionary URL or Holy Link
b) Non-Authoritative Source
c) Misquote or Mischaracterization of Position (intentional or otherwise)
d) 'official' list or data where none exists
e) use of 'obvious' source or definition where none exists
f) use of credential or 'expert' as authoritative source, or 'expert' worship.
g) use of court to replace or supersede a constitution.
h) adding or subtracting from a constitution.
i) failing to acknowledge or reassigning ownership of a constitution.
5) Bulverism
6) Feigning Partnership or Offer to Work Together or Insincere Desire to Work Through the Math
7) Claiming Victory Fallacy or Pretending Someone has Conceded Defeat
8) Logic Redefinition Fallacy
a) "official" list of fallacies.
b) mockery of fallacies or using fake fallacies.
9) Compositional error fallacy
a) objective (involving neither people nor genetics)
b) bigotry
c) racism
10) Semantic Hijacking Fallacy or Word Redefinition Fallacy
a) Claiming "Neutralization" is either "Acidifcation" or "Alkalinization" (Chemistry)
b) Abusing the word "Heat" or "temperature" (Physics)
c) Abusing the word "Fact" (Philosophy/Logic)
d) Abusing the word "real" or "reality"
e) Defining a word or phrase with itself
f) heat or flow as net heat or net flow
g) conflation of 'accuracy', 'precision', 'reliability', 'tolerance', 'margin of error'.
h) conflation of 'debate', 'conversation', 'preaching'.
i) abuse of the word 'proof'.
j) semantics fixation.
11) Complexity Cop-out
12) Accusation of Deficient Education or Pretense Someone is Unable to Understand
13) Accusation of Mental Defect Fallacy or Labelling as Insane or Delusional
14) Argument of the Stick or Argument by Threat
15) Pivot Fallacy or Non-sequitur Statement
a) attempt to return to old conversation.
b) spamming across threads.
c) Goalpost or special pleading fallacy.
16) Contextomy Fallacy
a) word salad
b) off topic wanderings
c) conflation of topic ("your expert is wrong", "all experts are wrong?")
17) Inversion Fallacy
18) No True Scotsman Fallacy
19) Pascal's Wager Fallacy
20) Science Denial
a) Violation of Thermodynamics
1) first law of thermodynamics
2) second law of thermodynamics
3) ignoring conduction or convection
4) conflating total thermal energy with temperature.
5) denial of Kirchoff's law.
b) Violation of Stefan-Boltzmann
1) addition of frequency term
2) removal of emissivity constant or treating emissivity as a variable
3) imposing a sequence
4) radiance from under a surface
5) failure to consider the 'surface' effects of a radiating gas.
6) use of harmonic radiance (emission by electron drop, or 'cold' emission) as blackbody radiance (emission by temperature, or 'hot emission)
c) Confusing Correlation with Causality
d) Reversal Fallacy or Swapping Cause with Effect
e) Science Malpractice
1) Maligning Valid Science (i.e. treating models that still have not been shown to be false as though they have)
2) Presentation of Bogus/Altered Models (aka gibber-babble) as Science
3) Critical Omission
f) Pretending a Cycle is an Accumulation or Vice Versa
g) conflating different forms of energy
h) conflating two systems as one system
i) declare a closed system as open
j) use of data as 'science'.
k) use of credential or institution as 'science'.
l) use of research as 'science'
m) 'application' voiding a theory of science
o) data or assertion by subjunctive (what something "should" be)
p) data or assertion by proxy (attributing a measure to something that wasn't measured)
q) quantum mechanics
1) absorption always results in thermal energy
2) absorption always occurs (denial of reflection, transparency, etc)
3) quanta state change occurs before lower energy quanta state change
4) periodic table denial
5) assigning temperature to photons, electrons, protons, etc.
6) denial of quanta, the photoelectric effect, or Einstein or Max Planck's investigation of it.
7) denial of de Broglie's theory equating waves and particles.
8) denial of Heisenberg's uncertainty principle.
9) denial of Schrodinger's equations or his model of the atom.
r) chemistry (denial of acid-base, bonding energy, treating components the same as the composite, etc.)
1) acid-base. Treating pH as a linear scale. Denial of buffering.
2) molecular conflation (C for CO2, CO3 conjugate as CO2, OH as H, etc)
3) denial of Gibb's law (thermodynamics of bonding)
4) burning of carbonates or fossils or oxy-reduct problem
5) Equilibria problem, such as ignoring it.
6) Partial pressure problem, such as ignoring it.
7) density of ice vs liquid water problem.
8) latent heat problem
9) denial of Heitler and London's theory of bonding.
10) denial of matter state transitions, or denial of critical point.
11) confusing state transition (or the failure of one) with a chemical reaction.
s) Imposing a sequence where none exists (such as trapping thermal energy momentarily)
t) Confusing "peer review" with science or with anything other than a publishing validation
u) denial of any of Newton's laws of motion or gravity.
v) denial of Planck's laws or any integration of it over area.
w) denial of properties of light
1) denial of thermal radiance
2) denial of harmonic radiance
3) conflating reflection with radiance
4) spectrum dichotomy problem (absorption=zero amplitude, etc)
5) conflation of amplitude
6) conflation of frequency or wavelength
7) denial of self contained nature of light or use of the Aether
x) Wien's law
y) denial of laws of electricity or magnetism
1) Gauss's law
2) Fusing, shielding, and grounding
3) Ampere's law
4) Ohm's law
5) Maxwell's equations
6) Law of induction.
7) denial of radio as light
8) tuned circuits or selectivity
9) capacitance
10) Kirchoff's law
z) instrumentation problem
1) conflating accuracy, precision, reliability, tolerance, or assigning a 'margin of error' to an instrument.
2) 'measuring' something that isn't being measured.
3) 'measuring' by invalid conversion of units or energy.
21) Historical Revisionism
a) speaking for the dead.
b) randU problem.
c) precedence as proof
d) semantic fallacy
e) character assassination or absolvence.
f) presentism (projecting today's morals into the past)
g) historical fallacy (2020 hindsight.
22) Jabberwocky - Void Argument, Undefined Terms or Emtpy Buzzwords Fallacy
a) global warming
b) climate change
c) climate science
d) Use of 'expert' as a title of nobility.
e) net heat, net flow, etc.
f) pollution
g) greenhouse gas or greenhouse effect.
h) void argument fallacy
23) Argument of the Stone
a) Dismissal as Cherry-Picking
b) failure to acknowledge valid source.
24) False equivalence
a) False dichotomy
25) Math Error or Argument by RandU
a) Base-Rate Fallacy
b) Dependent/Independent Variable Conflation (often related to fallacy 20d above)
c) Margin of Error Failure (Statistics)
1) confusing margin of error with tolerance, accuracy, etc.
2) failure to account for margin of error or denying the margin of error requirement.
3) failure to declare and justify variance, or denying the variance requirement.
d) Selection Bias (Statistics)
e) Cooked or otherwise Bogus Data Source (Statistics)
f) Contrivance as Proof
g) argument by randU as data (use of random numbers made up out of someone's head or an algorithm out of someone's head)
h) argument by randR as data (use of random numbers from repeatable source like dice)
i) argument by randN as data or as randR or randU (use of nonrepeating random numbers like cards)
j) confusing scalar with set (temperature has a range, use of range as a single value, etc.)
k) unit incompatibility (use of watts for temperature, etc)
l) conflation of unit (averages of average as 'average', etc)
m) area or volume problems, including conflation of areas or volumes.
n) misuse or denial of probability math.
o) algebraic error.
p) denial or error of derivative or integration.
26) Fixation or Irrelevant Obsession
27) Mockery
28) Argument of Ignorance
29) Question Already Answered (QAA) or "Asked and Answered" or the tmiddles Question of the Broken Record
30) Abuse of opinion
a) Assigning bogus opinion to someone and attacking him for it. (pulling a "TMiddles")
b) Adopting someone's opinion then pretending his opinion is something else.
c) Prohibition of an opinion.
31) Claims Knowledge via Omniscience or Fabrication Fallacy or the tmiddles declaration of "What We Know"
a) Abusing "to know" instead of correctly expressing "to believe"
32) Misusing the word "Scientific" to mean "Holy" or "Sacred"
33) Erroneously Declaring a Theory to be Science
a) climate 'science'
b) greenhouse effect
34) Pretending to Speak for Others
a) Authority that Cannot be Cross-Examined
35) Claiming Opponent Holds a Minority View or Argumentum ad Populum
a) Dismissal as Conspiracy Theory
b1) Dismissal as Unconventional (e.g. anti-Evolution, anti-Big Bang, Flat-Earth, Anti-Radiometric Dating, Moon Landing is a Hoax, etc..)
b2) Bandwagon (i.e. you are stupid if you are not onboard with my argument)
c) Draping the Flag (i.e. you are going against OUR group/team/country if you don't accept/agree)
d) Elitest Highbrow (e.g. all the smart people agree, all the scientists concur, use of 'experts', etc...
36) Unnecessary Requirements (e.g. you must provide a peer-review paper that supports your argument, you need to have a PhD to comment, etc.)
a) demand for peer review
b) demand for credential
c) demand for URL
d) demand for book or paper
e) demand for subjective or void (prove I never said that!)
37) Proof by consensus (an attempt to conduct a proof by consensus, also known as 'confirmation bias' or 'confirmation proof'.)
a) Proof by name dropping ("NASA said so", used as proof)
b) Proof by poll
c) Proof by "the data"
d) Proof by credential (whether real or imagined) or use of 'expert' as proof.
e) Proof by consensus where none exists.
38) Shifting the Burden (e.g. require opponents to disprove your assertion/argument)
a) Cops & Robbers Fallacy ("I shot you" "No you didn't") i.e. claiming your assertion/argument still stands because you dismissed the falsification/refutation thereof
b) attempted force of negative proof fallacy
39) Invalid proof
a) proof by circular argument or proof by faith
b) proof by 'expert' or credential
c) proof by supporting evidence
d) proof by void falsification
e) proof by time
f) proof by false or void authority
g) proof by repetition
h) proof within open functional system
i) proof by 'fact'
j) proof by bad math
k) proof by denial or paradox
l) proof by bulverism
m) proof by buzzword
n) proof by void
o) proof by conflation
p) proof by irrelevance, i.e. presumed refutation is immaterial or unrelated, e.g. "you posted this at an odd hour," "I was right last time," "You must be a sock,"etc.; or by contextomy.
q) proof by compositional error, including bigotry or racism.

... so chew on that. Hey, I forgot, what sock am I using now? Would you let me know? Your credenza is waiting for you.
Go for it. I welcome more interaction with you and your sock puppet army.

Outstanding. Ease on up to the credenza.
